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25 Aug 2024



I was in a movie theater and the movie was about how me and my friends were trying to escape, and I was winning the levels, once the movie was over I realized I was in a movie theater watching that with my class

25 Aug 2024

New Home


I was on a work trip with my colleagues and we went to this new local place where we were potentially going to collaborate on some creative projects. The building was multilevel and had many different areas for different activities. One area was designated for eating, another for studying or working, another for physical activity, and another for meditation. I was impressed that our city had such an interesting space. At one point when we were at the food court, I noticed the wait staff were on stilts and one of the servers was turned on their penis was exposed. He didn’t even notice he was turned on or exposed until one of his coworkers told him. He became embarrassed but also laughed about it. At another point I discovered a place for blind dancing. Where the work was dark and there was music, the floors were a slippery texture so it made it easy to slide around and have fun. I spent a lot of time here trying to get the hang of it.




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25 Aug 2024

Abandoned home


Yo I just had this dream that had me in sleep paralysis. Well like when I lay in bed I kind of meditate which lets me lucid dream so I know I’m dreaming but shit is unbelievable. I was kinda shaking in my sleep fighting this darkness right. Until I like asked it what it want. It said it’s name was Lucy. I think it got shot at this factory of immigrant workers.Or it was like a hotel and this dude shot at her. So like I went back before it happened played this dude and I guess it was to play it again like relive it to the point. And this time I found the guy for Lucy, sat him in the chair, pointed his gun at him, Lucy was there and I ask what she wanted to do. She wanted to kill him but was scared so I did for her. She cried cops came I ran. I remember one of the cars saying jaguar sheriff county. I ran into this abandon waste lot and then woke up.

25 Aug 2024



I dreamt about going to a place like a school for a class. The instructor wants to go over homework apparently I didn't do it. My seat mate did and offered to let me copy but I only did for some of them but when I looked at the page with the prompt and it looked like the page was redacted by another teacher. Some of the stuff I wasn't understanding and I just put down random answers. I tried to explain it to her that it was redacted by someone and she didn't want to hear it. So I left to the bathroom after one of the other classmates left and I just walked around I believe. And I think I tried to go into one of the other classrooms but it didn't work out. I remember coming back at like a break time and I went to stand near the jackets cuz I was frustrated but someone's zipper that was hanging from their jacket got caught and like an earring. I guess I was wearing and the person had to pull it off me and it broke but then apparently it was their earring and they always supposed to wear it because one of their significant others and the same class has some issue with me which was very frustrating cuz they had called me out saying I guess I did something and the boyfriend tried to explain that he just broke his ear in by accident and it wasn't anything dramatic like that. Well I guess the class was over. Oh we when they had like a barbecue set up on the bispig campus and I noticed there was this guy with like a blue syringe like stuck to his head walking around and I wanted to thank him for something but I couldn't remember who I was but I was at some point able to like. Thank him and then the oysters were being barbecued. I went to have them but they didn't look right and asked if they were done and he didn't know and I noticed that it was still has water in. It weren't dried like how you're supposed to do them. So I told him hey and in Spanish wait till it stops throwing out water with the bubbles and that's when you know they're done okay. He appreciated that. And a girl who is accusing me of doing something weird with her boyfriend had to said I had told her they weren't goodn she asked if anyone could help or anyone and so I got up to go help her but since We weren't good quite yet and she got up since And are you f****** kidding me and I told her don't eat them. She ate them and they weren't good and then she wanted to fight me. So I broke an oyster and started stabbing her with it and I won. Then it pans to a different dream. My husband and my brother and I were in a car and it looks like they're going to run into a lady but she's not moving. She jumps on like the bumper or the front end and she opens the truck and she's trying to like get stuff from the engine and I said hey like you guys and they like didn't do anything so I jumped out the car and I like Pusher off and she asked like what's the problem like what the hell are you trying to do taking s*** for my truck like the f*** and she don't want to take me seriously so I got a pineapple core tool and I started cutting her hands off with it and she at first said it didn't bother her but I kept twisting it into her hands till it started really cutting into her hands badly and she wanted me to stop but I didn't cuz she was trying to steal from me and she needed to learn and my person look like she was enjoying it fine. And that is all that I can remember

25 Aug 2024



In my dream, my eldest child, Kota, took some kind of drug they were given by their friend (it should be noted that in reality, my child hasn't ever tried drugs and doesn't drink) and ended up kidnapping several kids, ranging in ages from 2 - 7, and bringing them to my house for safe keeping. In the dream, I lived in a big house deep in the forest with my husband and my youngest daughter. In the dream, I found out what was going on because I woke up (in the dream) to a little blonde girl on the side of my bed talking to me like I was her mom. I immediately got up and held her because she was crying, and started asking questions about what was going on. She told me some girl had brought her and others here and she missed her mommy. I found Kota and got angry, yelling that kidnapping is illegal and these kids are terrified and want to go home. Kota was still high on whatever drug they were given - by thar point, the messaging seemed to be that it was a fairy who had drugged them and it was the fairy's drug that was making Kota believe these kids needed to be saved. I told Kota that they'd lost their mind and they either need to return the kids, or I'd call the police. They kept saying I don't understand. I started walking around to figure out how many kids were there (I interacted with 3). When I tried to round up everyone to get to a car so i could return them to their homes, female lions and a bear showed up outside the house and were just blocking the exit, preventing us from leaving. I woke up from the dream still trying to figure out a way to return the children.

25 Aug 2024



I had a dream where I was being taught by a famous doctor about how to become a doctor myself. There was a boy there that was in a wheel chair and no one took him seriously because they thought he wouldn’t be fast enough. Then there were these other guys that just interrupted our class and said that we all were coming with him and if we don’t there’ll be bad consequences. They brought us to a small hospital in a small town where there was barely any people in. There was a really rich guy who was sick and no one at all could figure out what was wrong with him at all. Our doctor teacher told us we needed to give him some ideas on what it could be. But then two crazy people came out of nowhere, one that could run really fast like the flash, and the other who was strong and can fly like superman. Everyone else in the class was running around crazy while I and the boy in the wheelchair helped our teacher look for what made him so sick and then I figured it out and gave it to our teacher, he was very greatful and said I was his favourite. We super duper put some stuff in the rich guys body and started running away from the super evil guys that were trying to stop us from saving the rich guy. We found some bikes and all of us tried to get on them together but some of us just had to run. The boy in the wheelchair couldn’t run like we were because of the mud on the ground cause it just stopped raining. I ended up falling of the bike because I had troubles holding on properly, the boy in the wheelchair saved me in the nick of time before the evil superman got me, I don’t know how he got me so fast and it was still muddy I thought he couldn’t go through it. He said to me that he found some better wheels that had more grip on them and wanted to catch up on us to be with us. I said thanks for saving me and he kinda blushed and said no problem. So I went to hop off and start running again to catch up with everyone but he said to stay on his lap and he could get us there, but I was worried I’d be too heavy for him to go fast with his wheelchair. He said that I wasn’t bothering him and he said he had strong arm muscles, winked at me and started to move again. When we caught up our teacher was so relieved that I was ok and that he was worrying about me. To me he felt like a father figure. After managing to get out of the town and losing the evil guys the mini hospital called our teacher and said thank u for saving his life we got rid of the weird ones and put them in a cell that they can never get out of. I told my friends what the boy in the wheelchair did for me and I think that I kind of have a crush on him now. Everyone was surprised how he managed to get here with us and apologized for laughing at him in the classroom. The righ guy told his team to come pick us up and bring us home.

25 Aug 2024



This dreams was actually so funny! Me and my friends Jessica and Destiny were walking through a mall. It wasn't busy at all. We were just browsing some of the stores when Destiny asked if we could wait for her to get her makeup done. Jess and I said it was no problem. So Destiny went into the makeup store amd jess amd I sat down on the floor amd leaned against the wall outside the store. We were just talking about twilight and how cringe it is, but how it's still fun to watch because of the cringe. Then Jess got the idea to go sing the Hoa Hoa Hoa part into the empty mall. We were on the second floor, so she went and stood bu the railing that looked over the first floor and sang. It wasn't long just that part of the song everyone is making a joke of, but she sang it so perfectly, I was amazed. She then realized there were more people below than she thought and got embarrassed and came back over to me. But then everyone started coming up to Jess asking if thatbwas her singing, either to tell her that her voice is amazing or that they also love twilight. Jess took the compliments bashfully. Once Destiny was done we all started walking towards another section of the mall. We were so busy trying to get Jess away from her new fans that we didn't get the chance to look at Destiny's makeup. Once we stopped for a moment and we finally got a good look, Jess and I both tried amd failed to contain our laughter. Destiny said she'd asked for a drag look cuz she wanted something bold and dramatic, but they made her look like handsome squidward but with a very pointy hot pink nose. It was done so well but it just looked so bad it was hilarious. I was trying to ask Destiny how she felt about it, because she didn't seem happy with it either, but I couldn't stop laughing. I could tell people were looking at us but I didn't care, we were having a great time. Eventually Destiny looked at herself agin and also started laughing. I couldn't breathe I was laughing so much. I leaned against a table to catch my breath, then i started laughing again and finally woke up. I even woke up laughing.

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