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24 Jun 2024

Demon possession


I'm in Germany And uncle Keris wants head surgery. I met my grandpa brother in the WC, grandpa was crying. When I came out of the toilet, uncle Keris was about to be brought into the operating room when suddenly he was possessed with horror. And everything there was slammed, I ran over there. Fight and scold the demon Finally the demon left




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

24 Jun 2024



I was at home, it was actually my parentsā€™ place and I had just woke up in bed when my boss called, I was exhausted but wanted to answer (yestwrday i worked the night shift, i was super tired), so i did but I mumbled something and didnā€™t understand what he was saying, then I went again to bed, thinking Iā€™ll think about it in the morning. Then I was somewhere and I left all my old uniforms from my old job there, but everyone could see or take them, it was a public space. Then my boss was there, I remembered wanting to be liked by him, he was so nice to me, then he was at my place complementing my place. And then I confessed I didnā€™t get what he told me before on the phone cause I was sleeping and he repeated, and it was something about the weather and going to Naples ( in live in Rome, itā€™s not far). In the dream I was attracted to my boss, in real life he is attractive but I donā€™t like him that way, he is very aggressive, strict, hot headed, and doesnā€™t treat people he does not like much with respect. I think he likes me a bit in real life cause he is kinder to me

24 Jun 2024



So it starts out at this house, everyone has their own chores. Iā€™m doing dishes and I remember ranting to my sister about how I donā€™t like doing them and I just wish people would wash them after using them so I wouldnā€™t have to do a lot in a day and how itā€™s different for other families. As the day goes on towards the night, my sister and I go to this party/club. My sister takes me to it with her girlfriend. I meet my cousin which in reality I havenā€™t met in awhile but I meet her at the party in my dream and I kind of just sit down at a table. I know a couple of people there, theyā€™re all people from my childhood or past. It almost feels like Iā€™ve been there before in like another dream. I wave hi to my cousin whoā€™s across the room from me, and she looks kind of sad but I brush it off. My sister and her girlfriend are like flirting a little. I see my ex-boyfriend Jonathan to my left but on the other side of the room. He looked at me for a second and he started to act weird. I kind of just brushed it off because why was he acting weird? He would look at me every now and then and itā€™s weird because I wouldnā€™t have to look at him to know he was looking at me because I could feel when he would. Later on, my dad texts me and actually thereā€™s a part in my dream where I recall already have being there from a past dreamā€¦ This guy at the party passes out papers to everyone and I call out to everyone ā€œnot to open it because itā€™s the same paper as last time.ā€ Itā€™s a black folder and it has like papers and documents in it but I donā€™t remember what the papers had on them. Shortly after the paper situation, my dad texts me and says ā€œmy cousin is here with me and supposedly she works at midnight, but that when she gets off of work sheā€™s gonna fuck-ā€and he cuts off the sentence. So I texted him ā€œwhat do you mean?ā€ And he replied ā€œdonā€™t worry about itā€ and I was told him to just tell me but he didnā€™t say anything and instead said ā€œjust be thankful youā€™re there early?ā€ I donā€™t know what he meant by that. So I didnā€™t brush that off, I was kind of worried about because who was she gonna have sex with? Was she gonna have sex with Jonathan? Or her boyfriend that she was talking to? I looked her way and I didnā€™t see her over there where she was earlier and so I started to wonder what my dad meant by after work? Because she was literally already here earlier. My cousin walks in the minute Iā€™m done thinking that. I wave high and sheā€™s all happy, and I look at her, and she comes over at me. I tell her to come with me to the bathroom and ask her if I can talk to her for a second. Everyone looks at me weird and she was like ā€œI canā€™t really do that, thereā€™s nowhere to go.ā€ But thereā€™s a bathroom to the right of us so I grab her arm and rush her into the bathroom with me. While weā€™re going to the bathroom, Jonathan stares me down, and I freak out on the inside. So when we get into the bathroom, I ask her ā€œwho are you going to have sex with tonight?ā€ She told me ā€œOh no, I canā€™t tell you that.ā€ So then I ask her, ā€œis it Jonathan?ā€ And sheā€™s like ā€œno.ā€ So I ask if itā€™s her boyfriend and she says no, again. Almost as if sheā€™s just going to say no to anyone I ask for. She also got nervous when I asked who it was. I start thinking, ā€œwhat am I gonna do if itā€™s Jonathan?ā€ I kind of just brushed the situation off a little, and these two other girls were wanting to go in the bathroom. So I kind of like packed up the conversation and they kept playing with the doorknob, and I tried to hold it so they wouldnā€™t come in. I let go of it and they came in anyway. I unlocked it and I went to the sink to wash my hands so it wouldnā€™t be weird that people saw the both of us girls go in there together. At this point I realize that the place the party is held at looks like my elementary school cafeteria but the party was just in a small corner and not the full area of space, and I donā€™t even know why Iā€™m at the party to begin with. As Iā€™m there I start to think that itā€™s not really even a party. Which in the beginning of my dream it started off as a party but then it kind of shifts into just this grey building. Like thereā€™s a pool, and tables. A lot of tables actually. But yeah, as we walk out of the bathroom my sister looks at me and asks ā€œwhat happened?ā€ And I was like ā€œnothing, I just had to ask her something.ā€ And everyone went back to work? At this point, Jonathan and I both know that weā€™re both at this party, and weā€™re both looking at each other but he was on his phone and I was trying to brush off the fact that we were even seeing each other at a party in person. It was weird though because our phones were our shoes? I had a whole flip flop as a phone. Jonathan was holding a shoe too. After this part in my dream, it shifts into the morning. Itā€™s just more light. This person calls for groups, so I get up and walk to this friend of mine. Her name is anais. Sheā€™s apart of this like group, so I ask her ā€œhey can I join your group?ā€ Acting like I know what it is, but I donā€™t. She tells me ā€œyeah of course, come with meā€ and she takes me to her friend who has glasses, blond hair, and is really tall. Her friend was like welcome, Iā€™m gonna show you around. Which leads me into a hallway, and room where I see my cousin and she says hey, I say hey back. Then we turn to the side that Jonathan is at. Which was across the whole venue. And I walk down, and he doesnā€™t acknowledge that Iā€™m there but I know he knows that Iā€™m next to him now. He doesnā€™t look at me at all. It felt off about being there, because I think he was signing up for groups too. So, I go all the way down because i donā€™t wanna be next to him. And this teacher, they have us sit at this table with our groups, and itā€™s basically like if thereā€™s a problem we have to solve it within our groups. The first task was there was this clear wall, like a window. You had to figure out if there was a wall there. I didnā€™t think there was a wall there, I thought it was gonna be a piece of cake. Just walking through this clear wall. Because there was nothing there. I was the last one to walk through it because I was the last one in line. I went all the way down. All of the people in front of me were saying there was a window there. But I didnā€™t see or think there was one. They had to somehow climb over it. These two guys were making jokes about it, and I started to laugh about it. So did Jonathan. He had looked back and seen that I was laughing with them. But I look away so that I donā€™t stare him. Itā€™s so weird because in my dream itā€™s like I knew when to look away. I always had a gut instinct telling me when to look away because he was looking at me. It never came my turn, it just shifts into a next meeting. Thatā€™s when I see Jonathan lined up. I go and stand next to where Jonathan was sitting. I kind of just stand there with this other guy who wants to be in club in. Because there were multiple clubs now, club 1, club 2, and 3 and all the way up until club 7. I was in club 7 and my friend was in club 1. I switch clubs because I wanted to be with my friend. So now Iā€™m in club one with my cousin and friend, except I donā€™t really hang out with them because thereā€™s a lot of people in this club so I get stuck with this big guy. Heā€™s really chubby, but smart. And he kind of just let me follow him around. So I sat next to him, but beside me Jonathan appeared. And he tells me he wants to be in club 1. Instead though, he goes around the table. And basically went to where I was sitting in the beginning of my dream. So we basically switched seats. He kind of just stands there looking at me, and the teacher says ā€œyeah Iā€™m watching you Jonathan.ā€ And Jonathan nods his head and he just stares off into the distance and I start to wonder whatā€™s going on. I start questioning if heā€™s okay. At this point I start to question where my sister and her girlfriend are at, because I havenā€™t seen them since earlier and then I wake up from the dream.

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