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26 Aug 2024

Text message


I was spending time with my girlfriend Chelle, we were doing something together and were about to separate. I was taking a long journey somewhere and arrived in the evening. The place has meager accommodation and I had to share a bed with someone. I woke up next to that person and it was Chelle’s ex-husband, Jay. There was no bitterness or tension, we were both mutually trying to make the most of what felt like an uncomfortable situation. We continued to lay in the bed facing separate ways and on our phones. I wanted to text Chelle good morning, but he started talking to me. He basically told me that he got into a car accident in my car he needed to drive for this trip and asked if I had car insurance. I lied and told him I did but it was not true. When then both got out of the bed. I then texted my girlfriend to let her know what was happening, but noticed she was interacting back and forth on the phone with her ex-husband. I started to feel a little tension inside and that’s when he pointed out that he brought my bag I left. I checked all my contents and they were all there as they belonged but I also realized how much personal information was in there and felt vulnerable that he and his family had access to my information potentially. I realized my girlfriend never replied to my text as time went by and I ended up in driving through some industrial area of this new town. As we were driving through, I remember this man bragging about his company aloud as he was directing traffic through his facility. He commented that many men that worked for him were 2nd generation workers, and I remember thinking how cool that was & watching them work in concert. As I was watching and drive my slowly through he scolded and partially threatened me. I pulled over to the next area I could, hoping he come to me and address me out of the car. I noticed my own hostile energy had shifted and when he arrived he noticed it as well. We ended up having a conversation about business and I woke up.




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26 Aug 2024

Abandoned home
Angry at Dad


I was in my room reading my new book about Buddhism, and I had a good chunk of the book read through, and I got to a part that said “you can forgive to let go/move on”. So I had a house party and not even 5 minutes later mawmaw was sitting on the bed with me while I had the book in my hands, and we had a conversation about my dad and how hurt I was by him. I was explaining how I think I’m ready to let go and forgive for what he did, but it still hurts. But I know I need to forgive him to move on. A few seconds later my dad appears at my doorway, and he’s trying so hard to forgive himself. I said “look, look at me. I forgive yo-“ he cuts me off and starts saying stuff like he’s so sorry, he’ll do better, thank you for forgiving me, let’s hang out, etc etc. i said “no.. let me finish. I forgive you BUT I cant see you anymore. I forgive you so that we can both move on from what happened, but I will never forget what you’ve done to me, to us.”. He starts sobbing and bending over holding his head, going into one of his little “oh shit no one believes my story” panic modes, and I just walk away from the both of them. I go to my computer to do some sort of schoolwork, and there was a real colored river in the animated picture of a national park. I remember going to work and looking at the schedule, and my schedule was completely crossed out so I can smoothly transition into my new job irl. I hugged my boss and said thank you so much.

26 Aug 2024



Dreamt I was in a car going to a party and as I was getting on the on ramp I waved to some people I use to work with. I drove to a hotel to check in and then my previous coworker called me to pick her up. All that disappeared. Then I was at home and it was dark outside. My husband was in his truck and started to drive off. I was in my van and I saw a bear walking on two legs in my yard I was driving parallel to it and I was honking my horn. We were looking at each other. The bear scared me. It never walked towards me. My van then stopped because of the trees and the I was backed up to the corn field facing the back of the house and my husband was outside of the truck. The bear approached and was angry. It then jumped on my husband's back pulled his head back and bit his neck. I stopped the dream was able to rewind it and just before the bear bit him shot it in the head. Then I woke up.

26 Aug 2024

Video Game


My girlfriend and I were in a big store doing some shopping with my parents. The store was filled with colorful strange things, floating candy dispensers that would dispense candys and glitter from time to time so kids were there waiting always. A few kids were throwing some lollipops at me after the candys got dispensed, in a good way tho, like they wanted me to have some of their candy. I wanted to leave the store and i couldn’t remember where the exit is so i tried to go through the fire exit where i triggered the silent fire alarm and someone came to me and told me im not allowed to use that exit, they showed me the way back and i found my parents car. After i got in the car i woke up with my girlfriend to an escape room on the edge of a cliff. My girlfriend and i kept getting out and back in like in a circle and she started feeling sick. The girl from the escape room determined that my girlfriend had gonoreea because she googled her symptoms like feeling super cold just like she mentioned before actually going to sleep irl, she also separated her and I because she felt that my girlfriend would not be comfortable telling her the truth in front of me. She sent my girlfriend somewhere. As i walk outside of the escape room , i meet with Laura, an old friend of mine that recently met with Anita to talk about how she got cheated on by her boyfriend radu. We then both saw that Anita was on some kind of paved cliff, we watched her on that cliff and as she was replacing a stone in the pavement it gave in causing her to fall off the edge of the cliff. I ran after her moving everyone aside and yelling make way, when i got there a small kid that looked like my younger self in winter clothes, even if it was hot out there was looking trough the gap Anita fell, i back the kid off and there was his mom on the edge of cliff giving me attitude. I told her what happened and she said anyone can fall through as she showed me that she can just delete any rock from the pavement causing me to fall down the cliff as well. My girlfriend and i reincarnate in the form of two kittens sitting in the backseat my parents car driving back from the store. They were laughing and talking about us as cute kittens. I was watching us from a third person perspective. For a second i blinked and my girlfriend and i respawned as characters from a video game called roblox

26 Aug 2024

My crush


It was a dream that started where I seemed to be in a bouncy park outside. Like the ground was grass, and only the things were a bouncy park. I wondered about if I could hide behind the staff, so I ran and hid in a bush. A few seconds later, I ran out of the bush and went into this indoor trampoline park, but all of the activities were made for two people and because my brother hadn't followed me in, I was alone. I went back outside because I felt embarrassed I didn't have another person. I decided to go in this room that had a huge pool with different sections. My brother was in the pool, nearest to the wall on the right. I got in. He said something but I can't remember what I was. After that, I blasted off on my back through the water, floating the entire width. Then, we were out of the pool, still in the pool room, but with other people. There was this girl called Zara and her best friend called Daisy, and a teacher called Mrs McDonald. The girl Zara, was singing about how she flies through the trees and how she also has a crush on the teacher's daughter, Clara, who wasn't present at the moment. Zara got a certificate. That was where my dream ended.

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