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26 Aug 2024
I was dreaming about being asleep in my bed and hearing voices outside my window. When I went to tell my mama that I heard sounds outside, she said no it’s just the washing machine. I said NO, I really hear something. And when she went to look you could see like 6 guys walking up to the house from the darkness behind the fence. So mom texted Craig, and I said maybe you should call 911. Then you could see quad head lights come up the path from Craig’s and now there was snow. The guys took off in their truck ripping through the field on the way to the gate by Craig’s as he chased them plowing through the snow. Then they were in a picker truck stuck but the gate and then I woke up.
I remember being inside of a school building that was similar to my son’s elementary school. In the school there was a type of carnival/auction going on. My mom’s best friend was the school principal and she was selling puppies. My mom really wanted a puppy but I was telling her she did not need another dog. My mom ended up finding a man also selling puppies. She really liked these puppies and was prepared to buy one. She did not end up buying one. I remember leaving the school but the scenery quickly became a mall lobby. A scary looking man ( not the one selling puppies) began threatening people. He told me he was going to get me and hurt me. I told him I was protected by the most high and he would not hurt me in Jesus name. There was an officer working security and he tried to shoot this man. His gun was jammed and a bullet would not fire. This man was scaring people and becoming more threatening. We were hoping someone would have a gun. My step dad appeared who is an officer and he also did not have a gun. Apparently no weapons were allowed in this establishment. Growing increasingly worried with no protection I decided to fight the man. I killed him with my bare hands by strangling him.
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I had a friend over who I have a slight romantic attraction to. My friend was in front of my parents house with me. We were hugging each other goodbye before she had to go home. I tried to give her extra room between us because she normally likes a lot of personal space. But instead of backing away from me or acting awkward like we normally do, my friend took my shoulders and she swiftly leaned in and kissed me. It was a very good kiss. I was very surprised that she would ever do that because I know she isn't normally attracted to me. But I kissed her back. I tried to kiss well as to not ruin her first kiss.
I eant sailing with a potential client. Somehow I‘ m not on my boat, but I see my boat next to his. We sre close to the shore, both our boats abchored. There are many other bosts. I‘m waiting for him to come, walking around, looking at other boats. Suddenly a plocenan approaches and tells me I need to take care of my boat; it‘s driffting off. I hurry back and gind myself trying to bike to my boat in the water. It‘s not working. I consider to just get off and push it through the water, but then I‘m worried my bike will break so I turn around. While I do that I see my white dog Teddy next to me. He is fully under water and I‘m thinking how us he breathibg. I go back to shore and inside the restaurant. My client who I was waiting for is there with a woman. I assume it is his wife (hectold me earlier he had broken up with). She is crying, he hugs her and I‘m thinking he will not come anymore to our meeting. I find a bit of trash in my pocket, I go inside to throw it. The trash can is completeöy overflowing. I try to fix that sonehow.
I dreamt I was in my bathtub taking a bath, but I was on my side and couldn’t move much. I saw a lice in my hair… crawling. It freaked me out. Then I saw a bee and something else floating in the water getting closer to my neck. I couldn’t move… I called to my husband because I didn’t want the bugs to touch me in the face or sting me… but no one came. The bugs got so close I couldn’t see them anymore. Then the dream ended.
25 Aug 2024
I was having sleep paralysis and my eyes were open. I kept trying to get up, but my arms wouldn't move. I was having an out of body experience and then intuitly knew aliens were trying to abduct me. I kept yelling that I refused to go. Then I was back in the room and saw someone's head on a plate on the floor and was talking.
I had a dream last night that Rudy had a huge salt water tank maybe 1500 gallons. We were looking at it. I took one of the fish out because of some issue we were having which I don’t remember. I left the fish on the top cover. We kept talking about the issue and I completely forgot the fish was out of water for the last 10 minutes. I quickly put him back in. He slowly swam and was alive, but swimming a little sideways. I thought it would die. Then a white cat jumped out of the tank. We said NALA!!! (Our cat in real life). She didn’t look like Nala but it was Nala. She was swimming around in there eating the fish all night like a cat-fish. That solved our problem, whatever it was. She was the problem. Maybe we were wondering where some of the fish went.
Following and looking for a purple seahorse
All I can remember about my last dream is that I was trying to fight or run from a multibear which is a bear with many heads and it's more powerful than a regular bear but we were on top of this glass building sorta like a greenhouse I guess and it was floating in the ocean with no other land around, it was halfway in and out of the water and tilted like instead of being the way a house is on the ground it was diagonal from that, so we were running or fighting sorta on this glass house island and inside there were some animals, some were bear cubs so that probably what the multibear wanted but there was other animals too and I think I wanted to keep it away from them, or maybe I couldn't get in? I don't remember why I was fighting the multibear other than it was fighting me so I had to.
I had a dream I flew out to space and there were 7 blue stars. Somehow, my siblings spirits were there too.
I had a dream that I would fly around the Universe and crash into the earth. I kept doing it over and over and every time I crashed, it would hurt more and more because i was becoming more carbon based.
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