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30 Jun 2024

Plane Crash


Why did dream that I was in a plane crash and the plane landed in the ocean

30 Jun 2024



in my dream it was of course in a kind of mix between a city type like almost like a desert city but it wasn't desert no maybe a seaside town type thing because we were by a big mass of water but anyway So, I still worked in the same place, but I would actually have to cross a bridge to get to work. So, but everything was cool, everything was normal, daily commutes and everything. The warehouse, however, was bigger and there was like another, not chapter, it was as big as almost like an airport and it almost had like its own transit system. So there were trains that went throughout different departments. They had escalators, there were, it was a lot bigger of an office type environment versus down where I work usually, which is the warehouse type environment. But because I work in both places, both. In the warehouse environment and in the office environment, I had to consistently go between the two. So, something was off, though, about the office environment. They seemed very skittish. They seemed, I don't know, just more closed off and not mysterious, but I guess cliquish, not even that. But something was just off, and I did have a co-worker and a couple friends, and I can't remember the friends names at the moment. they may have not been consistently there though because it might been them consistently there because there were a lot of like hotel style rooms but now that i'm thinking about it they may have been like apartments or townhomes that they did have i do remember like a bigger home it's not a group home but like a big almost lake house type home where you would go to family reunions with things like that but yeah so those people i do remember i remember my cousins being there my mom was there um i remember um i remember some other people being there i remember some of my co-workers were there as well but anyway moving forward so yeah after that I don't remember if we were I think we were gaming we were gaming and I was doing some streaming and my VTuber model was working and I remember that the computer started glitching when I was in the middle of a collab stream with Iron Mouse and Project Melody and I think Lucy Pyre was there too but anyway I don't know what gave me a sense that something was wrong, but I do know for a fact that I remember that I had to put on a disguise to disguise myself as somebody that I wasn't in order to access a certain place. However, when I was disguised, I was also targeted because of who I was disguised as. I can't remember all of the details, but I do remember that I did successfully escape the people who were trying to attack me and save the person that I was disguised as. Oh, I also do remember that we had to go into like a giant almost ancient ruin-y type catacomb subway looking place and in that there were like glyphs and different things that were around as well. And we did run into like a couple of giant like golems and like rock golems. And then I want to say that me myself triggered some type of like mystical event because I remember feeling this right side of my neck almost burn and it glowed like a deep pink purple.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

30 Jun 2024



I was hosting a yard sale and had a good amount of high quality things for sale. I had a tent up for sale and one woman was interested in purchasing it. There was an expensive grey backpack that she was also interested in purchasing and I offered it to her for $10. When we opened the tent, it had a bunch of cute purses hanging inside of it. I noticed a small purple one and decided to keep it for myself and leave the rest to the lady. I offered it all to her for $40, while reminding her that it was a good price for all that was included and she agreed. I wanted to sell it for more but decided to keep it a decent price so I could get rid of the things I was selling. Her total came out to $50 and she pulled the money out of her wallet and handed it to me. Suddenly, I was in a room that belonged to me and I was with roommates (who are co-workers from a previous job and donā€™t actually live with me). We were having a conversation and they were helping me move and change the furniture around. We switched out our all black furniture for a light wood color. I was pregnant and telling them that I didnā€™t know why I always move my things around, and that I was due for labor that same day and needed to get ready to leave. They asked me what I was having and I couldnā€™t remember. I told them I never was told the gender of my baby. Gabriel (who was the babyā€™s father) then calls me and asks me where I was. I told him I would take an Uber to the hospital and meet him there. I order my Uber and hurried to get ready for labor. I realized I didnā€™t prepare anything for myself to take and I rush to get myself ready and packed to go. When I checked to see where the Uber was, it said the ride had been cancelled. Apparently, I took too long and missed my ride. When I looked at the time I was already late for my labor appointment. I panicked a little and became frustrated. I then wondered if it was okay to be late or to miss my own labor. Couldnā€™t I just reschedule it for another time?

30 Jun 2024



I was supposed to be heading to a party with friends and family but I forgot something so I walked back to where I live. I walked down a road where on one side was houses and dort plots and scattered trees and the other side was a huge cliff/bluffs. The sky was darkinging, the sun had just set. There was a woman in front of the door about to open it with keys and I knew she was trying to rob my roommate's house. I approached and asked where the nearest liquor store was. The woman was very suspicious of me, but I played it like I was just a drunk homeless person and she believed I was so she gave me the directions and I left. I knee that anything she took from the house we could just rebuy plus I'm no snitch. So I walked to the alley behind the house to wait when I ran into a handsome man in a car. I recognized the man from some networking events I'd been too and he and I had been meaning to meet up to plan a community event. He saw me and invited me to sit in the passenger seat so we were talking. Then the woman who had been bulgarizing my roommate's home came out the back gate and was shocked and angry to see me. She pull3d a gun and asked the man what the hell was going on. I realized he was the get away car. He remained calm tho and said I wasn't going to tell. I also realized the woman didn't have anything from the house which means she either was bugging it or couldn't find what she needed. She grumbled and said fine and got in the back seat. He drove away and we ended up at the party I was originally going to. Everyone was very surprised to see me with him, He was attractive and wealthy, and my family and friends kept trying to pull us away to ask questions but he asked me to stay by his side so I did. We started dancing. Then suddenly rhe fbi showed up. The man handed me a bag of diamonds and asked me to casually hide them by a tree. So I did and made a star in the dirt to mark the spot. Then we left with the other patrons while the fbi took down the woman who had arrived with us. I asked if he was concerned and he said no, it was the consequences of her reckless and selfish actions. We got back in the car and there was a crazy wind vrewing, mattresses and shopping carts in the air. I then woke up

30 Jun 2024



Had a dream I drove far to look at a home that I can move to and my dad said be careful because I had to go to work the next morning and I went and they were showing me the home and showed me where the home was defected and that their was a rat following me and the image in my dream was dark then the person showing me the community home I am going to stay ask for references and if I lived in a community home before and I said yes and said the the old communityā€™s name I used to be in the past and they looked them up and for some reason I thought they were in the wrong website and then I wanted them to get off the website because I didnā€™t want the old community know I was looking them up because I am not the best friends with them anymore and old talk to one of them and that one person entered the dream and I also so the creator of the website in my dream who I used to know that I guess you can say I am cool with too but we were never close close and I was hanging out with that one person in my dream and we were talk and she was smoking weed and she offered and I said no thank you then I went to a room where there were two girls getting people ready in long

30 Jun 2024

Abandoned home


This is how I remember my dream in order I was at mcdonalds and for some reason In my dream I remembered arguing with someone about how American mcdonalds is better then the one in the UK so I ordered breakfest from the American one and then all of a sudden I am now In the UK mcdonalds and I ordered breakfest to and itā€™s the same except instead of butter and syrup they also give you jam and there accent where different and then after that I was with someone and we where sitting down and there was a very attractive lady with us and she was into me and I was into her so she said we should go back to her hotel and we did but when we started taking our cloths off to have sex she turned out to be transgender and for some reason it kept replaying us taking our cloths off and her relieving sheā€™s transgender and I was disgusted and then after this somehow I returned home and me and my brothers where getting ready to go do special forces training for the military but it was hard for me to find good cloths and tools but eventually I found it and I went to get my brothers but they werenā€™t ready and one of them said to me ā€œyou have no responsibility your nothingā€ but I just said ā€œok Iā€™m 16 I donā€™t need toā€ and then I left all of a sudden I am now in this huge area with broken and abandon buildings but itā€™s all over grown with nature and we are caged in this huge area and itā€™s the apocalypse plus thereā€™s a zombie outbreak but I was with my friends we all had guns and where ready to take them on so we started looking for a place to go eventually we split up and then I was alone but then I found a new group of people and they where all my age I introduced my self to everyone and so did they and I stayed with them we had a camp fire and everyone was around it snd people also was guarding it with guns just in case, some kid saw my gun and said ā€œ what the hell is wrong with your gunā€ apparently I built it wrong so he took the peices apart and but then back together and now it was a good sniper rifle, so I aimed down the scope cuz I heard something and itā€™s a kid and his mom arguing the kid said he wants to go with grandma and runs away but then the grandma pops out of the corner and I accidentally shoot the grandma cuz my finger was on the trigger, then we saw 2 people getting sick they where our friends we knew that they had the zombie virus, we didnā€™t wanna waste bullets so I stomped on there heads but one of them wasnā€™t dying or hurting he was just chilling, after this somehow we where escorted out of this caged apocalypse area and we where told we won, we where taken back to our schools as champions to celebrate we jumped into the school pool and then got out and listened to what our coach had to say, the whole school was there at the pool to celebrate our win it was awsome, after that the school day was over and I started to walk to where I get picked up but along the way I somehow got into a candy shop and they gave me this 2 huge empty chocolate eggs just because and then I left and as I was walking back everyone was being really friendly to me eventually I got to where people park and was walking past cars and everyone was playing the same song and 1 car before mine there was a naked lady in the car and I was confused but I walked to my car and when I got in there was fast food and thatā€™s when my dream ended. No where in this dream though was I worried or had anxiety which is really weird

30 Jun 2024



My most recent dream was this guy was being suspected for some thing and I was with like some friend or somebody that was investigating and we go behind someplace and we see that thereā€™s like a bunch of blood smear from this guy and he sees that the guy left with the bike, but then he hears that something stayed in the shed And I kinda already feel like itā€™s a beast or something because I feel like I just already knew it and itā€™s also my dream so I almost manifested it and I like run and the door open and the door swinging open pushes me up to fly up on top of this crate crate that the stranger things like beast was hiding inside and it felt kind of like one of those scenes and then investigator friend gets eaten by the big beast monster and then it starts trying to come after me and I kinda run circles with it around the crate, and I think it wakes me up. if I had to guess the person that was investigating was my old neighbor friend named Angel and he kept going around locations where security like stands in front of us and says we canā€™t come any further so I just ask him do you really like hanging out in places when weā€™re right next to security and asking us not to go any further, because itā€™s anxiety to me.

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