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1 Jul 2024



I was in school and it was literature lesson and I came to the classroom with my literature teacher and the whole classroom was full of beds instead of chairs and desks so me and my literature teacher found this situation kinda funny and we started move all the beds and put some desks and chairs and then all of my classmates came too and the lesson started. In the middle of the lesson our P.E teacher came and told us that there’s rockets alarm and we need to run to the shelters so we all start running to the shelters and I remember I was running alone and lost all my classmates and I think I didn’t find a shelter and went to the library and I called my mom to tell her that I’m fine and make sure she’s fine too but then I saw my favorite teacher and she saw me and hugged me and I immediately hung up and hugged her back and she asked me if I’m alright I said that I am and she said it’s a tough situation but no need to cry and I noticed she started crying herself and I immediately hugged her again and I had stuff on my hands but I immediately threw them away so I could hug and comfort my favorite teacher and she told me that she talked about our country situation with the war and told me that she has cried a lot today and I asked her why and we sat down and she started laying down, covering her face with her shirt and cried and say that she just feels so bad with her self and I comfort her and stroked her shoulder and told her that it’s alright and everybody feels like this sometimes and she stopped covering her face and looked at me and I asked her why she feels that why and she said she doesn’t know and we got up and I woke up




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

1 Jul 2024

My crush


I was in a school-like setting. I sometimes one a staff member and it sometimes felt like I was a student. At some point I was in table reading for a play we were putting on.i had a big part as a detective. One of the members of the play was this guy I used to have a huge crush on when I first moved to NC we had a very brief fling at some point. He kept on missing parts of the reading because the playbook was small and text was too. I try to help him during the reading. And mention to the whole class the book was too small and the text was too. I had to highlight my part, read the book very closely, and highlight my part to follow along. I mention that I would be willing to take copies of the playbook and share it with everyone so we can easily read the playbook. Myself and former crush bantered about how we would definitely have to memorize this cause it’s hard to read. In another scene, a popular social media influencer Amanda Seale’s and I were in the same classroom we were about to watch something. I think the police academy was going to provide us lecture on their process or something. I asked how long does it take for a detective to be trained and they said something like one month. I thought that was so crazy and so minimal for a murder detective to only be trained for one month. I mentioned it to Amanda and other folks in the class and demanded they increase that to at least 6 months. I also remembered being in a staff room. And the school had limited funding but this white male teacher was very proud to report he was able to get 8 pool tables so we can play with the kids (they were of high school age). I remembered earlier the kids wanted to learn pool and they had one somewhere and he was able to get 8 of them. And I think we were all happy to hear that report. I mentioned During recess time if it was raining they can all go to the cafeteria to play pool or do other activities or during lunch after they ate. I do remember hoping we also had foosball and hockey rink table too. I remembered playing those a lot in the after school program I used to work at in high school and in my early years in college.

1 Jul 2024



I was driving in the city and I was close to my house but somehow I got turned around and ended up on a side street and couldn’t figure out my way bam onto the main road. I parked and decided to ask for help. This boy about age 13/14 told me where the main road was. I said, I thought so! I got in my car and started driving but still couldn’t get back to the main road. I go back to where I parked before and ended up inside the boy’s apartment. His younger siblings were there. His 12 yr old sister was determined to help me. Their mom came out- a beautiful dark skinned young woman- she thought I’d helped her kids get home and was going to pay me. I said no- they’re actually helping me! Then this older white dumpy looking man walked through the room on the phone. He was their dad. He barely said anything to anyone and he left. So the younger sister walked me outside to show me how to get to the main road. It was a rough area. I was going to walk her back home but she said she was ok and ran across the street near these shops. As she crossed by the shops there was commotion of two people (a white man and black woman) coming out of a storefront arguing. The woman pulled out a gun and started shooting. I yelled to the girl to get down then I got down because the woman ran my way and was shooting everywhere but ran out of bullets after two shots. She still shot at people even though no bullets came out. Then she passed by me, then came back to me. I got up and started running down the alley, through peoples apartments, then down a hill and I woke up.

1 Jul 2024



I have this dream that I love swimming and I used to swim with my folks but then the police and the government was after me people like me I think you have like something in your blood in order to stop us from being who we are. In this fantasy land, I was chased. I had to hide in dirt and be... And the sheriff caught me. So then... I killed the sheriff. And hid her... In a garage. And that's when the police broke up. I went into a house that was full of people who used to love me, but they thought I was going to get taken away. The people in the house seemed like they were half orcs and they, I don't really think they saw me run into the house but I ran into the house because the police were coming up after I killed the sheriff I ran all the way into the back room where the patriarch was sitting I must have been there plenty of times and I said to him, I'm so sorry to tell you this He said it's fine, you give me all your bad news I said, I killed the sheriff He said, that's fine, you only get 5 years and they'll pay you $500 I was on the run I don't know if I ended up being safe or not but I think the family was going to say that they had not really seen me I wasn't really sure what the family was going to say but that's when I woke up.

1 Jul 2024

New Home


I went to visit a friend who had bought a new house after splitting from her partner. (In real life she has split but moved back with her mum). The house had one small living room and a bigger kitchen with the stairs in the back wall of the house. I commented that was a strange place for stairs and she told me that their were three staircases in the house with one being in the hall. I went out exploring and in the back was a little woods with a walking path for hikers right at the back of the house. I needed a wee but when I tried some walkers went past. Then I hid and had a wee. We carried on exploring and there was a little pond and a sign saying there was an option to but more land at the back but we discussed it as the pond path with hikers was going through. Then there was a knock at the door. She told me she had bought a new pet dog but she had been told she was waiting for something so it had to be kept on a lead inside the house. I felt really bad for the dog. Then at some point the dog became human like, talking. My friend went and the dog was asking me to release it. I wanted to but I was explaining that he would like to live there and she wasn’t always going to keep him tied up.

1 Jul 2024



Me and this girl were fighting kinda like a dramadic move fight kinda thing but somehow now agresivelyn and also we weren't on the floor we were just kind of floating and there was this red kind of building surrounding us but there was no ground and she was trying to hard to saduce me and in this dream i was a boy even though im a girl in real life anyways I'm not exactly sure what happened next, but all I remember is us sitting at a floating bench and this other girl that we were fighting with was there and Me and the girl I was fighting with were having sex and it was verry verry vivid i was really focusing in how my dick felt inside of hwr and i we were going for a while and started flyign around ab of something and we were atill trying to fuck as hard as we could idk why this part means so much to me but i can visualize exactly what it looked like it was sexy asf anyways im sorry and i remember actually waking up horny but anyways i woke up but i couldn’t move i could mive my eyes and mive my hands a bit but not the rest of me and then it kinda started to feel like i couldn’t breathe so i tried my beat to move and i fully woke up but then i went back to bed And then, in that dream, I went to this weird building, kind of looked like a church, and I saw this park. And, in this dream, I was a kid, and I was surrounded by other kids, and my mom told me not to go to the little park that was down the hill. And I went, and when I went there, I somehow stepped on the body of water, and a boat filled around me. And I remember looking up at the place that I was just at, and it looked really high. And I remember thinking, wow, this looks like Minecraft. And I took a picture on my phone.and then i kept going in the boat and i physically felt myslef moving with the waves idk it was weird and then it happened again i kind of woke up but i couldn’t really move and my breathing was weird and then again i went back to sleep and then this happened maybe 2 more times and then i just woke up and got coffee

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