15 Feb 2025
The dream happened on a very rainy and stormy night. I was in a kitchen very dimly lit and all of a sudden I hear this really big banging on the door while the thunder was thundering and before I can even walk over my door Klaus Michaels a hybrid vampire from the originals came bursting into my door because he was looking for a witch Now, I had no idea what he was talking about, but at that time, a wolf dog that I had, a white one, was missing. I had asked him to help me find my dog. I told him my companion was the only thing that I had in this world. For some reason, he decided to help me. He went out multiple times during the stormy weather and came back with what he thought was my dog, and it was not. Eventually, he did wind up finding a white wolf dog and basically hurried it back to my home in the kitchen. I was cooking a dinner that I normally shared with me and my dog, and when clouds burst in with my dog, I almost overcame with joy and I hugged the dog. It was at that time that Klaus became impatient with me. He threatened to harm my dog if I basically didn't point him in the direction of an enemy or he was looking for something because there was a spell on him and to prove that he wasn't joking he broke my white wolf dog's leg and she yelped in pain. I told him I cried and I hugged her and I told him if he would just be patient and come back in an hour or two and I should have what he's looking for at least point him in the right direction. He believed what I said and he left. so I wrapped up my dog's leg and she was really pitiful and was in pain and I went back to the skillet I think it was hamburger helper that I was making and I wind up putting a particular seasoning in there not knowing that it was actually poison because I was just so hysterical with what was happening I accidentally poisoned our food and I gave something to both her and myself and when I realized that I had given us both poison I knew we didn't have a lot of time left I wasn't upset that I was dying or that my dog was dying. If anything, I felt relieved. Klaus didn't come back to that kitchen until almost three to four hours later. It was still raining and thundering outside and he bursted through the door. He was calling out to me and of course there was no answer. And then he went to my bedroom where I was in bed with both me and my dog. And I was hugging her and he noticed that we died. When he looked at my face, he saw that there was a smile on my face as I was hugging my dog. But I left him a note. I had explained to him that I knew the wolf dog that he brought home was not my original dog. In fact, I knew my original dog had died a long time ago. I just never accepted that she passed away. I had told him that she was the most precious thing in the world to me. I said that when he brought the dog to my home it looked just like her and when he harmed her all that went through my mind was that I was going to wind up losing the most precious thing in the world to me all over again and I told him that that was a fate that was worse than death. I told him that I had accidentally poisoned our meal, I told him but I also think at the same time I was really just going to kill myself that night, but when he brought the dog to me it gave me a bit of hope that I wasn't going to go through with it, but once he injured her it just let me know that it was time for me to go. I asked him to not be angry and told him that if he ever has something that's so precious in this world that's worth dying for, that's mean so much to you that if life doesn't matter without it, to protect it with all it is. I told him more like I asked him a favor if he could find it in his heart to bury me with my best friend because I don't want my dog to transition to the other side without me. I ended the letter with telling him that I was not who he was looking for, but I took the liberty to actually find out what he was looking for, and I found the actual witch that he should go to, because I happened to know the lady because she had killed my original dog, and I asked him on my behalf would he make sure that she paid for that. Klaus honored my request and buried me with my dog next to the grave of my original dog and after that he went on to find and kill the witch that he was originally looking for and it also killed my dog. The dream ended with me waking up crying and I was crying for the rest of the night and I couldn't go back to sleep.