29 Dec 2024
I was in a wooded area, maybe like a farmland, and I was on a family's property. I knew that the property belonged to a family, and it was a rainy day, and I go walking, and then I wanted to walk to this pond, and then I find the pond, but it seemed that all the water had been drained from it, and it was just a muddy bowl with the muddy banks everywhere, and there was all these frogs on the bottom of the pond, and they were hopping around all on top of each other, and it was just infested with these frogs. and then I noticed in the middle of it there was this big megalithic rock form or a stone or something and there was all these mysterious runes like in designs that were carved into the middle of the rock and there was all these bones and remains of humans that had been sacrificed into that pond at one point And I remember telling, I don't know who it was that was with me, but I remember telling them no, don't touch the things that are in there. Don't touch, there is offerings and jewelry and human remains. I remember telling them don't touch anything and they went down there and they touched it and I just knew something bad was going to happen.