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Dream Meanings – page 262

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4 Sep 2024

Theme Park


I had a good dream last night, city walks, scapes, places being nice, just going somewhere where it's really peaceful and quiet, serene, lots of sunlight, but not too much, not blinding, but just right. It's like a theme park or something and it's really exciting and wonderful to be around people and restaurants and stuff. I'm just in these wonderful places and it's just kind of like an everyday kind of spot and it's wonderful. So, I'm having a good time and I'll put up some more dreams later. Thanks.




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4 Sep 2024



I had a dream that I was going to watch a comedy duo that used to be on the TV years and years ago called Dick and Dom and I was going to watch them at Wembley I think it was and I had to go with people from work and we were taking clients from work so everybody that we were taking had a disability so we went down and we had to enter Wembley through a shuttle almost like when you go onto a plane so we were walking through a walkway into Wembley rather than just going up the steps to the door and I had to carry a baby with me the whole time that's who I was taking and we went there and there was a small stage and everybody was kind of seated around the edge so we went there and I was on this baby and Dick and Dom were on stage and they were just gay and funny and we were really close to them there was only about 40 people and I said to them I was like oh so you guys are really funny it's really good that we've got these tickets and we're so close and there's like barely 40 of us and they said oh yeah it's really hard to be funny to a large audience or a distance and I was like oh you guys are brilliant you're really good at your job you're so much fun it must be a really good job just messing around all day and they're like oh yeah it's brilliant and they were just I don't know jumping around and just being silly and we were watching them but I was having to hold this baby the whole time I was trying not to kind of get too excited and jump about because I've got this tiny baby in my arms.

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