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12 Jul 2024

Knife, dagger and weapons
Childhood home


We were in the yard of my parents house where I grew up, the yard between the front and back, between my house and my neighbors house. My cat Ringo turned into a tiger, foxy my dog was trying to fight him but he held his ground. Then my dad cut his back with a rusty knife. I felt heartbroken and rushed to help my cat.

12 Jul 2024

Best Friend


My best friend and I were in college together. I had a free period so I went to a class with her. I remember a bunch of isles and I remember a bunch of people and a bunch of smiles and laughter. Next thing I know there’s the hallways lit with dim blue light. There was some type of race or something going on. I don’t quite remember. Something happened and my best friend got mad at me. Apparently I did something she didn’t like and I retorted with well you did it before so why are you mad. Next thing I know we are in separate rooms with a door connecting them and this glass that slid down halfway. My boyfriend was in the room with her laying on the bed. I asked if he was okay. He said yeah and closed his eyes. She was sitting on the bed next to him and I remember being mad and closing the glass




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

11 Jul 2024

Old job


once again we went on vacation. For some reason I’m always sitting in the back of the Mercedes. We pulled in to one of my old jobs to pick something up. I remember something that I had forgotten and in one of the fork lifts and so I put on a uniform which was a blue mechanics suit and walked to the back of the warehouse. on the left and right sides of the warehouse there where giant crane lifts to pick up the forklifts so you can work on them. The celing seemed to be about 90 ft tall and the cranes where that high as well. So I grabbed a forklift to work on and climbed the crane with the forklift on my back. When I got to the top I set the forklift in place and I remember thinking that I’m really high up with no safety equipment. Being afraid of heights I had a death grip on the crane. I forgot why was in the warehouse so I began to work on the forklift anyway, I hooked up the computer to it and turned around to run the diagnostics. As I turned I knocked the forklift off the crane with my elbow and it fell the whole 90 ft and crashed, broke into a million pieces, and everyone came to see what the noise was. I saw my old boss come in but he didn’t recognize me so I acted like I didn’t do anything. At this point I was trying to hack into their system and steal some money or something. My old boss called me down from the crane to yell at me. after I was “fired” I tried to leave but I ran into grandma and grandpa, I acted like I didn’t just cause a ruckus and joined back up with them. That’s when once again my old boss was walking uo to the family and trying to talk to them. I tried to turn around but grandpa made me come back over. I didn’t think he would recognize me again if I didn’t look at him but of course he did he just fired me.

11 Jul 2024



I was in kindergarten about 5 years old, and I had this doll from the movie hunchback of Notre Dame. Her name was Esmerelda, she wore a white shirt, green skirt, lots of jewelry. I showed up at a house where my cousin use to live to find my whole kindergarten class sitting in the living room for no particular reason they where watching tv. I noticed that instead of the chimney being in the living room there was a big brown door with a mail slot. I walked down the hallway toward my cousins room to look for him. The hallway seemed longer than I remember and at the far end of the hall way I saw what looked like a small child running back and forward between the rooms. I thought nothing of it. Since I didn’t find him I walked back into the living room. As I was walking back I saw my brother sitting in front of the door next to the mail slot playing with his G.I Joes. approaching him I started to get this feeling that something was off. That was when a small brown hand came through the mail slot grabbed him and drug him through that tiny hole. I ran up to the door and peeked through. To my horror I found that my Esmerelda doll hat cut off the top of his head and was busy sewing it back on. I ran to my parents who where In the kitchen washing dishes, but as soon as I got to the doorway she popped up in the window with a freeze ray and instantly froze both of them. Since I was in such a state of panic, fear and dread I woke up.

11 Jul 2024



I am home looking at my gem stone collection. A friend comes in and suggest I mediate with one. We discuss going out but she didn’t feel up to it. We are outside looking at a bunch of cars in a parking lot. I am with my ex and he is unloading a truck of things into his house. He started arguing with a female figure who had a daughter. He went to show me something in his phone but was trying to cover up and distract me from seeing something in it. I left outside and notice we are in a forest. I look the the truck with his things and decided to leave. I am talking to a friend about how much I enjoy mediation in nature with my crystals. I dropped a refrigerator at a store. I am now in the garage of my brother’s house talking with other family. He comes home and is upset about the refrigerator. The refrigerator is back in the garage and he is showing me everything wrong with it.

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