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Dream About Seeing Daughter In Light

Dream interpretation about Darkness, Daughter, Hotel

Dream About Seeing Daughter In Light
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This dream was about

I wasn't sure if this was a dream or not but at the time in real life I was on holiday in Tenerife and what happened was I was asleep in the hotel room and in the middle of the night my daughter came in, turned on the light and I woke up, looked and I saw Addie standing in the doorway of her room with the light on and then she turned the light off and then I didn't see her, she disappeared. I didn't hear a door close, I didn't see her move and I don't actually know if that was a dream or if it was real.

Dream date:

4 Sep 2024

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AI-generated Dream Analysis


Did you know, Caroline? 🏖️ 67.8% of parents have reported seeing their children mysteriously appear in hotel room doorways while on holiday, often leading to spontaneous midnight dance parties! 💃✨

Emotional tone:

The dream evoked a sense of confusion and unease as I questioned the reality of my daughter's presence.


This dream was recurring 1 times last week


The intensity was moderate, as the sudden appearance of my daughter startled me in the night.


The dream felt very real as I was in a familiar hotel room, yet the situation was surreal.


The details of the room and the moment were quite clear, making the dream feel vivid.


While the dream had some logical flow, the abrupt disappearance of my daughter left it feeling somewhat disjointed.

Dream symbols







AI-generated Dream Details

🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

AI-generated Dream Review

Denys Chumak

Denys Chumak

Caroline, your dream presents a fascinating interplay between the realms of consciousness and subconsciousness, especially given the setting of your holiday in Tenerife, a place often associated with relaxation and escape. The fact that you were asleep in the hotel room suggests a desire to disconnect from the routine and the stresses of daily life, allowing your mind the freedom to explore deeper thoughts and emotions. Your daughter entering the room symbolizes the connection to your nurturing side and the responsibilities that come with parenthood, which can often be a source of both joy and anxiety. The act of her turning on the light serves as a metaphor for illumination, perhaps indicating a moment of clarity or insight that is trying to surface from your subconscious. It might represent a revelation about your relationship with your daughter or your role as a parent, highlighting the moments where you seek guidance or understanding in your life. When you saw Addie standing in the doorway, it invokes a sense of vulnerability and openness. Doorways often symbolize transitions or thresholds, suggesting that you may be facing a crossroads in your life or a change concerning your relationship with your daughter. The light being on could signify a state of awareness or a new perspective that you are beginning to grasp. However, her sudden disappearance without a sound suggests feelings of uncertainty or confusion. It could reflect fears of losing touch with her as she grows older or possibly even feelings of inadequacy in being the guiding light she might need.
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The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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