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14 Jul 2024



I dreamed of my dead older brother. We were talking and he asked me about my brothers. We talked a lot. Then I suddenly asked him: How did you come back to life in the first place?? He said, “I forgot that you prayed for me on the day of Arafah that I would return, knowing that on the day of Arafah, I actually prayed that he would return.” Then he said, “And I bought the Angel of Death and woke up from the dream.”

14 Jul 2024



I was a little boy and I was upstairs in a room with my little sister. In real life I'm a girl but in my dream we were white. I had nice clothes on and so did my little sister in this dream. It seemed like it was either Christmas or thanksgiving because you could hear my family, downstairs, grabbing plates and there was a bunch of muffled talking. Out of nowhere, I heard plates crashing, and then it went quiet. as l'm noticing this I heard huge footsteps coming up the stairs. It was extremely loud thumps. It stopped at my door and the door swung open and it was Satan. He said l've been looking for you and now I have found you l don't know why, but I ran in between his legs down the stairs with my sister, and we ran out of the door. It was nighttime and there were cars on each side of the road lined up. I remember grabbing my sister's hand and running then go over and we were just running side-by-side. I can hear Satan running behind me and telling me to give up and that he has found me with this evil laugh. I run from behind a car into the middle of the road and I'm running down this road. My sister not in sight. He is still chasing me and as I'm running poles erupt from the ground, causing the road to crack Satan, then trips and Falls and gets angry, but he could never catch up. At the end of the road I see a bright house with the gate surrounding it and l'm running to this house and there's a little tiny crack in the gate that l'm able to run into my sister goes into first and then I go in, I open the door to the house and there's an entire family in there and the last thing I remember is hiding behind the couch with my sister and a lady walks up and says you're safe now.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

13 Jul 2024



My husband and me were getting ready for a wedding. We were in some kind of venue getting ready with other people too. I was in a wedding dress but I wasn’t the bride. It was interesting because I knew the wedding dress was still the appropriate thing to wear. I was interrupted by a young man who invited to come party with a bunch of other people. He walked me outside to a big green lawn. The vibe was eerie, it felt like halloween. When I looked around I noticed the sky was pitch black, like there was no moon or stars just artificial lawn lights. The young man told me to wait for a second because something was about to happen and it would be a great addition to my “costume”. The surprise was blood that was shooting up from the ground like a sprinkler system. And everyone started celebrating dancing around in the blood trying to get as drenched as they could. I immediately left. I knew I shouldn’t be there and that I should be back inside getting ready for the wedding. On my way back inside I noticed I had a bit of blood on my white dress but as I approached the doors the blood evaporated and my dress was pure white again. My husband was still in the bathroom getting ready I joined him again and when I looked in the mirror I noticed blood dripping from my head but it was different. It was like heavy. It seemed to be coming from this invisible never ending source. I was scared and wanted to cover it.

13 Jul 2024



Me and my cousins got kidnapped and we were taken to this modern mansion in the woods. It was like midnight so pitch dark outside yeah it was me and my two cousins we were in this room. There was windows all around us and there was like a really modern bed light and stuff like that in the room looked at them. They were panicking and said it’s OK. I’m gonna get us out of here. We just have to come up with the game plan. I found weapons just laying around the room like a bat and a knife but one of us wouldn’t have a weapon, so I told my youngest cousin that she can just take on the men because she’s bigger than both of us combined, and she could easily bodyslam them, when they came in, we started, but the bodyguards was really fat and humongous just grabbed ahold of her by the shoulders and just held her there while she was trying to run and get to the other bodyguards to the ground. me and my oldest cousin just took her weapons and just weekly punched him, but it wasn’t doing anything because this guy was massive. He was built like The Eiffel Tower, so we just awkwardly looked up at him and just squeezed on by him through the doorway, and we were in the living room/hallway. We got kidnapped by my own car and then thrown into a van so I looked at addy and said well they probably have my car set up somewhere and they probably took the keys to it so I’m gonna have to find my keys. I eventually found my keys and I found a random fuse laying on the counter and that’s what I realized they probably took a few out of my car just in case we did escape, I took the fuse and stuck it into my pocket, and started heading towards the door. We tried opening it, but it was locked obviously so me and addy went back into the room that emmy was at and I said don’t worry emmy, we will come back for you. I promise. she was kind of freaking out because we were about to leave her behind, but she was reassured by my words so I started trying to break the glass from the window, but it was not made out of glass. It was made out of a weird plastic material so we just ripped the window, and made a hole. my cousin was struggling to get through so I made the whole bigger and we both ran from the house to my car. we noticed bodyguard started running after us, but they were running slow motion. it to my car we got in and I tried to start the car, but it wouldn’t because obviously they had pulled the fuse freaking out because we were stranded for good, and I said don’t worry I knew this is gonna happen and I pulled the fuse out of my pocket and went to go put it back into the car and turn the car on and it worked again. we drove back to the house and into the plastic window to get emmy back.

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