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8 Sep 2024



It started out with I and few other individuals. We decided to hide in a closet in this building because it was overrun with zombies. The door knob kept rattling and the door open a little. I was holding the door handle with all my strength to keep it from fully opening against the zombies. I eventually got it to close, then one of the other men outta nowhere suggested we go get quarters from mines. I was like that ludicrous because the zombies were gone and it was dinosaurs. They were medium-small, carnivorous dinosaurs and I decided to use myself as a distraction when we first got outside. The other people stayed in the closet. It was sunny and sandy like a desert. The man yelled out to me to hurry up but it was already too late. I ended up fighting 4 to 5 of the medium-small, carnivorous dinosaurs and I got injured. I sat up against the wall with my hand over wound as the blood seeped out. Then, somehow I wound up walking into another part of the building seeing people being held prisoner. I tell them have you learned nothing from the revolution. The person looked at me and seem pretty keen on the notion that prisoners were necessary by pulling out a shot gun. I left walking down the hallway and I walked outside with same sunny and sandy surroundings with a few trees. Someone spoke my name as they were leaned up against the wall outside. I had to put dinosaurs down that people kept as pets because it was against the rules. I had dual, saber swords and I hacked away at the herbivore dinosaur until head was detach from it body. The other dinosaur was carnivorous one but someone orphaned it. It was resting in the tree and I swung one of my sword to kill it in one fell swoop. The sword broke and I took out the tree and place it on the ground. It took three punches to hear the skull cracked. Once I heard the skull cracked; I knew it had died and so did the man.




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8 Sep 2024



Emalea and I go to Logan’s house to hang out with him. His home is gorgeous and literally a mansion, even though it isn’t his home in real life I was still admiring it. I step out into the back to admire Pikes Peak, a gorgeous few I love here in Colorado. Me and Logan have a good hearty conversation but I can’t remember what it was about. Shortly after Emalea comes up to me and tells me she thinks he has a girlfriend. I’m a bit bummed but also not really surprised. Everyone in the house then gathers together and gets into the car and we head to a gas station to get some snacks and drinks. Emalea grabs some boiled peanuts and I smile knowing I wanted some of those too. We grab some alcohol as well and with everything we’re grabbing it seems as if we’re going camping but when I ask where we are going, I’m told to a concert… I’m okay with this and really just along for the ride at this point and enjoying my new and old friends. We head off into a jeep with our stuff. The dream switches around to me and Emalea on an elevator. I think to myself wow what a janky elevator because it kept freezing up, you could hear the machinery stalling and it wasn’t working the best and the lights were flickering. We step off into the darkness together.

8 Sep 2024

Baby girl


I was in a gorgeous field with lots of greenery, trees, and flowers. I was with my older sister Dena. Suddenly our mother, (who looks older and exactly like our grandmother) comes up to us and introduces us to two Arab men. I immediately notice how handsome they are. One has a child, a younger girl he is carrying in his arms and I wonder - does he have a wife? But then he says she passed away. We then all go inside of this very small cottage, I start making tea, and I tell my sister and the guests I am going to pick some lavender to make some lavender syrup. It was a peaceful life, and my interest for one of the brothers grew. We continued taking care of the home, and the older brother with no child seemed a bit interested in the fact that I loved flowers so much.

8 Sep 2024



I saw my ex Jeremy, his brother Charlie, and his sister Michaela along with his new girlfriend. We were both in these weird quick rent apartments. I was figuring out what I was doing there in this strange place when I saw my friend Haley and Emalea. They both encouraged me things will be okay. I kept peeking through the windows to look out for Jeremy, when I hear Charlie suddenly say “hey I just saw Yasmine over there do you wanna say hi?” Jeremy then says no we don’t have time and it seemed like he was trying to figure things out when it came to money and his relationship and he seemed very stressed. There are a few gangs outside as well that are patrolling the area so a lot of people were cooped up in their homes. I decided to head over there instead. I’ll smoke some weed with them, and maybe catch up. It was very awkward at first. Charlie was happy to see me especially knowing that I had some weed on me. Michaela was completely avoidant. The apartment was dark. Yvannia, Jeremy’s… partner I guess? Looked very different but I still knew it was her. She also started acting a bit avoidant but I initiated a conversation and I let her know, “hey I just want you to know I don’t hate you, like my anger has always been towards Jeremy. Sometimes I’d get frustrated and just want you to realize at the end of the day the problem is Jeremy and not me and you. I don’t blame you anymore” she went to agree but as we were all smoking outside, the gangs started bothering us. We all went into my apartment very quickly, locked the door, and started trying to close the blinded. Unfortunately the door lock wasn’t working. I wasn’t too scared though like the rest of them. Jeremy started freaking out.

8 Sep 2024



This is a historical period dream in many different times where women have dealt with persecution and abuse both sexual and physical, poverty and pain. It is set to almost a musical or playwright background in an entertaining and festive way to express the anger and heartache of woman from every time and place in the world, with real music and was choreographed and organized. It was spectacular and amazing and I could not believe that it came from my mind or subconscious alone! I woke up sure that the tv was on or radio but no, to my total shock and surprise it was all originat from my imagination. Multiple different scenes where women faced adverse living conditions and abuse, but all formatted in such a realistic historically accurate and theatrical way. From physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, to religious persecution, to poverty stricken starving and freezing inhumane conditions, their stories and voices and songs united together and lifted for the whole world and god himself to hear. To lovely old homes made of rock and stone being blasted open with dynamite and all their worldly comforts and belongings stolen, to lifelong friendships being tested and repaired, to odds beaten and obstacles overcome, to last resort rituals and witchcraft performed out of desperation, to higher educations, sexual encounters both sensual and pleasurable to violent and painful, to mothers protecting their daughters from the harm and greed of men, to a time and place where all women were afraid to show their faces at all and using one common phrase to describe what happens if they do - “significant damage” is how they describe why they must remain quiet and unnoticeable to men and the outside world, it was beautiful and heart moving and musical. With some big celebrities appearing. Crazy.

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