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14 Jul 2024



I was in a store and me and my mom and brother were shopping and basically for the whole time I was dreaming we were shopping but it was a really long time and my mom got medicine out of a bag and I kept seeing minion popsicles

14 Jul 2024

Little girl


I was at work my boss asked me did I need anything and I said paper so she brought be some so later on she asked me did I need anything again and I said I need paper so later I went to a vending machine a tried to get some sprite but when I selected sprite I got some pink lemonade keto drink and I was made and all of a sudden my bosses sister that I used to go to school with she was a little girl in my dream and she came to work with us and I was training her and I wanted to get away from work for an hr and she was with me so we eneded up going to a church library to watch a movie so we watched the movie and before we knew it was six a clock and we get off work at 4pm we stayed over the time we were supposed to and my boss will be looking for her sister after work so while we where at the library watching the movie my sister walks in and says hey u not home yet and I was like oh what time is it and she said itā€™s 6:30pm and I rushed to get my bosses sister out so we can go back to work but I was also wondering how will I explain this and keep my job and as I was wondering that the dream ended. And I work up breathing hard




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

14 Jul 2024

Angry at mom


I was walking down the street of a neighborhood with my mom, it was apparently our neighborhood. I hear a crying sound and look down to find a really neglected looking puppy on the ground. I picked him up and decided to take him home. We enter our house and I began to clean the puppy and feed it. Suddenly, there was a lady knocking at our door. When I open the door she says that neighbors told her we have her dog and she was there to take it back. I become angry because the dog was extremely neglected and looked like it was not well taken care of. I told the lady if she wanted the dog back I needed proof that it was in fact her dog. She left and later came back with her whole family. They all claimed they wanted the dog back. I told them to bring me proof this was their dog. I told them if it was really their dog they should have a photo or dog essentials they can show me, and I closed the door on them. Even if it was their dog, it did not feel right to return him after the conditions I found him in. It was obvious they were not taking good care of the dog and I became defensive. Suddenly, the mother of the family forces her way into our home through the back door that was in the kitchen. My mom was in there. They lady really wanted her dog back. I gave up and thought to myself if she was going to these measures to get the dog back, she could have him back. I did not want to fight this woman and her family over their dog. I told the lady she could have the dog back. I went to find him, so I could return him back to the family.

14 Jul 2024



I heard Luke (6 years old) outside screaming ā€œstop itā€ When I went to check on him, he was on the front steps being pinned down. A 13 year old girl was punching him in the face while her twin brother held him down with his foot on his throat. (Both were identical, blonde, skinny, cocky) I chased them into the back yard and caught the girl. I held her face in a muddy puddle that coincidentally had animal feces in it. I wanted to drown her. Her brother tried to double team me and I told him, ā€œback off, youā€™re next.ā€ He abandoned his sister and ran. I held the girlā€™s face in the mud and told her that if I see her again Iā€™d show her what a real psychopath is. I got Luke inside and told him not to go back out without at least one adult. I woke up in fight or flight mode. I was scared and furious.

14 Jul 2024



As my dream started, I ran into one of my fraternity brothers in college, who had just come back from Indonesia and mentioned how amazing it was. I was excited and happy for him and said that Iā€™ve always wanted to go and the transitioned to me being on a beach in Indonesia and then going into the water. I was Swimming underwater in the dark ocean at night. Although I was still a little afraid and nervous about swimming underwater in the dark ocean at night I was that I was getting more comfortable and relaxed as the dream went on. The next dream was about A helicopter that was part of this Asian mafia was attempting to reach the quota their boss set for them for the amount of people they are looking to assassin. They had one more left, and the helicopter was over the ocean when a tsunami came and took it down and destroyed it. Outsiders who heard about this thought how theses mafia members were so greedy to get one more person and because of their greed, two members of the mafia had died in the helicopter accident. The dream then changed. I had some presents that Iā€™d collected in a bag for my mom and my dad. One of the presents I had for my dad were blue light glasses to help with sleep. my dad said, thank you, but that he would be switching the lightbulbs in the house for blue light lightbulbs soon. I said he had mentioned how he would be doing that months ago and still has taken action on it so in the meantime, here are some blue light glasses that he could use. I share that with a little bit of attitude because the one pet peeve I have with my dad is sometimes he says he will do something to improve his health, but doesnā€™t do it. Although I gave him alittle bit of attitude, Iā€™m happy I didnā€™t because my intention was to help him and help him prioritize his health. I spoke up for what I thought was right even though it required me to speak up to my dad. I care about him and I care about his health and I wanted him to know that. My final dream took place at what looked like to be a meeting room of a company building. There were people around the meeting room who I didnā€™t recognize, but in the dream felt comfortable with them as if I had known them. Some people began to talk, but one lady specifically looked me in the eye and mentioned to me. Jantzen, everything that happens to you happens for a reason and everything that has happened to you happened for a reason. It was a very touching statement, I had felt seen by the lady and felt that her message was very caring and authentic and if she truly wanted me to know this. The guy next to me then passed me an iPhone with a YouTube video. It was a video of the soccer star Messi who talked about how you can achieve anything that you dream of. in the video there was also a chupacabra and buddy the elf the video was in Spanish.

14 Jul 2024

Running away


Going up to the school I used to go to at Hakone by a train The train is connected to other regions where they arenā€™t irl Motherā€™s voice in the back of my head urging me towards where she wants me to go to through the journey Apparently I have to catch a train to Lake Yamanaka I navigate myself through this process like itā€™s a map of a game stage and Iā€™m a first-person avatar Cloudy warm weather, Gōra station, plum blossoms, melting snow, chilly and warm at the same time Sense of being watched, a pair of eyes peering at me by the corner of my vision no matter where I turn to Scene changes when I decide to break out of motherā€™s guiding voice and do my own thing Now Iā€™m running away from those pairs of eyes from earlier and their ā€˜friendsā€™ Turns out they were a part of some group Now the guide of my mother is replaced by some operatorā€™s voice streaming in the back of my head I rush to the school, but even if it looks like it, it doesnā€™t feel or seem like the one I used to go to irl Thereā€™s live concerts being held by some v-kei/kurofuku-kei artists Iā€™m navigating myself through the processions of people and the crowd, sneaking into the backstage studios for some peace and quiet Then Iā€™m somehow at the Italian neighborhoods the next second, the whole school just got done turned into the aesthetic Iā€™m now hiding with a bushy man(Italian), and after heā€™d start making advances away from the guy Eventually I cave and he fucks my head out in the office room till I pee Then I have to hide the evidences(the stench, the puddles on the floor) before the Principal comes in The guy ran away before I could, now Iā€™m trying to slip out without being noticed by the schoolā€™s security people

14 Jul 2024

Old Man


The world was tones of Gray. I was on a bus except nobody was driving. The bus came to a stop in front of an empty field, the doors opened and I walked off and into the empty field. As I was walking a strange shed/shack appeared, it was like I was drawn to it. When I got closer the dirt I was walking on turned to mud and I almost couldnā€™t keep moving forward. When I got to the shed and opened the door I saw a naked old man sitting on a chair tied up and hurt. His eyes had been scooped out and his finger nails ripped off. The inside of the shed and the old man were all in color and no longer grey. He was just screaming, I couldnā€™t stop staring at him in pure shock and terror. I couldnā€™t move I was frozen in place staring at this hurt screaming man. I felt so empty, like his scream was taking away all my joy and life.

14 Jul 2024



In the dream I had a connection to different planets and gemstones. I was over joyed and excited. It made me felt peace and happiness. I used the connection to figure out things in life and for healing. I felt so complete. I am watching a dog for someone I am no longer friends with. A male figure I felt was my father told me he brought the dog to pet store or community and she may be pregnant. I was trying to decide if I want to return his dog to keep it. The dog was happy running around and full of life. I had a feeling that owner of the dog asked me to watch her because he went someone where with my ex for the weekend. His intention were to have me watch his dog while he is hooking up with my ex. I am on a bus with a lot of people and we are driving somewhere. The interior felt and looked like a school bus. I have a journal I felt belong to the old friend whoā€™s dog I am babysitting. I had a thought to go through the journal to see what I can discover, so I did. The pages seemed to be like a magazine with half of some of the pages ripped out. Other pages had nudity of men. I felt entertained and intrigued by the pages. The bus now seem to changed. Instead of rows of seats, we are sitting at tables and preparing to eat. I was focused on the need for hot sauce. I walked up to another male figure on the bus because I saw him with hot sauce. It seems too may people where around and the closer I get to him the more things made it difficult. A female figure and another male figure who I am friends with decided we are getting off the bus to find hot sauce. The female figure went to the bathroom, so my male figure friend and I went search for the sauce. We walked up to a male figure to ask him. He seemed interested in my female friend. My male figure friend seemed jealous so he was making the guy feel like she isnā€™t interest. The male figure wanted to hang with us anyway. I didnā€™t care and my male friend reluctantly didnā€™t make a big deal out of it. As we are walking down the street we stop someone to ask about this hot sauce. They pointed to a place where we can go.

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