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3 Oct 2024



Muhammad puggy was going to fly to see me, grandma asked who's Patrick & I told her I didn't anyone named that, she had already seen his picture and said he (Muhammad) wasn't suitable for me. I was going to the airport twice, on the first time the route had changed into a construction site that was silver and under construction obviously, lots of Finns and others were collaborating with helping finishing the brick by brick, and the Finns helping made me emotional. There was a woman that had found antique, golden earrings that were valuable, she was going to sell them because another woman didn't want them. On the second way on my way to the airport, me, my grandma & mom were walking and a car suddenly came & almost hit my grandma but then me. I was so upset about it and my mom told me grandma should be upset, not me after which I slapped my mom and had a total mental breakdown as I just couldn't wait to share that with Muhammad. A man that looked like him had died while helping with the construction but he wasn't dead, he was worried about the cops and going to jail or court so he just disappeared, his wife that was a detective saw him "dying" on the video call and him mumbling how he shouldn't get caught. I eventually managed to charge my phone, Muhammad asked how was I doing, I managed to tell me * was good although I was almost hit by a car and I was going to tell him about that lady in Bulgarian but I stopped as I noticed every time I said something, a woman was taking notes and so was another woman further in the background. I changed into transliteration and Muhammad told he wasn't actually Bulgarian but Kosovan, he also spoke Arabic and I was 🤔 how to tell him about things without the 2 other women spying on us. I wanted to tell him I loved him by using code language, cherry chocolate roses brand but the women cracked the code and were smirking at me. We were suddenly in an office, one of the women kissed a guy, they were hiding their relationship and so were me and Muhammad and I went to that woman, they were suddenly Korean, I was struggling but managed to tell her in Korean that even though I knew they were in a relationship, I'd never snitch them. Muhammad also spoke Korean. I visited the video, her house was big and dark, I asked wasn't she scared and what was the noise coming from the upstairs, she tried brushing it off as her stomach grumbling but I wasn't buying it, I constantly kept looking at a corner and asked her what if someone's really there, I had an American accent. We agreed to go outside but she told me she had a surprise for me, she had earlier been asked when was the last time she saw her ex that had apparently died, she opened the door and there he was, he brought kids home and I was suddenly the widower, crying and the kids started crying and he decided I was allowed to see them when they'd be adults. It felt unfair, he had a bunch of lady friends trying to contact us, they were still outside staring at us. I kept crying and saying alhamdulillaah and laa ilaaha illa Allaah. I received a generous amount of compensation. I later on sent my mom a voice note on my birthday in Bulgarian letting her know me and Muhammad were pregnant, she experienced a range of emotions and when they met, we were both some other people. I had 2 kids, blonde girls. I had transformed into an Andromeda from SMC looking robot, the crazy ex was shooting me and I was taking cover and tried my best to cover Muhammad as well.




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3 Oct 2024



I was with my family at a fair. We was walking and I seen my ex Antonio. He was smiling very hard and walked to me and said hey while trying to give me a hug. I stepped back with an attitude and said Noooo, the way you did me was wrong. Why did you do that? He stepped back and said I had to do something for the army, I’m sorry. So I have him a hug afterwards and said ok but you hurt my feelings when you done that. He gave me hug and kiss. He wanted to walk with me. I told him I was with family and do that matter. He said no and begin to walk with me. He introduce himself to my family. He then said I will be right back. I said ok. I waited on him yo return but he didn’t come back. I begin to walk in the direction he left in. I walked up some stairs and ended up in a gym. It looked like a NBA game was going on. I stood in the doorway and I seen Antonio with an another man in the bleachers. I called his name and he came right over. He explained to me he had previous plans with his friend for this game. I said ok and walked away. He walked with me and we was standing in line for the faris wheel. He got on the faris wheel on accident. Some how I had money in my hands, when I reached to get on the faris wheel the door closed my money in. I could see my money in the cart. I begin to think someone else was going to get on and take my money.

3 Oct 2024

Best Friend


I had a few different dreams that kind of all tied together. I haven't been dreaming because of this pregnancy, but finally starting too as i leave 1st trimester. In my dream last night, the person that was the opposing force shifted between 3 different people, 1 is my best friend who I Am having underlying issues with in the waking world due to her addictions, and the other 2 are people who I've only met a few times but are the sweetest women. At the beginning of the dream i was on a bus going on a steep off roading adventure to the point where the bus was almost directly tipped with the back in the air as it climbed down a mountain. At some points it was almost going over the side of steep embankments. Once we got where we were going, the opposing person, who initially started off as 1 of the kind women and i were making friends. Im not sure how but i said something that this person got upset by and she eventually shifted into the other kind woman, and then into my best friend. we were infront of a computer and she posted a bunch of awful things about me in a public group but blurred out my name to garber sympathy towards herself and hatred towards me. I wanted to defend myself but remember thinking to let it go. She had other people rallying that i was a horrible mom and didnt deserve my children and called me disgusting. I have had a similar experience in the waking world with a woman named georgia and i still hold sadness around that sisterhood wound. I remember in my dream, feeling like i was suffocating and waking up hyperventilating

3 Oct 2024

Building (Place)


I dreamt that a classmate told me I could apply for a job when I’m sleeping. So you’re working while in a dream. It sounded weird but it was as if I had to, it sounded like I didn’t have a choice. Getting there was really weird, it was a tall building. You had to open a coffin and put on some sort of armour. And then you had two work phones. So then I guess you descended into the building somehow and fell asleep? But during your sleep you were working? I sat at a desk. Not many was at work. But my classmate and my twin was there and a teacher. I didn’t understand anything. It was like we had to solve math problems or something weird. Everyone knew how to do it and told me I would learn it eventually. And on top of that you actually got paid. My ex was then at the same table as me? He knew how to do it and it seemed he had been there a while. He tried to explain it to me but I didn’t get it. My excuse was that I was too tired and couldn’t listen properly. And then suddenly we had to climb a roof or something. He went first and waited for me to hold onto him but because of me we fell down the roof? The only way to be stuck to that roof was to put your nails in the roof but it was so tilted so it didn’t work. I didn’t understand this part of the dream?

3 Oct 2024



I had a dream that there was a food bank where I went to go get food as I was walking down the street to actually do groceries so I stopped in the line to actually get some food because the lady had told me that they had really good items so I found myself in a food line which I was really close in line for so I said why not as I got in it was very crowded a lot of people started to push through which was annoying I even got into an argument with some guy and he was just very aggressive so I was just let him go cause he clearly had mental health issues . i got patient and fought through. I realized when I got in, I couldnt find my cart because of the amount of people who were trying to rush through to get food. i had to request for a plastic bag or 2 . As I got inside, the first thing that I realized that there was a lot of sweets. It seemed like somebody was celebrating something. I have no clue, but what the lady had told me they were giving at the front was absolutely a lie. They didn't have that much option. Everything was sugary cakes, sugary sweets. I even realized that once I got to the front area, the lady had offered me a piece of cake for me to try. I didn't even like it. I threw it in the garbage. Then, she mentioned how they had cheesecake. I was like, okay, why not? Can I have the cheesecake? She was like, oh no, I'm saving it for someone else. Then, in my head, I'm like, why the heck would you tell me you have cheesecake and then not want to give it to me? It just didn't make sense. Anyway, after I decided to go to the donut section because I noticed that they were baking fresh donuts and I didn't mind the fresh donuts. When I went to the fresh donut section, somehow when the lady handed me a donut, the chocolate spread all over my dress and all over my legs. There was a man that was so embarrassed. He's like, oh my gosh, I'm so embarrassed for you. Then I was like, why is this guy even embarrassed when he's not the one who was poured chocolate on? It didn't make sense. He walks away without helping me and I'm looking at him like he's so dumb. Then, another woman comes up to me. She helps me clean the chocolate off my dress and my legs. She's like, what the hell is his issue? I was like, I have no idea. That was the ending of my story.

3 Oct 2024



In this dream I was at a convenience store and I ran into two childhood friends with my youngest son Alex and they were talking to me and they identified who they were. I didn't recognize them at first and they wanted to get a picture together. One boy wanted to go get his mom so she could take the picture. I asked Alex to come in from the car so we could take a geoup picture. The convenience stores was connected to a Concert venue and there was a concert going on next door. I was getting snacks for the drive. I grabbed some candy, I also picked up some aspirin and something powered drink mix, but it was too expensive. They were each $6, so I put them back. The Tylenol rang up in $34 and then he said there was a coupon which dropped it down to 17 dollars, so I kept it. The mom finally came down from her room and we took the picture together with his mom doing the honors for us. After we were done we wished we would have gotten a picture with just the boys and Alex instead of me being in the picture. My two sons and I went to go visit a church and it was my Old Salem Baptist Church from my childhood. We were sitting in the balcony, but Anthony stayed downstairs on the main floor. Alex sat with me and after a while Alex went to go sit down on the main floor too. I stayed up in the balcony and was enjoying the service. The singing was beautiful. then it time for the offering and I had a couple of big bills, a $1 bill and a $5 bill. as I was walking towards the collection table for the offering, I was trying to fix my clothes cuz my suit coat pocket was sticking out. I put the money on the table next to the collection plate and the stack of money fell. I thought I'd give it a $1 dollar bill instead of the $5. So I held up the line a little bit while I was about to recheck my wallet to see if I accidentally grab the wrong bill. Then I realized that the pile of money had fallen over so everything was okay, I saw a $1 bill and the $5 bill I had given. I continued to walk around to return to the balcony. I man said to me, the food's going to be really good after the church service. it smell like it was in like was smoked ground beef or pulled pork. I said yes, I would eat. Then I went home which was really weird because we're on my father-in-law's property and our living quarters were like small shack built similar to a slave housebon a plantation. I was going to go and relax for a little bit and then go back to church to pick up the boys in Omaha. Christi was still sleeping, but in another shack on the farmland. I was changing clothes first in my shack and there was a window facing the road. I had to step back a little bit into the shadow because I didn't want my nephew Zane to see me changing clothes. Christi's dad, my father-in-law was getting one of the horses out to ride but then another horse escaped because the fence was left open. so he was riding and trying the lasso the horse to guide him back into the fenced in area. The first couple of tries the lasso missed and then on the third try he got the horse and was able to secure him and get him back in the enclosed area. I went over to Christi's Shack and she was just getting out of bed. I asked her if she wanted to go to the movie with us and she said, no, why don't you guys just go. that was a little disappointed in my dream. I decided to make the movie a guys outing. I had to go and pick the boys up from church and I was trying to leave before they would call me to come and get them.

3 Oct 2024



I was back at high school soccer practice and I was so happy to be able to play soccer again. my coach had us running a drill to help us prepare for a game coming up. I was really excited to practice and be playing again and excited to do well in this next upcoming game. during the drill i wasn’t satisfying my coach’s expectations. He said I was trying to do too much but I explained how the things I was doing was to make the drill more game like. I was a good player growing up and the best on my high school team so I had confidence in my ability. but the coach didn’t see it this way, we weren’t on the same page so we argued a little bit in disagreement. I knew I would still play in the game but I was disappointed because I hadn’t played soccer in such a long time and I was so excited to play again. I love the competitiveness and the opportunity to focus your all on a specific goal.

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