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15 Nov 2024



I woke up because I had a dream that I haven’t had suitcase with me and I was on my way to airport. I came to the airport and I was trying to find my tickets and send my suitcase to the automatic but I couldn’t find my ticket, I was so stressed so I decided to go with my luggage inside and use the mono way But it was a very big airport and they lost my way. I didn’t know where should I go and reach the apartment or where is the gate wire was looking for gate? I saw my brother. My older brother came also and he was also on his way. He wanted to have flight the same flight and find out is the same flight so we will look at looking for the gate and we end up in the restaurant and we get out of the rest of from a very tiny window without that’s the way when we get out we saw Office we are already out of the airport and we had only one hour so I was looking around. How can I find the gate and me back to the restaurant again from the main door I saw why we came out from this tiny window there was a door so I went inside from the door to get to the airport. I saw a bus standing there so I thought maybe I can use this bus to get faster to the gate. It took the bus in this bus was going very fast and I found out it shouldn’t be that long and it does bus going very fast. I was so stressed to lose my lost my flight so I look out and I saw you’re completely out of the airport and you’re in town so I knocked the door. I was in the backup. It was kind of the bus of a kind of truck so I knocked the window and tried to get some attention from the driver but she didn’t Listen to me and then this bus is come to the sea and become a boat and I not and now I can shout and screaming until she gets I got her attention. I was crying and tell her please please take me back to the airport. I took the wrong bus. I have flight I have to reach please please I have to reach this flight. I was trying hard to get this ticket Visa and finally I got to Visa. I have to go please I was crying. I was so scared to lose and I feel if I lose this ride I was stuck there and deep down. I know that’s the last time I am in this country and I am going out forever and I was really looking forward for that. I was so frustrated to lose this chance. I don’t remember more but an awake time in real life I have I was I have been apply for asylum case in Norway and I’ve been rejected so I found another way for it to get protection from Canada so I have been applied to Canada for months ago and I am waiting for answer on my application and I was talking to a friend in Canada and they asked me about if I have heard something or not, maybe it’s related to this or not, but I was so stressed in The dream




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15 Nov 2024

My crush


I had a dream where I was going to a mall with my electric scooter and I go into the mall with it. I start looking for shops to shop in, but I'm afraid someone will tell me to leave because I brought the electric scooter inside the mall, even tough other people did that in the past. So there's a section where I have to leave the electric scooter behind to go into the elevator. So I see some people get into it and I wait for the elevator. The thing is, I wanted to go in with the electric scooter into the elevator but when it came back down again, it shrinked and it was weird because I came in with some kids, and it was so small it basically put us up by a meter for us to walk on the smooth structure next to the stairs, so we were basically just walking above everyone. So my dad spawns and he looks for stuff. I look for stuff too but I keep checking if my scooter is there. When I get down however, someone installed a metal clamp (clearly not the police), so me and my dad have an idea to deconstruct this poor clamp. They clamped it and said to pay 450 euro in a link and they will remove it, they clamped it because it was in the way of other people walking *it wasemt earlier but I assumed it was my fault*. So my dad asks me did I buy the device for unscrewing screw and I told him "no I didn't", he yelled at me and asked me "where is it" so I pointed to him, he buys it, deconstructs the clamp and we continue shopping. Then when we stop shopping someone made a better clamp on both wheels and we're unable to deconstruct it. I told my dad we could use pliers to force the screws out but he said that wouldent work, I believed him (even tough it wouldeve worked!). So I see an old classmate of mine paying the shop owner part of my fine and I asked him "what are you doing?!" He said "I need to pay your fine for you", he was a trouble maker in my class but in secondary school he helped me get accustomed to school (which was in primary school). Anyways the atmosphere changes from a slightly blue to night time as I go on my electric scooter (magically) to my crushes house. I spend some time with her and her parents, I don't meet her sister tough (hmm, just like in real life). I want to find my phone but it is very dark, so I take her phone that was left Infront of her wooden cabin and I turn the flashlight on on it. She keeps saying something and I see her get notifications from her sister when suddenly, the cabin she was in starts falling apart and also a bit of land falls down from the cliff her house was located onto the bottom. I start panicking, I yell "Alexandra!" Many times, I start to be upset, I ask her"is this a joke?", I look over the cliff to see if she fell down, but I can't get a good view cause it's still falling. I rummage through the house, but the pieces are heavy to pick up. Suddenly I go into a house that was unfinished and I see some carpenters. We talk to each other ABT something but I forgot what it was about. I talk to them calmly and then the dream suddenly ends

15 Nov 2024



Omg I had a wild ass dream last night that Parris liked one of my pics on social media(trying to get my attention) I go to his page and see this man had a baby. With Harina Kesete of all people. Next I know we’re together. I’m giving him my famous line of I don’t know why he’s here bc I’m still the same person I was when we last talked (he doesn’t care for how sensitive I am). Kodah (my son) walks in and looks at him strangely for a few moments and then silently waved at him. Parris was looking down at his phone but he would’ve seen from the corner of his eye and didn’t acknowledge him, which bristled me. Kodah walks out and Parris starts telling me now that he’s had his baby he’s trying to figure out this (us) situation. He says he knows he cares for me but his overprotectiveness of his kid basically has him even more intolerant of me and my sensitivity. Like if I annoy him or try to start some shit or act a way towards his kid he’ll pop off on me. I’m thinking to myself this is wild as hell that he’s so nonchalantly talking to me like this and I say to him exactly, “now how do you think I felt just now when you ignored my son after he just waved to you? Get the fuck out.” (Said it just like that and it felt good) and he left, then some other weird shit happened with people in the surrounding area. Can’t remember exactly but Shana (my stepmom) had to come help me leave

15 Nov 2024



I had a dream that it was thundering badly at my house and it was a bad strom I looked outside and I saw a huge thunder bolt and then I went back inside and watched a bit of Disney then I went back outside ane I saw this beautiful scenery it was like a sunset but drizzling and then I saw that the fire hydrant was completely broken and it was shooting water straight up and I saw a powerline down and then I saw a car scrape another car and then a person went into my moms car and just took her lemonade and left the door open and drove off which was weird so I get in the car and I was talking to my mom telling her what happen and then my grandpa he sits in the car but my grandpa is dead and I was like what is he doing so I lock the car but he starts driving and I call my mom letting her know and I try to get him to stop at a gas station or somewhere but he just continues driving and no matter what I brought up he wouldn't stop.

14 Nov 2024



I'm at a friend's house with my sister and I watch her close her arm in the garage door, we call my mom while she's with my dad to tell them what happened and my dad say, "Has anybody ever told you how could you not have the money to pay for your sisters food?" And then the dream pauses and when it resumes, I'm getting out of the car at a chicken fil a with my mom and dad. We sit at a table and they order food on my dime, and I get up to go use the bathroom, accidentally push a stroller out of the way and the owner pulls it away from me with a glare. I continue my way and end up in a huge play place, bigger than a trampoline park. I go down the slides, trying to hurry back because I got scared, knowing I needed to get back or else I would be in trouble. When I try to go up though, there's a huge spider where I need to exit, and then the dream closes.

14 Nov 2024

Abandoned home
Childhood home


I was trying to find the secret attic I knew was at my grandparent's house and I knew my cousin (whom I was very close to as a kid) was going in and out of it. So I decided to wait around until I saw him come out. Turns out said "attic" was actually under the main floor. My cousin had to rip out some floorboards in order to access it and put them back so no one saw him go in. When I saw him come out, I was so happy to find it. But when he was climbing out, he looked panicked at the sight of me and tried pushing me away. I insisted I go in and I pulled him out to find old hidden memories I've been looking for, for so long. Art projects I did, drawings, paintings, school homework, books, and jewelry. I was devastated when I realized my cousin and family took all of this away and hid it so I would become "normal" as I grew up. Looking farther into the "attic" that went under the floor, I found statues and old Knight's swords, things that you would find in a museum, that reminded me of my grandma that had died a few years ago. Searching through I found many large paintings that I remember from somewhere but can't pinpoint where. I was so mesmerized by all of this but still had anger inside me from learning that my own family stole and hid my favorite things from me.

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