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17 Nov 2024



My hands were puffed up and had red vein-y lines through the tops of them. I thought I got bit by a spider or beetle, which a small boy was playing with, so I tried to go to the hospital. I didn't have anyone to drive me so I called 911 and an ambulance arrived. By that time, my hands felt like they were being crushed and my feet and knees also turned puffy and were red so it was hard to walk. They put me in a stretcher and loaded me into an ambulance. But the ambulance was driving so slowly and didn't turn it's lights on and was stopping at every red light. The pain just grew worse and worse to the point where I was crying and yelling. It felt like someone was slowly crushing my left hand with a hydraulic press and my left knee was pulsing. By the time we reached the hospital, it was so hard to walk and it was also hard to think about anything other than the pain, but they needed my information. The doctors were unsure of what I had so they got me into a hospital room. Once they got me into a room, my mouth, teeth, and gums started to itch. I licked one of my teeth and it shocked my entire body for a second. I fell into another dream where the small boy with the spider told me I had gingivitis. I woke up and told the doctors that I'm not a doctor but I think I have gingivitis. The doctors agreed, but I woke up without knowing the ending of the dream.




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17 Nov 2024

Being chased by murderer
Abandoned home


Back to flying again, this time in the middle of nowhere, woods, post-apocalyptic, I believe. Everything is vibrant, but there are animals, flora and fauna, that are completely unfamiliar to me, that vaguely looks like something that would be drawn as illustrations in one of those dinosaur encyclopedias. I land in middle of some opening thick grass sloshing about in the wind looks very very idyllic but also wild. I am accompanied by someone. I am having a conversations about whether or not we would go provoke these ‘kids’, or what *seems* like human kids playing in the glass framed building, this kindergarten-like building, or to observe from afar. The whole building looks like it was made from wooden bricks for kids basically. Maybe it's the silhouette. I'm not saying that the material itself is toy bricks. And everything is very light-hearted as much as it is curious and cautious; It's like basically like a dare that a lot of those frat parties would do for freshmen, the kind where they would make the freshmen go to the town's spookiest place, stay there for the night, that sort of thing. That's the vibe. But then when we actually run to the window and observe the interior of the building, the kids seem a little odd. They look like kids they act like kids, they have this perfect joi-de-vivre the human kids their apparent age would have. As we realize this we slowly start to back away, and start to make a run for it. But the kids noticed too; They have broken out of the building. At this point they do not look like fully human kids. They look like some kind of a chimeric creature that mimics humanoid shape; half-aquarian, with two functional limbs. Incredible agile. But so are we; matter of fact, supernaturally so. Everything about this vibrant, peridot-colored forest seems to literally zoom past us in a blur of colors and lights, sensations and sounds, of rustling flora that we run past. It is a meandering path without a path that we run through, and they chase us through. At one point we use horses, I believe. Multiple times we almost get caught. They latch onto our limbs. We shake them off. We start running again. At one point, we come out into a small opening where I feel a presence of winged creature, that of benevolent, at least harmless, neutral interest in our chase, hovering above us. I put my faith in it. It grabs us with its talons, delivers us out of the forest. It is at this point in our flight that I discover that this place is no mere mountain, it is a steep valley/canyon, mere one small plateau on this jagged, untamed landscape, lush, full of life. The winged dinosaur carrying us, its wings are rimmed red, muted, its body grey-white. The colouring reminds me of the character Scar from the action RPG that in a post-apocalyptic I used to take interest in called The Wuthering Waves, which inspiration from the Chinese culture and fuses with futuristic solarpunk-ish technologies/aesthetics. Higher on this slope, there is an opening again. This one grants a view of the glacial valley, the canyon, the lake from between the trees that frame the edge of the forest(the steep h. It is at this point that this winged dinosaur-like creature speaks human language, something that I can understand. On this opening, out in this opening, there is also an herbivorous dinosaur creature, one that looks like a triceratops, but if it were a little more slim and smaller in size, and a lion. As the winged creature drops me and my companion off onto the grass, they ask in a human woman's voice. They sound incredibly confident, assertive, and calm. “Lunch?” it asks the lion. The lion answers, “Already ate. Are those new hatchlings?” The winged creature answers, “Saw them getting chased by will-o'-wisps(something adjacent to this that I don’t know how to pronounce the name of; they didn’t call it this). They were about to get caught. Good thing I was there.” “Hm,” goes the lion. “You wouldn’t mind their fellow critters keeping them around, would uou?” asks the winged dinosaur. “Suit yourself. I'll go off and sleep,” says the lion after a moment of intent glance at us, and does what he said he would do: leave gracefully. The herbivore then speaks, “There will probably be more of your kind coming your way as we speak. Matter of fact, there they are,” “Heyyy!” One of the figures emerging out of the thickets say, waving in our direction. “Are they real?” “Didn’t think I’d see more of us around here,” “Where’d you guys come from?” “Oh wow, you guys sweat real sweat. Impressive.” They all say whatever they have in mind. They all look like characters from this one game I know and like: Identity V. All the characters from this game look like Tim Burton puppets meets the 19-20th century gothic horror fashion choices and Coraline’s button-eyes. One of them who looks like Eli Clark, a Seer from the game(headcanoned by the fans as incredibly amicable, lacksidaical and easy-going) speaks. “Heard you got saved by [the name of that winged, talking dinosaur; I couldn’t remember what this was], lucky huh. …Yup, We and they(the dinosaur) are friends. Wanna go have lunch together? We’re just about done cooking the meat.” I say “Yeah, but before that, can I go to the bathroom?” They don’t seem to have the concept of bathrooms, or perhaps it is not called that. They bombard me with questions and comments: “where did you come from?” “You got chased by the [the aforementioned ‘will-o’-the-wisp’ creature I don’t know the name of]!? Yeesh, that’s tough luck!” “Yeah, they’re pretty persistent bunch, and kinda territorial.” “Worst combination, really. Their disguises are usually faulty so it never really works out for them, but still…haha!” I sit down while answering some of them, not really knowing how much longer I can hold the pee in. Matter of fact I think I piss myself a little. The sand(somehow there is sand in the forest, yes.) gets wet. They finally understand, and quickly start delegating tasks to each other. The ‘Eli’ from earlier takes me to the ‘bathroom’, with a few comments that I believe is supposed to be reassuring(“All that relief from the adrenaline finally caught up, huh?” “I know, data leakage sucks(they seem to be some kind of a hybrid of technology and organic humanoid person; instead of digested matters they excrete data and release it to the ground via the USB charging portal.) After this introduction to their physiology I go to collect honeycomb and honey with the recluse oncologist who wears one of those basket-mask to keep the bees away. There is Mediterranean string and percussion instruments ppaying in the background along with some ambient, game music-like chords(think Assassins’ Creed Odyssey).

17 Nov 2024



This dream is a continuation from the last one I made an entry on. So, once I departed from the theme park, I am flying once again. Past the clouds, mid-air. I am flying over the school that I live right next to. It is not the school that I go to or went to. Matter of fact, it doesn't even look like the neighborhood that I usually live in. In fact, it looks like a fusion of some seaside village from some centuries ago, Edo or other region, and the neighborhood as it was depicted in one of those sepia-colored pictures that I saw in the culture-imformation center of the district. Past the school, past the neighborhood, right next to the neighborhood actually because there is a crossroad that I'm flying over. it's like a mangrove village but the mangrove is pine trees and some other weird-leaved trees. coniferous? is that what you call it? And I suppose some other species of trees that I don't know the name of that lives around. Places where there's a lot of sea breeze, salt. This village surrounded by the mangrove, it is adjacent to a resort beach-looking place with lots of parasols, pool with salt waters drawn directly from the sea. It is separated by a dirt road and that's it. Even past that, closer and closer to the coastline(because the coastline itself it seems is rimmed and framed by thick trees, woods, some kind of coniferous trees), I arrive at the shore. There is a tree, all of them are ginormous but this one particularly think and strong, and this onr somehow actually grows *in* salt water? directly from the seabed. There is a nest of wasps or bees or some kind of nest making insect, a hive, on the trunk where it borders the waters and the surface of the waters on the tree, this trunk. I fly down, dive into the seawater, and in that process I either shoot it with a gun, a slingshot, or perhaps it is from underwater that I shoot, but by some kind of action that I took at this point, the wasp or the bees or whatever these insects are becomes agitated, comes out of the nest, swarms. And it is at this same moment that an orca(small one, it's probably no more than two or three meters in size; perhaps it is a small shark), I am detected by them, and I am chased by both the insects and the animal underwater. I understnad the orca-shark-dolphin thing chasing me as their food but how are the insects breathing underwater? Wouldn’t they suffocate? And now the scene is back to me flying again, I guess. I am flying over the school with my high school bestfriend, Reni. It's more like I am carrying her by her torso, hanging her off my arms. I drop her off on the school's rooftop. And here, somehow, for some reason, the sight of my house's living room, the house of my paternal grandmother, where I live currently, seemed to overlap with the scene. Here in this living room, I take out needles that had been stuck around my mouth, out of it. It seemed to have been paralyzing my senses in more ways than one. Taste, touch, or whatever. As I carefully pluck them out of my muscle tissues, one by one, I drop them onto the floor. After all of them have been taken out, I see that the needles are rolling toward me, my foot, my sock-clothed foot. Despite the fact that there was no inclination on the floor of the house itself, I pick them up because I don't want to injure myself.

17 Nov 2024



I'm flying. Midair. I land by a seaside theme park. It looks like a fusion of Hong Kong's Disney World and Tokyo Disney Sea. as well as the Minato Mirai district in Yokohama. Why do I say this? It’s because I've been there, and I know what two out of three of these places look like. And even the last one(the Hong Kong one)? I have seen the photos so I know what it looks like. Once I land, I spend two days there. I don't see myself looking for a place to stay, nor do I even see myself spending time during the night for some reason. It's like the scene cuts from the first day evening to the second day morning, basically. In those duration of time, I am accompanied by what looks like a semblance of my paternal auntie's family, the one that lives in Italy. The “aunty” looks also like my mother. The “uncle” looks like my father. The “uncle” shares their mannerisms with someone I don't know, but looks like my father, or someone else that I know, who is a relative. Perhaps this person is an amalgamation of all the masculine figures that I am related to, that I just mentioned about. In those two days I spend my time differently with those two people. With my auntie-mother hybrid person, I walk around the ferris wheel and visit this place that is right next to or built into this theme park that looks like a Hindu temple dedicated to Shiva that I searched for a picture of just a few days ago. It is called Jyotirlinga Rameshwar temple. With this father-someone else hybrid person, I walk around with the kids(my cousins) and walk past— perhaps even watch—a show, a street show within the theme park, one of the different events that is held in many parts of the theme park. This one is held right around where there is an attraction place made in the image of a ship, a vintage ship where you can interact with a character called Crush the Turtle. I do not go in there, none of us go in there, but we walk past it and I recognized what it is. With the auntie-mother hybrid, the interactions are more poignant; as it is a religious place by the sea where visitors bathe in the seawater and get their blessings from the energy of the site itself as well as the deity that is worshipped there. With the father-uncle-someone else hybrid, it is still silent, but less philosophical. Perhaps it is just that simply we didn't talk much, and that gave me the impression that maybe there is more to this person than it seemed. By the end of the second day morning, we leave.

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