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14 Nov 2024
I was at this like party thing and I swe my friend and I was like omg I forgot to tell you I like someone and she's like omg who so then I told her who I like and my other friend over heard me tell her and she was upset because I didn't tell her and I was like text me when you feel like talking and she was like don't hold your breath
I had a dream that I saw my dead dad in our old house, though I knew he was still dead this was still a vessel of him. I hugged him and he picked me up and he was walking about with me lifted on his hip. He was still cold, and was a bit sad. But looked as he normally would. My mum was though the window with her new parter and she tried to take a photo of me and my dad but her phone wasn’t working, she gave me the phone and once I fixed it and handed it back to her to take a photo of me and my dad he said he had to go and left.
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I dreamed I kissed a very beautiful Korean men and it was so magical almost extatic
I dreamed I had sex with an ex and I was feeling kinda gross and didn't like it while he enjoyed it very much and told me he loved me. Then I dreamed I've seen a very beautiful Korean man and we kissed and it was very beautiful and magical sensation almost extatic, and then we had sex and I felt good and I had an orgasm while he did oral sex to me.
i dreamt about someone coming into my work and putting a gun and ammo on my screen then he left and then he came back and shot at our restaurant
I my dream was about, I was at swimming education cours. I remember that I was standing opposite a café then my coach opened the door for the swimming pool, and I was with my twin sister, the coach put iPad under water then she told me read short information and I read slowly then my twin read ones then I told her to get out of here then she did! I read lament to representative then in the chat of coach and me on Snapchat I got message told fortify there’s some one charms you then I read the holy Quran by loud voice then I got another message told fortify and clean your bedroom then I heared the coach said it’s okay Fatima don’t be afread just read the holy Quran then I went to upstairs then I saw my sister doing exercise then I told her to clean the room with me
I was at work and had been offered a job on another department, but I decided against it due to liking my current department too much. Then when travelling home, me and two coworkers witnessed a helicopter crash. We helped out but were exhausted. Then a random woman came up to me and hugger me in an intimate way. I felt guilty as it felt like i was cheating on my crush Helen.
I'm at this party and I was sitting down waiting for a drink and there's these boxes of soda everywhere and they're just cans and this other guy brings in another box of soda and sits them down and walks off for a second and the other guys decided to play a trick a prank on him and he started hiding his boxes until he comes back he's looking around hey where's my cans of soda I don't know and I'm just like staying quiet but I'm just observing yeah I'm trying to hint like okay they're under the table but you know he's not noticing this other guy is kind of I guess overweight a little bit but his skin is sagging so like he's just lost some weight and he hands me a can of soda but it's frozen I'm saying hey this is frozen and I asked him like well what are you drinking and I was like you know I don't mind the drink it's just frozen I just need something that's not frozen I said I thought I had a coke but this looks like a Sprite and I walk around the party is inside and outside and my dog is running around and I'm trying to call him to me and keep him close because there's a lot of people it's like this like picnics going on and there's a really mean guy comes around and grabs my dog he seems really tall or am I kid I'm not sure because like I when I look at him he's like an adult and I can't reach him yeah he's got my dog and he starts trying to kill my dog he kills my dog but this is a dream so I wake up within a dream so it's a dream within a dream I realize okay my dog is safe but it still makes me nervous because that was like I'm still dreaming but it's a dream within a dream okay and I see my dog and I'm still at this party so it's outside picnics and I say well I'm gonna play this VR game this virtual reality game I'm gonna take my dog with me so I start putting these virtual glasses on my dog and I say hey you gotta go with me on this trip that way I can keep an eye on you so I put the glasses on my dog and we go into this virtual world and there's other people in there too and it's basically a game and where we're on these tracks and like it's like a it's like a little like not a train but it's like one of those little boxes on tracks that move around and my dog is with me so it's like a little cart a little car and me and my dog are on there going through virtual reality and when I open my I take the glasses off for a second to watch him next to me and I can see like he's enjoying it like a little human and it's kind of funny because to see my dog looking around and then I put my glasses back on so now we're back in virtual reality and then other people start playing the game enjoying me and it's like it's like the Indiana Jones game where we're in this kind of tunnel and every level we go through we have to get grab all these keys but there's all these things like chasing us and and like trying to catch us and hit us and stuff and so it doesn't hurt we're just kind of like it's it's just a fun game so we're just running through all these levels in this um tunnel and at the end of each section there's this door so everybody's like find the key find the key and unlock the door so we open the door like yeah okay next and we get to the next one yay next and I'm like I'm looking for the key hold on and so it's just fun we're having just good like light-hearted fun and my friend Everett is sitting next to me and his phone rings so he starts talking to his friend he's like where are you you're supposed to be here he's like I'm hanging out with my friend Monterey and then the person on the phone sounds upset and he's like well you're supposed to be here with me and all that and I'm like uh oh and I'm like sounds like you're in trouble and he's like no I'm with Monterey and he's with his sister and this is her party and I'm like and I tell him yeah I'm with my sister and I tell him my sister's name but he's like I gotta go and I'm like okay and so he takes his virtual stuff off and I take my virtual glasses off and end the game and that's it
I saw in my dream that in one eye I have green eyes and in another eye I have grey eyes and was looking like this. I always wanted to have green or maybe grey colored eyes but I have light brown eyes and I am also manifesting grey or hazel green eyes. So I saw in dream in the mirror that in one eye I have green and in another eye I have grey and it is called heterochromia. So I find heterochromia beautiful so I don't mind and just spent all my life. I was happy and satisfied.
Last night I dreamt that I was clothing shopping and everything looked amazing and flattering.
I was in a store with two male companions. One stole a candy bar. the other stole a bag of chips, or something like that. I stole one sneaker from two different basketball players. I felt really guilty for stealing them. Because I stole them, they each had a foot amputated and had to figure out how to manage themselves with one foot. I decided to return their sneakers, but the damage was already done e.
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