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2 Oct 2024
I had dream about sushi
I had a dream I was on a bus with a Hispanic family. An elderly woman was feeding me sausage and talking to me about something. I don’t remember what she said but it was wise and encouraging.
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1 Oct 2024
I dreamt I was in me and my family’s living room, my mother was sitting on the couch eating some food. My cat, Melanie, jumped on top of my mother’s lap and peed on her. I quickly got a pillow and swatted Melanie with it causing her to run somewhere. My mother was surprisingly quiet and didn’t react to what had happened.
I had a baby snow leopard
First I bought this new home, a woman neighbor came over to be nice and welcome me until she started to rape me. Once it was finished I got out and ran, next thing I know im in this school but people are trying to catch me so im still running trying to find a way to escape. Suddenly im in this alternative world where states in the US are like floating boat islands over a vast sea. For some reason im with Kamala Harris and she’s helping me as the boat island starts to lean back and forth due to strong waves and kills a bunch of people. Then i wake up
I had to leave my new cat in my apartment while I traveled 4 hours away to visit home, and I was going to have a friend cat sit for me. But by the time I had been there a few days I realized I had never given the friend a key to the apartment and the cat was all alone. I also entered a talent show contest with an elementary school as the audience where I was playing along to an Evanescence song on the piano. The techs messed and and started my song as I was coming on stage, but I tried to roll with it and just jump in with the piano. I lost focus and couldn’t perform.
I‘m in a house again. Invited by the owner, an older gentleman whol lives in a giant mansion. The house is beautiful with a huge garden with a lake. I‘m there with my daughter. We are inside and hear a noise. We step on the terrace and we see teenagers in the distance throwing smth burning in the lake our host leaves us to tell thise kids to stop. In the meantime more teenagers approach the house. One man is with them. They are talking to me, threatening ne about smth. I try to argue with them but they don‘t listen. I get more and more scared and I srceam for help while trying to get back inside. I‘m back inside with the host, who is telling security to take care of the intruders. He also tells his secretary that I should become the sole benefitiary of his inheritance. I wake up.
I was coming back from work and saw my friend and his crush having sex in the middle of the road , he was killing everyone who looked at him then i killed him and ran away and came back and she was getting fucked my 5 dudes
My hair falling off
הייתה ילדה בת חמש עשרה בערך שברחה מאנשי צבא בימי הבניים. הם רדפו אחריה עד שהגיעו לחוף הים. הילדה המשיכה לרוץ לכיוון המים, והחיילים עצרו, כי הם לא מוכנים ללכת לכיוון המים. המים היו קפואים בהתחלה אז היא רצה על המשטח הקפוא כמה שיכלה. עד שהרצפת מי הקפואה נשברה מתחתיה והיא נפלה למים. לאחר מכן היא ניצלת על ידי ספינה. רב החובל של הספינה היה ג'ורה מורמונט ממשחקי הכס, ומלח על היספון היה ג׳ופרי באראת'און גם כן ממשחקי הכס. רק שהפעם הם היו אנשים אחרי , ג'ורה היה רב חובל אחראי ואינטליגנט שדאג לנהוג ביד קשה בג׳ופרי. שבדומה לדמות שלו במשחקי הכס, גם כן היה איש רדוד ורע בליבו שאהב להשליט את כוח הזרוע. אך הפעם היה נראה שג׳ורה מחנך את ג׳ופרי כמו שצריך, למרות שהם היו דמויות אחרות הפעם, זה הרגיש כאילו זה עשה תיקון עבר למשחקי הכס.
I was hanging out with my dream boyfriend and he let me do his makeup. White foundation, Dark eyeliner, a sunflower on his nose and checks, and dark red lips. And after I put the final touch on the makeup he kissed me and I kissed him back then we started making out and he pushed me onto my back and got on top of me. Then said "you sure you wanna do this, our makeup will be ruined" then a phone started ringing and I woke up
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