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30 Sep 2024

Violence and death
Abandoned home


I was like in a small town with some blown out buildings but it was a town that was working normally just kinda looked post apocalyptic. I was at a gun store buying gear. I picked up this hunting rifle and it was in 5.56 with a nice scope and it's was like arguing with myself that it would have decent range for what I was shooting at but wouldn't cause enough psychological damage. So I couldn't decide in my dream if I wanted to use a .30-06 rifle or a 5.56 rifle. I decided on the 5.56 hunting rifle especially since it could take stng magazines and I didn't have to reload as much. Then I needed a weapon for close quarters I was trying to chose between 2 handguns in the dream and after some playing around with them I decided on a mossburg 500 tactical with a 14 inch barrel and some magnum buckshot in 2 3/4. I had this very cringe black tactical back pack which I strapped a canteen and my shotgun to it with a bunch of shells stuffed in the mollee webbing on the back and I wrote a bunch of slurs on my shotgun but I don't remember what I wrote but I kept thinking to myself in the dream that everyone would find it funny that I wrote all this stuff. Then I grab a black m45 field jacket and blue jeans and put my back pack on and headed up to this little blown out building and set my rifle up. I was looking down the street like a 45° angle from my building was a play ground at a hospital and I saw kids playing and adults outside. I took a deep breath and squeezed the trigger and a round got sent out and the bullet connected to this adults neck and blood shot out and his body went limp which caused all the kids at the play ground to start running. They started running tword the building I was in so I stood up and started shooting them as they ran tword me and each one I would shoot would hit the ground and the kids would run over to the body and stop for a moment to stare before running tword me again. I just kept shooting and was getting pissed off because "my gun was not scary enough" I was cursing myself that I should have used the .30-06 rifle. I ran out of ammo and then as the kids got closer to my building I jumped down a slide and got on the ground and started telling them to take cover behind the building with me. As they did I started shooting them with my shotgun and it freaked me out because it was really violent and visceral. I then saw red and blue lights coming up the street so I went back into the blown out building and got into a shoot out with the police until I ran out of shot gun shells. I then just started to pump fake the police with the shotgun. Until the police made it into the building. I think they realized I ran out of ammo. I ran upstairs in the building and realized I really fucked up and was sad cause I killed all those people and I didn't even use like a cool gun like an ar15 and was cursing myself cause if I had an assult rifle I could have potentially fought off the police. Then I woke up kek

30 Sep 2024



The world is in a zombie apocalypse where my family and I have found a group to roam with. My mother and I are at a nearby store with our weapons when I'm telling her that i recently saw my groups doctor about my siezures, and she told me to restrict when I take my siezure medicine, but to make sure I still take it often, mostly at night. My mother is looking through medicine in the store while I tell her this, and that I took some medication the night before. She gets a little mad and says "you have to be careful when you take it because we can't just find this medicine easily now with the pandemic. We got lucky today". I'm about to reply when we hear the sirens that tell us a zombie hoard is approaching. Us and the others line up to the glass windows and towards the glass door to defend ourselves. My mother points ger gun to the door while I get my comat knives. Three kids run in to the front entry way where they block themselves with the first glass door but don't come in to the one we are blocking yet because they're waiting on someone else. I notice the zombies are too close and that they'll get hurt so I sheath my knives, run through the first door in to the entry way with them to grab the small handle to keep the first door closed. The zombies get to the door and start pushing. "My dad! My dad's still out there!" One of the kids yell. I brace my feet against the non-wall area next to the door, grab the handle and struggle to keep pulling the door closed. I look through the zombie hoard as i continue to fight the door and keep it closed. " i see him! I see him! Hes running to the other side of the road! Kids, get in the other door!" I shout. The kids are about to cry and look terrified. "Kids! Get in the other door!!" I yell louder as the door starts to open more and more because im not strong enough to keep it closed against all the zombies that are there now. They finally turn around and run through the next door my mother and other people from our group are protecting. I continue to brace the door closed until theres not as many zombies on the other side and run in behind them. As im panting i look around to make sure everyones alright. "That was the easy one. The next hoard coming will be even worse" someone says. I look over to the young boy whose father is across the street and see him bawling. Suddenly im brave again, i grab a bigger weapon on my way out as im running to go back out. I start to run across the street. I hear another group of zombies approaching but i also hear gun shots as someone from my building is on the roof helping me by shooting zombies that are getting close to me. I smile up at them, then reach the building i saw the father go in to. I break down two boards covering a higher up window and slide in. Whwn i do im in a dark slightly run down building. I eventually find two men who tell me that unfortunely when they saved the boys father, it was discovered he had been bitten by a zombie somewhwre that made it to him being not able to be saved. Zombies start attacking the building so the three of us defend ourselves until the hoard moves on. It becomes night so we all agree to take shifts guarding the building until morning when we'll be able to cross back over to where my family is. I agree to take the first shift. As I'm making my rounds in the dark I suddenly start to hear some noises coming from another room. When I approach I realize it's noises of an aggravated zombie, and that it's coming from the room the two men are sleeping in. I take out my knife and slowly approach them trying to figure out if either one of them has been bitten. I quickly realize neither of them are making the noises. As I relax, I'm half-way to putting my knife away when I hear the noises again. I start to approach it, and I turn the corner to see my young son sleeping on the floor. I'm angry at him for following me, and shocked to see him there. I start to go wake him up when i notice he's moving alot in his sleep and that the noise is coming from him. I go to wake him up, thinking he's having a nightmare, when suddenly he pops up. He's looking at me with red eyes and growling at me




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30 Sep 2024

Breastfeeding a baby


I was on an old pirate ship with my old classmates from Highschool and also my dad's part of the family and we were on our way to play a play on a stage but it started storming and I was really scared and some people just left the boat and left behind a little baby and I tried feeding it with it's bottle that it had with it but the bottle was empty so I tried giving it my breast and it sucked so hard, it really hurt and in the end all it got out was blood, cause I obviously don't have milk. Some of my classmates left the boat too so I gave my little brother the task to learn the drum part cause he's really good at drumming and I felt so relieved and happy when he was willimg to do it, he's such a good warm-hearted kid. At some part even the captain of the ship left it cause the storm was so bad and he didnt wanna die and some of my classmates went to steer the boat and we just kept rehearsing our play all while scared for our lifes and constantly falling over due to the turbulences and everyone was expecting me to take the lead and tell everyone what they should do but I was so overwhelmed and didn't know what to do. But the rehearsing kept us distracted and also kind of connected.

30 Sep 2024

Haunted house


The house we bought was haunted, and it was trying to kill us every chance it got. I was almost sucked into a ceiling fan, but we had family over, thankfully. My uncle threatened the spirits with an exorcism and everything stopped on a dime, then returned back to normal for a while. My dad's car that was in the yard and hadn't been used in years came back to life with no driver in it. It tried to run me over but I jumped and crash landed into the passenger seat. Then it brought me to my dad's bunker in a courtyard. In the dream, I remember my dad bringing me here as a child, and me not liking it at all. It had fish line wire everywhere and it was extremely dangerous for an adult, let alone a child, to be in. It had crushed cars everywhere and sharp metal when I was a kid. I climbed down into the bunker, and it was empty, besides the old fishing wire that ran across the floor. The walls, ceiling, and floor was stained in a dull yellow/orange/red, which I guessed was old blood and rust. It was a huge wide open bunker, and it moved like it was a cargo crate on a ship, it was nauseating to stand. I spoke out loud to no one, hoping my dad would hear in the afterlife, "Hey, I know I didn't like the courtyard much, but I'm happy you did, and I'm happy I found it again." And my dad responded in my head, but with an echo that sounded like he was talking in the wide open bunker "Yeah, I know, wasn't the best space for a kid, huh?". I laughed and said "yeah, but I actually was searching for it for a while. I remember that you had this but just could NOT find where, you know?" There was no answer from my dad. As I was climbing out of a different exit that led to an old house, I opened the ceiling latch to have bones fall down into the bunker. My dad's disembodied voice said "oh, must've been the dog". -- To clarify, my dad is not dead in real life, does not have a dog, and works as a mechanic.

30 Sep 2024



I was in a really nice hotel for a convention event. I was down at the pool, meeting up with people I didn't know who were also attending the event, and getting ready to play some sort of card game, when David Tennant, dressed as Crowley from Good Omens, and Catherine Tate joined the group. Unfortunately, I had to leave just then because I had to drive back to my hometown to pick up my best friend who doesn't like driving outside of town. When we got back to the hotel, she hopped in the shower. I was wandering around the (very nice) room waiting for her to finish freshening up so that we could rejoin the pool group. I looked out the balcony after grabbing my personalprotection items -- a sonic buzzer and a pepper spray canister -- off of my backpack where they were hooked on. (The backpack was grey, and the sonic buzzer was a grey camo). There was a security officer for the event with a K-9 companion patrolling the catwalk right by my balcony, keeping an eye on the event. The K-9, and German Shepherd, gently got the officer's attention. I remember thinking he was very cute and sweet with his companion. He was asking if the dog was hungry, since it was the end of their shift. As the officer spoke with the dog as if I wasn't right there, I remember getting a really bad feeling. I looked at him thinking, "he's going to die, isn't he? This is when he's killed" He knelt down to be at eye level with his K-9 companion; he was petting him and cradling his face. I noticed a "thwip" sort of sound first, then the warm mist that hit, the way the officer just kind of froze up before collapsing from an angled gunshot wound to the head -- a sniper round. The K-9 looked around. My first thought was "grab your backpack so it doesn't get stained", but as I reached for the handle I realized it was now part of a crime scene and removing it for any reason would be tampering. Someone from the other end of the catwalk was talking. Asking questions about collateral damage? I hadn't really been listening. I told my friend to stay in the bathroom, do not open the door, as I pulled my cell from my back pocket and dialed 911. A man in a janitorial onesie stepped out from the catwalk with a sniper rifle at his side. I bolted for the elevator while I waited for the phone to connect. The shooter was talking to me now. All I remember was him saying something about speaking to the officer before, but the question ultimately was addressed to me (as i was now his next target, since I'd witnessed the assassination). "911. What's your emergency?" The elevator doors opened and I fell in. I started pressing the 'door close' button repeatedly. "I just witnessed a murder and the sniper is after me now. I need you to send help to the hotel or I'm going to die. I don't know what to do, where to hide...." The sniper stepped around the corner at the other end of the hallway. And then I woke up from a full body shiver.

30 Sep 2024



I dreamed that I was with my parents and three other members of my family. We had reservations at a restaurant but they wouldnt sit all of us 6 together. So they put my mom and dad at a table together and the rest of us inside. After we left I was in my house (not my real one in real life) and two blue ostriches came into the garage. I trapped them in there so they couldn’t get out. Then I ended up in a van with my aunt Linda driving and me and Kai in the front and Tina and Tracey my sisters in the back. I could see a hitman coming up on a motorcycle and. I told Kai to duck and he wouldn’t. But the hitman ended up shooting at my aunt Linda the driver. There were two bullet holes in the windshield and I had to start driving. Then we got to her home and my uncle bill, her husband (my dad’s older brother) were there. Their daughter Amanda was pregnant again. With a boy. And in the dream she had another boy. But in real life she actually has a baby girl. Then she turned into a tiny mouse and I put a blanket over her to keep her warm.

30 Sep 2024



Yesterday I dreamt that I was trying to work on a client so that I can get some money for self survival then my Boss got me and I feared and self dismissed from work in fear then later saw that I had gotten another job in another company. this has happened like a few months back in real life where I left the job because of interactions with clients to get money since I just volunteer in that organization so no payment,I also did an interview for the opportunity I saw in a dream that I had gotten the job.I previously dreamt that my dad and mum were Dead and when were preparing to burry them, they were talking to me how they loved me and how I should take care of what they had left,they lifted me in air showing me love and I later continued with the burial real life dad is alive and mum died in the same dream I saw myself with two celebrities. Yesterday I dreamt about a big snake running after me as we were collecting coffee and I ran home and found my late mum preparing lunch,I went to the wash room to urinate in a dream and I did it on my bed in real life

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