29 Aug 2024
I woke up and checked my bank account and realized 550,000 was transferred into my bank. I was stunned. It was a from a forgiven account I couldn’t read or recognize. It scared me that this happened and I didn’t know how to process or what to do with the information. I wanted to tell my husband but I didn’t know if I should, as I was unsure if he was actually my husband. I went to the gas station to see if I could pull any money out from my account. I was able to pull a few hundred dollars out and felt some relief. At the gas station there were some high school kids being obnoxious and they made me feel anxious, I left to go back home. When I went back home my husband was awake and we had plans to see my mom. She picked us up and it was raining. We were driving around town and I couldn’t get a grasp on reality. I wanted to tell my mom about this money but I again felt very afraid. I had a desire to my nails done. When my dropped us back home, I told her I wanted to talk with her, and I remember feeling anxious about this. She had things to do and made it clear it needed to be to be quick. I brought her in the house while my husband was still in the car, and I kept trying to muster up telling her but I kept avoiding the actual truth. I didn’t know if I could trust her. My husband came in and my mom left. I became unsure if my husband was my actual husband, and I gave him a series of questions to test him to see. I wasn’t convinced. We did a tour through the house because I felt scared and paranoid. In the back room there was a old man’s body on the floor lying in the fetal position, but neither of us were surprised to see this, as if he was a part of the house. At one point we ended up on the driveway and our dog was in the car and there was a shoot out with the police. I remember being so scared for the dog, worried they were going to hurt or kill him.