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18 Nov 2023



I was a horse with wings flying around the sky with a bunch of other horses with wings. My body was darker than theirs, but we all had silvery white wings.




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18 Nov 2023



So my dream was sorta complicated like usual... Yes I use that word far too much... Its just the truth when it comes to my dreams specially because it is so hard to me to even understand, let alone explain it to someone... I neber talk about my dreams like that... I've told people some of my dreams before but only because they asked... If someone don't ask I assume they don't care, and that's not just with dreams but other things too... Anyways... The stuff from my dream I remember is, one somehow I was back in school and not PATH which is the school I graduated at (Stroudsburg School is the main school I went to until I got suspended and expelled at the same time and sent to PATH which I didn't wanna leave so they made it to where I coukd stay there and graduated there), and I don't know that didn't seem to last long in the dream. Randomly something happened it my dream but it wasn't talked about in the dream until the end of the dream.. But long story short again another dream of my boyfriend some how cheating on me then wanting to not be with me anymore and ignoring my existence acting like he hated my guts.. I easily forget my dreams, so I can only remember little parts like the first part, and then that part.. The last part, the ending, was me leaving all broken hearted but on foot, also crying, and then out of nowhere in the dream I was hit by a car.. Afterwards I got taken to the hospital and everything.. Then a few hours went by and when my boyfriend (but technically in my dream not my boyfriend anymore since he did what he did in the dream) ended up hearing about what happened and started to think about serious things and went to go see me.. Im not sure if anything else happened... But all I know is I woke up, and it's rare for my dreams to continue on during the next sleeping time..

18 Nov 2023



I was in a place somewhere and I was holding my newborn baby and trying to breastfeed her but the baby doesn't want to drink my milk. I was sweating so profusely for I don't know the reason why I was sweating. But I decided to give my baby to my friend and told her that I will be taking a quick bath because maybe my baby is tasting the sweat and not the milk that is why she doesn't walk to latch on to my breast. Then after taking a bath, I felt my breast to be tender and wanted to have my baby to drink from it but I don't know where to find my child. It was gone. And I was looking for a breast pump to relieve myself but I couldn't find it. And my dream jump into another one where my boyfriend of LDR broke up with me and I was worried of him talking bad about me although I know for myself it was unlikely of him to do that.

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