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Dream Meanings – page 155

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25 Oct 2024



This was a dream that also recurred later the same night. I discovered Life is a Simulation. The discovery came after a day full of perceived “wins” of things I did and had done throughout the day, and even for things not possible to “win” in their nature. This is how the dream went: My day comprised of writing and filing paperwork, giving a lecture/speech to a very large crowd of people that stood in front of me, and being interjected into an active game by someone random who showed up out of nowhere and was not even a player in that game. This person physically placed me by my shoulders into the player circle telling me I was going to do great, and I was being cheered on by the actual players for my turn. I made a single move during my turn which then made me win the whole game. Everyone boomed with excitement and cheer, and they started to all carry me (like crowd surfing) to party and celebrate. During my whole day I was in an emotional state of neutrality, did not feel anything but was aware and focused on everything happening. While being carried I began to feel joyful and proud, it was the first I felt anything emotionally throughout the entire time. All the actions I took throughout the day were being celebrated as winning. Immediately after those feelings began however, everything and my surroundings went blank. The entire world was gone in an instant. I was still in the position of how I was being carried but was no longer in the air because there was no “air”, there was no gravity nor dimensional space, and I was alone. I was within and surrounded by an ocean blue-colored empty and expanding space. Suddenly there began a revelation of life’s“codes” but it was not a numerical or alphabetical type, it was a different type made of varying strange symbols. It was all around me in the entire upper half of the space, the codes were neon blue-green and threaded within and in-between many long wavy lines, similar to a music sheet and the symbols were like notes, and the entire phenomena was bright and wavy like the aurora borealis. I got turned around and began moving through and around individual circular sections, of which were of people at tables and in the moment of them doing different varieties of activities and actions. There were differing numbers of people within each section depending on what they were doing. These actions and activities included: 1) Social encounters and interactions. There were positive, negative, and neutral situations. There were only 2 positive ones, multiple negative ones, but majority were neutral. I was involved in a few encounters but was mainly an observer passing through. One case, for instance, was of two people giving each other the thumbs up while standing face to face, and doing so at the same exact time, and with soft smiles. Another instance was a small group of girls rejecting another girl from their friend group, jumping away laughing afterwards. There were overarching themes to the interactions and are comprised of: career, friendship, liking/fondness (yet there was no theme of love or romance), power, and healing; this knowledge was discernible to me during the dream. 2) Games, but not any of the typical games like cards, poker, or board games. Rather these were all more complex semblances of games, as they required extra steps, strategies, critical and/or imaginative thinking, and cooperation/teamwork with the other players. These games were also continuous: all of them were played over rounds, with each round comprising of multiple successive levels to complete. I was an observer for all these games. For some games, the levels escalated in difficulty for the game’s initial objective. In other games, each advancing level would switch to a completely new and unique activity than that of the prior level. If observing this type of game from the outside, they appeared as totally different and new games from their original version, yet they’re actually the same games that they started playing initially. Games never seemed to reset to the beginning, and the ordeal felt familiar to that of a tournament. Winning was achieved by a single person per game when they completed the levels and rounds. I did not understand what the actual rules or means to winning were, especially since they were all multiplayered and every person seemed to be involved. 3) Job tasks, such as paperwork, meetings, presentations, and speeches. I observed 3 people in a meeting and then also a person doing paperwork shredding All of these activities were encountered in no specific order or rank. These sections were all around me: in front, to the sides, diagonally. I was gliding past them in a slow-to-normal speed and would stop briefly to view and observe whichever ones were in front of me. There were more that I didn’t watch or stop at, because they were behind and farther out from the sections closest to me, but I could see their presence in the distance. What I was very aware of was that everything I was being shown, no matter the outcome, were instances of winning. And I was there because I had won during my day. Once I got to the end I was turned around again. I was now very, very closely face to face with a grey alien. It did not scare me, it did not make me feel anything. It just looked at me as I looked back at it. There was nothing else around or surrounding us. Its eyes were lime green, it had a bigger head and I did not see its body because of how close it was to me. A big open circle then appeared behind the alien, similar to a large halo but from the back of the head and some distance behind, and it was thick in line weight. It was also grey but a different tone and shade than the alien. The circle was a medium true grey, and the alien was brown-grey. The alien and circle began to shrink as if I was falling away from them, until I found myself back on earth where I was before. The crowd of people carrying me were gone, only numbers of strangers going about their business were around the area. I was about to start heading home when a few seconds later a giant Sun starts falling towards earth. Nobody except me notices it until it engulfs the majority of the sky. Everyone starts to panic and run, there are a few people standing in front of me out in the distance just staring at it, one of them with their arms stretched upwards in a relaxed way. Right before the sun would have crashed, it instead tore open and exploded violently above us all. It happened slowly for an explosion and it was spewing its yellowy-orange contents. It didn’t kill any people but the whole biological environment was destroyed and on fire in places. It turned the world into some sort of apocalyptic hellscape of yellow-orangey sky and a bright orange inorganic ground (the ground was not made of dirt or any organic material). There were bare trunks of trees and skeletons of plants remaining but they weren’t the same types of trees or plants as before. There were still the same buildings and structures, but they were stripped of their colors and decorations. Chaos ensued and everyone was running around like wild animals, although they weren’t screaming or making any sounds, just running very quickly and jumping all over the place. The only sounds were coming from the few people who had stood and stared while the sun fell and exploded. They were weeping. The one guy who had his arms up was yelling and cursing about the outcome, which I interpreted as him being upset he didn’t die from the incident. I attempted to change outcome in the second dream that recurred. I tried to keep Sun intact right before the expected explosion, and I succeeded and the Sun went back to normal. But then the world heavily started glitching out, and everything turned into the same apocalyptic hellscape as before, only this time there were thousand of small red candy cane-type shapes scattered around & everywhere in the sky and environment, and they were completely still and stationary. The buildings and structures were no longer the same either, they had all been replaced with different looking ones and a different layout. There were no people left. After a few moments of looking around, suddenly everything reset to the way the world was before I tried fixing the sun. The dream then ended the same way as it did the first time, with the sun falling and exploding, but there was only darkness after that. That concluded the dream.

24 Oct 2024



I dreamed that I was going to someone’s house in another familiar dreamscape. The house was kind of oddly set up and then I realized that they had removed one of the side walls of the house and welded a 5th wheel trailer onto it in order to expand the house. For some reason I thought this was a totally genius idea and I wanted to do the same thing at my moms house. They showed me the property line and how the house was over all the way to the edge of the property line and it looked kind of crooked. The family who owned the house did this for their daughter to be able to have her own space in the house. I was there to visit the daughter, she was having some sort of party. Then it shifts to an old friend of mine and me driving in her Mercedes and there was all these fake plants decorating it and there was this fabric that lined the top that had vines and leaves printed on it. I laughed because when we were young her mom used to decorate with a jungle theme in their house and they had cheetah print furniture and vines all over the place. She had her daughter with her. We went to a grocery store and we came up to a quarter machine that dispenses those little plastic containers that have random toys I n them. When I opened it up I saw that there were a bunch of things that people left in there that had already been paid for but left. It looked like there could possibly be store merchandise that didn’t belong in there but I argued with the store worker that it was mine fair and square. The manager came and told them that I was right and the worker was irritated about it. There was even a brand new flat iron that had a sensor on it. I grabbed it all up and put it in the car.




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24 Oct 2024

Being chased by murderer


okay so my dream last night. the first part of the dream was almost scary, i dont remember as vividly but, it was a very dim environment, and i had to live in this room, a wall opened sometimes but if it closed behind you, it was a garentied death. almost like the maze runner. and i go behind this wall, and its just like a normal house except very dark. and robotic spiders and flys would come out, if you got stung, it killed you. and i was back there looking at the stove, not to far from the door and it starts closing, well i manage to fight the door enough to get through, but then i left it open. and swarms of robotic spiders and flies started filling the room, so i had no choice but to go in the room and close the door behind me. there was definitely more to my dream but thats all i can remember. this was the second part but i woak up in a hospital bed, apparently i had been in a coma for 30 years. i went straight to my grandmas house, and her my aunt and my 2 cousins were there. their faces when they saw me, they were in complete shock. but none of them had aged, only me. we sat down and talked and they all huged me, and couldn’t believe i was awake. then somebody mentioned my boyfriend. i ran outside to call him. he answered, and i said yk this is ana. and he said never to talk to him again, and i asked why like what happened. and he said i had 2 boyfriends. and im like huh?? i don’t remember that at all, nor would i do something like that. but all this time had passed, he knew i was in a coma but he didn’t once ask about it or even a “your awake”. i went back inside and told them i needed to see my mom, and my grandma and them drove me to the airport, and my mom and family were really excited, everybody was there to pick me up. extended family too. and same thing, none of them aged only i did. and after that initial reunion, things just went back to normal, i remember being in a paitents room, training as a CNA, but my family was training me? we went to the pet store, ig we needed alot from there, and there was this weird looking animal, its face looked like a peice of wood, and its body like a black rock, and it had holes for its eyes and mouth, they looked so void and empty and lifeless, but it moved. were back at the house, and we were gathering games i think, and there sits, right infront of me, my cousin. brianna, she has passed away in real life, and i knew that somehow. she was sitting on the ground with her son, whos maybe a year. she didn’t have a son in real life. and my mom looked at me like she knew her fate too. brianna hadn’t aged either, but i cried when i saw her. and i thought to myself what if i could be this boys god mother. the last bit of my dream was odd. it was the same but like idk, so im walking down the street, and all of a sudden im paul rudd. and you see him from like a camera point of view, but its me. so im/him is walking in a very crowded place and a ladys purse gets stolen but its all acting cuz there’s cameras all around him. and then its not acting anymore, he/i notices an old shoe store that isnt there anymore, steals a car and drives off to an island where it’s supposedly located now.

24 Oct 2024



I was in my apartment and heard all of my neighbors gathering outside near my property managers unit. I went outside and asked what's going on and they said somebody died but when I asked who it was they told me it was some random person from down the street and i was like oh okay, that's unfortunate but at least it's not one of the neighbors. I then plugged my nose and tried breathing through it and I could and that's when I knew I was dreaming and I became fully lucid. I was just looking around for a second and tried to ground myself by spinning and looking at my feet but when I did I felt so tired and couldn't and I just woke up. When going back to sleep I was focusing very slightly on the third eye area but not too intense or pinpoint but just kinda like started to fall into the space from my forehead to a deeper space in my mind and could feel a larger space behind my eyes and then fell back into the same dream. I was in my backyard area which was much more flat. The neighbors that i dont like, their fenced off area was gone and so were there units and it was just a bunch of concrete. I did my nose pinching technique and breathed and it allowed me to become lucid again. I then did my grounding technique where i look at my feet with my arms out and spin and this time i pushed through with energy and was able to stablize the dream. I then saw my neighbor Vanessa and my property manger Erika and I took them into Erika's apartment which turned into a small rv once we got in her place. It was very messy and stuff all over the place. We went back to her bedroom and the TV was on we laid in the bed, I asked, what are we watching? I think she said matlock or some other old show. Vanessa got under the covers and started giggling and foundling Erika while Erika and I started kissing. She had 2 piercings on her tongue which she doesn't have in waking life. Before we could take it any further I woke up again. I did the same technique and was able to get back to the dream and did my lucid technique and was aware again. I then realized I have better things to do and knew I needed to speak with my subconscious. I saw a guy dressed in black clothes and a tan trench coat like some inspector gadget spy. I somehow knew he represented my fears and as soon as I called out to ask his name he ran. I chased him. I got in my car following him in his and it became a top down videogame style. I was weaving around traffic like crazy crashing here and there but plowing through like gta. We got out and he ran up this apartment building. Vanessa was there and I asked if she knew his name and I'm she said that she thinks it was something like Arnold stolvin or something like that. I started yelling out to him using his name and then next thing I know I'm in a room with 2 super hot girls. I was messing around charging the shape and size of my penis making it huge and tiny and all kinds of things just for fun. It was like I was designing it in a videogame or like I was sculpting it like pottery. I then got it to a size and shape that wasn't ridiculous, much closer to normal and I started having sex with one of them. She was the chubbier one and I was getting super close to climax but was able to keep it right on the edge and keep going. I ended up waking up before I could finish and it was 8am at that point so I decided it was time to get up for the day.

24 Oct 2024



Another very deep dream. I was with someone and we were really in love. I made a kind of a treasure hunt for him to go on. We went on it together kind of. It was like actually the treasure hunt was on a T-shirt, but there were other things planted around what felt like a school environment. We decided we were gonna be together and we made plans to be together on a Thursday night. Then I remembered that I had plans on Thursday. I was a plus one on a ticket to see this band that was like a mix of Simon Lebon from Duran Duran and some other bands. The other band was The Clash. I had been given the ticket, but it was. I was also gonna be on a like a date, but not a date date it was like they had an extra ticket and I was gonna get it and be sitting next to this person, but we didn’t know each other. Anyway, somehow it was Thursday and I told my boyfriend I had plans that I completely had forgotten about. He was upset. I was like, “oh shoot I’ve got these plans”. I think a family member had set me up with getting the extra ticket. Then suddenly it’s Thursday and my boyfriend and I are standing outside of the event hall and the guy that I have the ticket/date with shows up. I said, “hey I’m your plus one.” He was a very snarky little man who was full of himself. My boyfriend‘s attitude completely changed. He ended up introducing himself to the guy, who was a small, thin man. Then my boyfriend went into this story about it being the anniversary of his father‘s death, and he got very emotional. He basically made me choose between going to the show or being with him and I chose to go to the show because it was Simon Le Bon from Duran Duran. But then I got really upset that I hadn’t chosen my boyfriend and he got really upset that I hadn’t chosen to go with him. And then I became really desperate to prove to him that I loved him. A messenger came to me and told me that my boyfriend wanted to see me in a room 138 or something like that the ballroom that the event was happening in was taking a long time to kick off. So I tried to find him and when I did, he told me how upset he was and How I had to choose again. So I went about trying to find the man with the ticket and let him know that I wasn’t gonna be joining him. So then the dream shifts and within the same facility I was invited to I was having lunch or dinner or something with Cassandra. I think it was Cassandra my stepsister. We got seated at this tall table where the table was taller than our heads and so we could see each other from under the table and we each got a glass of wine and I knew that I was sober, but I tasted the wine, but then I had to go because I had to fix the situation with my boyfriend. When I finally made the choice and caught up to my boyfriend, then everything shifted again and he was so like disrespectful of me like I needed help and he wouldn’t help me like with the laundry. The washing machine was really cool though. The basket was small so you couldn’t put more than three or four items into the basket, but you could see through it. You could see the laundry go through its whole process like after the wash, it would drop the items being cleaned down into another section and then you would use that to dry the clothes and it was really just kind of cool. It was like almost a giant portable washer dryer system. Anyway, Cassandra wouldn’t help me. My dad wouldn’t help me. It just became really frustrating. I had no support after I’d given up the ticket. The atmosphere of the dream was very like solid with gray tones. At one point my dad and I had gone to this market. It was very sparse though. It wasn’t like a market like I’m used to. He could only pick a few items and oh we got to the checkout and the checkout lady completely skipped to my dad‘s order. So she had to pull his one item out of this order that somebody else had made and check him out. He may not have been my dad. It could’ve also been, I don’t know, either my boyfriend or another relative but it could’ve been my dad too.

24 Oct 2024



I dreamed I was playing a obstacle game of pokemon. At first, I was trying to go through to arrive to an obstacle. I had a bowl of cereal in my hand and eating it. I was crossing a lake and hit the ice or cold area of the lake. It was really cold so I went back to find another way around. Then when I arrived to the obstacles, I was gaining points by taking down pokemon with either my ship or weapon or so on and watching them explode. I had higher and higher points. I was with someone, a game partner helping me. The game paused with me looking at a third person point of view of someone talking to a CIA director and commented them on being the youngest in history and wondering why the CIA director is helping them. The director said something about something suspicious going on, like a mole or so on. Then back to the obstacles, we were going room by room looking for something, maybe evidence of what this CIA director was looking for.

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