26 Oct 2024
My dream started off in my room. I watching a YouTube video on my phone about My Little Pony. I rubbed my eyes while watching it, which caused me to miss something, so I rewound the video. Once I did that, the video changed and the U.S. government came after me. They placed me inside a small room with one window and forced me to watch the outside world while I was stuck inside. At some point I realized that I was in my pajamas, so I grabbed a blanket to cover myself up. After a little while, my room started to move and got placed inside a building filled with bombs. Every kind of bomb imaginable was in that building, and one of them started ticking down. Not wanting to get blown up, I climbed through the ceiling. The ceiling disappeared when the room moved, so I was easily able to climb through it. Suddenly, the entire building fell apart. It didn’t explode like I thought it would, it just collapsed in on itself. After staring at the wreckage for a minute, I ran to a populated area nearby. I think it was an outdoor mall, but I’m not sure. Anyway, I started talking to people, but I was having a hard time keeping the conversations going. Majority of the people I would talk to would just walk away. I sighed and gave up before noticing a letter in the sky made out of clouds. It said that I had werewolf blood in me as a result of an experiment. Curious as to what that meant, I went to the building the message was over. Inside, I found a candy store mixed with a toy store that was being run by an old lady. The two of us talked for a bit and quickly became friends. Suddenly, a group of four people all wearing white came into the store and threatened to burn it down. I told them to leave before I threatened to hit them with a chair. They didn’t listen to me however and started pouring gasoline all over the place. Angered and frustrated, I grab one of them and push them down into a gas puddle. Then I tell the others that if they don’t leave, their friend will die. One of them pulls out a gun and threatens me with it, but I refuse to let go of the guy I’m holding, effectively keeping him hostage. Just then, the police show up. For some reason, they arrest me instead of the guy with the gun. My dream ends with me sitting in jail and complaining about things.