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31 Dec 2023



I had a dream last night where reality was constantly changing. It seems like another dimension from Earth. Mary was there with her child. I thought that me and Tammy were watching a movie together. And a guy who likes to wear to rabbit mask died. I think I had to stream twice now.

31 Dec 2023



I was in my living room laying down on the couch. It was dark and quiet, just how I left everything before I fell asleep. I see through the blinds this man walking his dogs like he usually does and he lives two doors down from me. He’s always walking very close to my door/ specifically and it seems like everytime I look outside through the small opening in the blinds he’ll finally walk away and just go inside his home. I’ve had a weird suspicion that he’s been stalking me/ or sometimes gets bored and maybe wants to see what I’m watching but he’s always there and close by. I always get an uneasy feeling from this man. At one point he gets so close to my sliding back door that it’s obvious he’s watching me/ looking in. I get up and I yell at him through the window to go!! And to leave!! And to stop watching me. He gets VERY angry and his dogs are getting worked up too. The man leaves but soon another man appears. At first this man is yelling threats at me through the window for “throwing my middle finger up” at the other man and that I’ll pay for my disrespect. I start explaining through the window that I never gave him the middle finger, I just shooed him away. The other man then started to calm down a bit and when he did we both were able to just look at each other for a second. The fear and daunting realization that I knew this second man set in. His name was Thomas and we worked at the bowling center together. I’ve had dreams before of someone there watching over me, but a looming and dark entity or energy. When I left working there for good I felt so much better and safer, but this man…. He’s a lot of things and had evil in eyes everytime we spoke or talked. When that realization of who he was hit me I started to back away. I started wishing I was anywhere else. Somehow he opens the back sliding door and comes in uninvited. I always keep this door locked so the fact that he came in somehow was enough to paralyze me with fear, but I knew I needed to act calm. He started talking to me about random things, asking me how I am and where I live. I had an immediate instinct to lie so I said “I’m moving to Chicago!” And I started singing lines from this show called “victorious” from when I was younger to try and lighten the mood. But he didn’t laugh. I didn’t feel safe at all. I wanted nothing more than for him to be gone. I did not get a good feeling from him being there at all. I look over at him and the look in his eyes was terrifying. I then wake up from my sleep very anxious.




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31 Dec 2023



A dream that I have on to go when I was 6 years old it starts off but I'm in my mom's house playing with my friend and I'm holding my teddy bear and we're playing hide and seek and my uncle comes to pick me up cuz he's going to take me to his house for the night and in my dream I don't want to go I want to stay with my friend play so I pretend like I get in the back of the car but I really get behind the trash can and hide with my friend until he pulls out of the driveway and leaves but as soon as he pulls out of the driveway and leaves my friend runs off and says I got to go home and I was like wait I thought we were going to hang out and then I realized that my Bear is lost so I go inside and I'm looking for my bear I can't find him and went outside looking forward to find him I asked my step dad if he's seen the bear he said no I start walking down the street because I'm looking for him I come up on his back alleyway it's dark out and I see this old man pushing his cart and this old man was frail and he was really a sweet old man and I said hey have you seen my Mr Teddy and the guy was about to answer me before he could somebody came behind him that was in a dark coat long coat stabbed him and killed him and then they started slowly turning towards me and walking towards me and then I was here at first but then all good and I just said go ahead and kill me and I stab me the back of my throat and then I woke up

31 Dec 2023

New Job


I had a really bad dream with demons… it was terrible. Ethan a new guy I met that I like was in my dream too. I was helping him move. And we stopped at my place, only it wasn’t my place as it is in real life. It was a big dark house and a terrible demon lived in it. Crazy shit started happening and I was really scared. But I was happy we are leaving, I just took a few things I needed and was leaving… but the realized the demon decided to put itself in a tennis rocket and followed me. So I tried to trick it and stopped at a church it couldn’t go it there… but then it transformed into this beautiful black chubby black woman dressed in red, and tricked the good people of the church to let it in. And was just happy I was scared of it and it wouldn’t want to leave my side, and I was just crying in the middle of the church begging God to get rid of it 😅 but no one would listen. And the priest tried but didn’t understand that the demon was real and while I was telling him about it I started flying because apparently I was also a fairy 🧚 😂but then he tried me down because that was unholy and questioned me on how I did that. And then I woke up

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