31 Dec 2023
My dream was really scary Everyone around me was getting murdered, everyone was hurt, I was terrified, I didn't know what I could do, my auntie was killed and I had to run away to a house to hide and I thought I'd be dead forever. I saw people getting whipped, stabbed, stabbed with glass, killed, for no reason at all. I felt hopeless and I didn't know what to do. I was alone and every place I turned to, people was getting killed. I was getting chased a lot, by people trying to kill me, everyone was dead on the floor and I had to sneak into someone's house and hide until someone got me. I didn't know what to do, I had no place to go, so I had to break into someone's house and hide because people was looking to kill me. Then finally my sister found me she was knocking at the door and I thought they was here to kill me but it was just my sister and she helped me