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17 Jan 2024



I was walking through the woods, and came up on this house. I went in, and saw a table, chairs, couch, and a TV. Then. I suddenly felt cold. I went over to the couch, and wrapped myself up in a blanket. I turned on the TV, and a frenemy of mine was giving the weather report: intense snow throughout the Northwest.




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16 Jan 2024



I was playing beat saber and then I woke up and went to a place that I go to every summer and it was me with all my favorite people (including my favorite YouTubers, EddieVR, your narrator, juicyfruitsnacks, Mully VR and joshdub). But then there was sort of a tsunami and we all became very tall and big in general because of that tsunami thing. Then when the tsunami ended we all went back to out places but on the way there I got tons of little things stuck on my bare feet and it hurt a lot. I could phisically feel it!. Then I woke up again but I was STILL dreaming. Because I had to remember to do this when I woke up, I dreamt of the app, but then I woke up in reality. In reality, it was still 5-6 AM (I usually wake up right before things happen) and I'd been sleeping since 11-12 pm. I was tossing and turning constantly because I couldn't get comfortable (I am sick at the moment so that's why). So to sum it all up, I dreamt in a dream, which was in a dream. So there was 3 scenarios and then I woke up. This doesn't usually happen ( I don't think so at least).

16 Jan 2024



Dream 2/10/21: Its an zombie apocalypse and there is a group of people with me including a girl named antania which in the dream i think i loved her but back to the story. Everybody in my friend group got the announcement that the government said that zombies are real and they are taking over DC as they said it, now at the time i dont know the reason why but we all stayed close to the capital at DC but the difference was that the capital was like 6 floors high. So back to my friends we gathered up at the capital and we have weapons and stuff so are plan was to get rid of all of the zombies. My memory is starting to fade for the dream but next thing I remember is that the girl antania had a relationship with somebody with us but everybody knew that is was toxic and they should break up, meanwhile we are heading inside the building and we didnt notice any zombies for the first few floors and we was questioning if the government killed all of them but when was mistaken. As we came closer to the top floor there were wall like structures is the way and for some reason i was the only one tp break through those walls so i did and the next floor after the one with the walls were the first few zombies we’ve seen since we entered the building and the zombies weren’t aggressive at first but when they saw us they became diff to handle so as they were chasing us(well my friend) he didnt know what to do and started panicking, he was about to die so i shot it in the head with my pistol and they were more of them but the rest my friends handled them. Now we are at the top of the capital and they’re people that worked for the government there so we thought we was good but for some reason zombies started to pile up like alot of them and they broke through the barrier and it was only a few government people and while chaos was breaking out people stared dying from my friend group and the people that worked for the government got eaten and died to so apparently we somehow managed to kill enough so that we can go back into the building where it seem safer and i noticed that antania was hurt from something but it wasnt a zombie bite or scratch, she had hurt herself from something else everybody was looking as she came down from the stairs and they was looking at me too because they knew about the feeling i have for her and she just gave me that stare which i knew what to do at that point so i gave her a hug but it was more touchy feely than a normal one and she was hugging me back so i healed her and made her feel better, i do t know how i did it but i did. And asked her arent you dealing with somebody and she said there relationship has been broken for a while now and she leaned in for a kiss and i kissed her back and that was that. But back to the real problem at hand, everybody saw that whole moment with me and her and we just kept going down the floors and the zombies it seemed like they was getting stronger after everyone but we was handling it so we are at the bottom floor and i put one of my friends on watch incase they came from the floors above so he was watching those stairs and we was handling the ones from the ground and we was doing until the guy who was watching the stairs got overwhelmed from a certain zombie and he was screaming and crying in pain as we all saw him being eaten and torn to pieces so i had to hurry up and kill the zombie so after that the zombies that were coming at us was becoming to strong and people stared dying and getting eaten, now at this moment all im thinking about is antania and how im going to protect her at all cost also she was always close to me. So after fighting and killing zombies for a while there is only few of us left and things aren’t looking to good. But for some reason antania got separated from me and i saw her getting cartied and dragged away by zombies and i went on a rampage almost to get rid of the zombies infront of me and at the same time shooting at the ones that were taking her but they just wasnt dying... and I witnessed the end of antania’s life just as i came close to her, i was heartbroken almost was ready to give as i was thinking there was no need to live and fight anymore all zombies were dead by then in the building so i walked outside de and i saw the zombies from the movie i am legend and i thought that im never escaping this reality as the girl i always wanted is dead so the top zombie from that group looked at me and i looked back at him and we both broke out in a full sprint towards each other and right before contact i woke up.

15 Jan 2024



This dream is a collection of dream sequences in one. The first one I am in some type of house, presumably at a friends house. In the dream, I keep noticing paranormal activity. I then use some kind of device (I think a mirror or a camera to detect the “spirit” that is there.) I end up seeing a scary looking woman but I am not that phased by it. I make an attempt to communicate and the spirit reveals to me that all of the messages/signs I’ve been seeing relate to what I was previously doing or things that are significant to my life. I become friends with the spirit and it’s revealed that the woman previously had blonde hair that changed to a light brown, similarly to the way my hair changed in real life over time. At the end, when I leave the house, I tell the spirit that we can no longer talk in the material world but it’s okay because I know it’s always there. That is how the first dream ends.

12 Jan 2024



A hogwarts student hermoine grainger played by Emma Watson that hogwarts was boring. So Hermoine Grainger stole the Elder Wand and wanted to have fun with it. So Emma Watson used the elder wand for Will Moffett to perform sexual acts on her. Well the hogwarts professors were wored and wanted to see whats up with her. Hermoine Grainger said she was fine. A few days latter Hermoine Grainger was throwing up and did not feel well. She went to the hospital wing and said she was sick. A few months latter a huge bump on Hermoine Grainger stomach begin to grow. Hermoine Grainger used a spell to hide her large pregrency bump that was now noticable. Hermoine Grainger told Will Moffett that she used the elder wand to perform sexual acts. So Hermoine Grainger went to her dentist parents and told her that she was pregrent. Hermoine Grainger did not want to be expelled from Hogwarts so she kept a secret. When the time Hermone Grainger told Will Moffett that she was an expecting mom. Hermoine Grainger and Will Moffett child who was born a boy was the first child born at Hogwarts.

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