16 Jan 2024
I was playing beat saber and then I woke up and went to a place that I go to every summer and it was me with all my favorite people (including my favorite YouTubers, EddieVR, your narrator, juicyfruitsnacks, Mully VR and joshdub). But then there was sort of a tsunami and we all became very tall and big in general because of that tsunami thing. Then when the tsunami ended we all went back to out places but on the way there I got tons of little things stuck on my bare feet and it hurt a lot. I could phisically feel it!. Then I woke up again but I was STILL dreaming. Because I had to remember to do this when I woke up, I dreamt of the app, but then I woke up in reality. In reality, it was still 5-6 AM (I usually wake up right before things happen) and I'd been sleeping since 11-12 pm. I was tossing and turning constantly because I couldn't get comfortable (I am sick at the moment so that's why). So to sum it all up, I dreamt in a dream, which was in a dream. So there was 3 scenarios and then I woke up. This doesn't usually happen ( I don't think so at least).