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4 Feb 2024
I dreamt about a man that was my boyfriend we had sex, not in the dream, but in the dream we cuddled, and I laid on his chest he had a Boner, and he was happy for me, laying on his chest and trusting him the man had a beard and long hair They were both black and after he picked me up and we laid on the couch while we played video games together
Dreamt I was at Chris and Carley’s wedding getting ready with my girlfriend, jessi, and her mom. It started off really fun. Their was a swimming competition for everyone going to the wedding. Then we were going to a place called blind mountain to get ready, I went to grab something from the car I was renting, and it started to driving on its own. I kept chasing it trying to catch it, but I couldnt. It kept running into things.
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I dreamt I was with a group of friends that I knew and we all played the lottery. the jackpot of lottery was $150,000. As the radio played the numbers, nobody won and everybody threw their lottery tickets up in the air. However, my numbers match the numbers and so I stood up and told my friend to read the numbers and then as he started reading the numbers I interrupted him and said I’ll read you the numbers because my numbers matched. I read 080915 and then my ticket dropped when I went to go pick it up there’s a lot of tickets and I was looking for the tickets and I couldn’t find it next thing I know it we are getting ready to go to a New Year’s Eve party and the girls are getting their hair make up done. We were also supposed to be done by 7:30 but in my dream I was procrastinating and I started getting ready at 7:30. Also, I had to walk from our hotel room outside where it was raining to get to the salon and I remember dodging the rain. Throughout the dream I kept going back to trying to find out lottery ticket that was on the floor that I lost with all the others.
i had a dream i was at school and for some reason veronica and sarah were there and we had an arcade at my school. i was taking a long time on the game that i told them to go ahead, then when i finished i got lost and couldn’t find the arcade again. i bumped into a meeting for teachers and saw me melo and ms rigin. i found jada and the girl infrount of me was texting a boy weird things. i got a bad feeling and told jada i love her. when we got outside there was two guys and th y had flutes that turned into guns. i dodged all the bullets until they started throwing other things at me and got shot in the leg. then i flew away to get help for the school but when i got there they didn’t understand me and i didn’t know how to tell them i needed help
The cat was throwing up multiple times and then all of a sudden she was knocking at my door and scratching at my door at 3:30 am
A little detail first, I have a lot of dreams involving things in the sky like wars and aliens and falling things and I remember acknowledging this in my dream. I was dreaming that I was looking out into the night sky from the back window and saw a huge monster like alien thing in the sky and I was trying to tell my brother to look at it but I couldn’t really speak. All I could do was moan and make like a quiet screaming noise. Once he saw what I was looking at we knew we had to get to a hiding place so that’s what we were going to do but then thankfully my husband woke me up so I didn’t have to be in that scary dream anymore.
Dystopia cloud covered skies. I am at a farm house and cant find anyone. Everything is Grey. A dog is barking. It's a pit bull and it is brown. The farm house is surrounded by corn and winds keep whipping through the fields and you can hear the corn whispering. Suddenly a piece of the sky falls and hits the ground in front of me. I hear air leaving the earth. The atmosphere deflates like a Ballon. I end up on Mars.
Zombie apocalypse happened and everyone wanted to run. I stayed because it was what I had been preparing for my whole life
Being on a beach and there was a school on the beach, and than I look down at my toe, and my toe nail fell of and my toe nail was laying right next to my toe
I was on a tour somewhere where nature was unbelievably beautiful. There was a flying machine that would take you up then extend its arms out, with you in its “hand” so it feels like you are flying above able so see for mines. At first I was afraid because I don’t like heights but once we got closer to the center I decided to get on the machine. It was an amazing experience. I felt free and not weighed down. Then it switched, I was someplace with a male friend and we were looking for someone to have a threesome with but we couldn’t find anyone because of me I guess no one wanted me.
I dreamt about people decapitating me. Then I was viewing my decapitated body from outside my body.
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