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4 Feb 2024



I was making a turkey sandwich but kept putting things I donโ€™t eat (pork meat) in the sandwich and kept taking it off and putting it back on. Getting frustrated! Then suddenly I was at someoneโ€™s houseโ€ฆa friend in the dream but not in real life. Some how my partner was there and we were cuddling, kissing, talking, etc. but suddenly he had to leave. He left in a rush but I went after him trying to ask questions. He just left out the door and I followed. I stopped as he headed toward the house next to the house I was and called his name. He turned to see what I wanted but my stomach was in full knots and I just shook my head and told him never mind. He quickly ran into the house next door and I was left feeling sad. Then I woke up.




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4 Feb 2024

New Job


I dreamt about going to a new gym. My current gym, which is actually my old gym, is near my work which I go to with my cousin, but one day I was on the bus and I spotted a gym that was near my old flat. In this dream I was still living at my old flat, but the area my flat was in, was different. I went to this gym and when I got there, I remembered I had been there before, I remembered the changing rooms and the main gym area. The changing rooms had lots of cubicles rather than just one room for everyone to change in. The main gym area was pretty big, it had a lot less machines, but more floor area for workouts. When I was there I thought it was weird that I had forgot I'd been there before. After the trip to that new gym, I went to the gym I go to with my cousin with her

4 Feb 2024



I was inside a large stadium listening to music from a loud speaker and enjoying the music. All of a sudden a woman sitting in a higher level pointed at me, screamed and jumped over the railing and started punching and kicking me. My mind immediately started to race and I began to think of the long corridor and the path to get to my car in the parking lot but it was too late. She continued to hit and punch me while her two female friends stood idle by and didn't do anything. While she punched me she kept insisting that she knew me and I needed to pay for what I've done. I started screaming for the cops or the police and a familiar friend in a police uniform came up to me and when he arrived I was able to push the frantic woman off of me and loosen my grip. The officer asked if I was okay and I said I was but I wasn't sure why she attacked me that way. Afterwards the woman that was punching me stood up and seemed very dissociative and confused and I told the officer that she might need some mental health help or some type of intervention. I told the officer if she didn't get help she might hurt someone else or end up hurting herself, but the officer disagreed. The three woman than began walking up some steps to the elevator and one of the woman's friends began acting very strangely and turned to the first woman and asked her why she didn't defeat me, the woman she was punching eariler. The sun outside was setting and there was a light fog that began to rise outside. Just then out of the three woman, one of them took off down a busy corridor filled with fans trying to exit the stadium and another woman stood by staring into the sky without uttering a word leaving the last stable one among them to figure out what to do. She then realized she didn't have her car keys but realized she needed to hurry and gather up both her friends and get out before something else went array and someone else got hurt. She was able to find both of her friends, call and Uber and wait outside. As they were waiting one of the woman said I reminded her of a famous women from a popular song and that she really felt I needed to die or be hurt and she wasn't entirely sure why

4 Feb 2024



I was getting out of a trailer home from seeing my sister and walking through the grass where I started feeling something crawling up my leg. I reached down freaking out and shook my pants leg open and a small spider came out on the ground and took off. I stood up and continued walk forward. As I was walking next to the road to get back home I see this tiny creature that looked like a ball of fur running next to me. I tried attacking my legs,but managed to kick it far away from me. I then continued walking forward and realized there was a bunny running right across from me which scared the crap out of me. Next thing I know the little white creature was picked up by this white fox and continued to help the little white creature to get to me. Soon I was about to walk across a heavy traffic road when the white fox tried to get me back to the little white creature. I kicked the fox out in the road hoping that the cars would end it so I could safely get home. I turned to tried to run across the highway, but then the swarm of traffic came from the light and soon ran over the fox. I turned away as I couldn't see the results of what I had done to the fox. Soon I went back next to the road and Soon realized that cars were starting to drive off the road. Next thing I know there were cars, trucks, 18 wheelers, etc. Driving more into the side of the road where I was at and followed me each pace I moved out of the way. It became a huge crashing sight. I Soon realized my mistake that I even caused these wrecks as well by my own actions. An 18 wheeler started losing control and then drove straight at me. Then I woke up

4 Feb 2024



I once had a dream about my daughter my 2nd born. And it was another nightmare, I can't member all of it but I member most of it an I member my 2 older kids at the time were bout 4 and 6 and for some reason they were walking home from school by themselves which they never did at the time. But they were walking the sidewalk of a busy street near where my mom and dad lived, and I think they were trying to get to a place they knew which was my mom's. But But me, in my dream, I wasn't aware of where they were at. I just remember they were lost and I was looking for them and I was told that they were seen walking on this major, by this main street, over the bridge, like, by my mom's house. And we went looking for them and we couldn't find them and all of a sudden we found my son and he was by himself and we were asking him where his sister was, like, where Fefe was because we couldn't find her and she wasn't with him and he said that she got too close to, um, to the edge, like, there was this big old lake by the bridge, in my dream, and in reality, like, it's a bridge that goes over a river, but in my dream, the river wasn't there, it was a big old lake, like, it was a big old fishing lake, you know what I mean? It was very deep and, uh, my son said once they crossed over the bridge that she got kind of close to the lake, you know what I mean, and she slipped in and she fell into the water and she doesn't know how to swim and so we just panicked, like, my dad and I, like, we called the fire department, the cops, everything, because we were all looking for them anyways, but my dad and I jumped into the lake, we kept getting out and jumping into the lake and we were trying to get to the bottom and we were trying to, like, comb through, like, trying to find her, trying to get her to bring her back up, you know, because we were just, we felt like we were running out of time and, um, we, you know, as much as we kept doing that, we couldn't get her, but, um, soon after, this big old, like, um, tractor or, like, truck or whatever, it had, like, a big old, like, like a, a sweeping spoon, I don't know, I think a big old net, and so they told us to get out of the water so that they could, you know, scoop the bottom of the lake and see if she's in there and, uh, as they did that, they did it a couple times in, um, the area where my dad and I kept jumping in, um, where they swept, they ended up pulling her up and I remember they pulled out of the water and she was just white, like, you know what I mean, like, pale, like, lifeless, you know what I mean, and I could just see her, like, in her outfit, like, her clothes that she would wear to school with her earrings on and she just wasn't breathing and, you know, they, I freaked out in my dream, I just panicked and, uh, I wanted to go get her and they would just, you know, do so that I couldn't touch her and nothing like that and I, I just remember, I just remember waking up from the dream and I grabbed my daughter from the floor and I kept her home from school that day, but I grabbed her off the floor where she was sleeping, like, next to my bed and, um, I just held her and I cried and I cried and I cried and I just held her and I just, because the dream just felt so real, I just, you know, I, and the bad dream has stuck with me, like, it's been, like, four years since I've had that dream and I'll never forget that, I'll never forget that dream.

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