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27 Jan 2024



I was driving in the car with my dad and my little sister through like a jungle and there was like a place to park but it had water right next to it so my dad was being careful not to park in it. He was backing up and backed up into a small thing of water that was super deep. The car was submerged so I unbuckled my seat belt and swam to the surface to get a breath of air than swam back down to help my sister and bring her up to the surface. Then I went back down for my dad and brought him up.




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27 Jan 2024



I think I was in the high school B gym for whatever reason, I think I was looking for someone or something. I think the dream had gone on prior to this point, I just don’t remember. I kept walking through the gym but there weren’t many people in there. I remember seeing a few little kids, I think Brittany Bessire was in the stands, and mom was on the sidelines where I was walking. I kept walking past, and I remember being dressed up, wearing shiny black leggings, high healed black boots, and a flowy black chiffon type spaghetti strap shirt, and thinking it was odd I was so dressed up at an event like this, but I kept walking through the doors into the A gym. There was a bigger game going on in there, and I found Rachel Montgomery in the upper portion of the stands. She had popcorn and was yelling at the game, said high to me without looking up from the game, and continued yelling, engrossed. I sat and looked around. That’s when I saw Pierre come walking up and asked me to come with him, and that’s when I realized why I was so dressed up- because I wasn’t actually going to the basketball game, I was just meeting there and we were going to go a party to hang out with our friends. We get to the house (I’m pretty sure it’s Kelsey’s house) and it’s just like old times: all my old friends are there, we’re having a good time, laughing and whatnot. Then Nathan comes over and kinda offers his hand to me like he’s asking me to dance, and I kinda get butterflies in my stomach and grab his hand and stand up. He walks me over to the back wall in the middle of the room between the snack and drink tables where Pierre is, and I see Lauren and Rhys standing there munchin on snacks. Nathan kinda pushes me back toward the wall and I get confused and he looks down, kinda sad, so I ask him what’s wrong. He just kinda sighs and bends down as Pierre bends down and they both shackle my ankles into this device so I can’t move my legs or walk. I stare at him in horror as I ask what’s going on and he looks downcast as he mumbles he’s sorry, there was nothing he could do. I stared blankly at him as a squat man with fancifully colored clothes and a feathered hat comes from behind a wall and I get a sickening feeling in my gut that this isn’t going to end well for me. He welcomes everyone this evening and says there will be a feast after the sacrifice, of which I gather will be me. I try to quickly devise a plan to either outwit this creature and/or enlist Nathan’s help by playing on his guilt because I know he has feelings for me (otherwise this whole thing wouldn’t have worked because that’s part of the creatures spell), but then somehow the scene changed to me already having escaped the β€œparty” in a stolen brown 98 Volkswagen pulling into the parking lot of my childhood church thinking I’ll be safe there. However, someone else is coming after me with a six-shooter and doesn’t care who they hurt- whoever gets in the way. But they only have six shots. As I pull into the parking lot, their car breaks down maybe 200 yards away, so they get out and start shooting. I move from the drivers to the passengers to get out of the line of fire and count the gunshots. Unfortunately there are some people in the parking lot, and I see at least two people go down. Two bullets, and two more trying to get me. They’re getting closer. And then I wake up.

27 Jan 2024



I dreamt I was at a cemetery and I was looking for the grave of my great-grandmother and grandfather and someone I knew worked at the cemetery but she was busy and there were some folks who were waiting for a tour or something with this person and the next tour wasn't until 1pm and they were talking about having to wait and I was there just to find the information about my grandparents grave and so I was just kind of talking to them and explaining to them how the scheduling worked and why they did have to wait and yeah I guess just trying to talk them through it, calm them down when they were upset but without feeling any kind of responsibility for it. I was just there and just talking them through it but then I got what I needed. I found the section where my great-grandparents grave was and I was going to set out to go and look for it and I met up with my friend and we said hi and that was the end of it. I went and found the grave.

27 Jan 2024



Me and my sister were at these people house. we dont know them but i think they were family members. we wnt out and did fun stuff. then my sister ended up needjng surgery and would be in a wheelchair until she heals. before the day we were to go back home, she went off to have her surgery and I was home alone with the baby of the family. then a random man comes in the garage and I tell him to leave because he scared me. and I cang figure out how to close the garage and I am scared more people are going to come in. then this car pulls uo and its a lady being creepy and hostile. police eventually came and i was okay. the next day im back home and this white girl tried to attack me in my front yard and I beat her up but she got up and left with this scary energy. i was almost certain she put hex on me.

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