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4 Feb 2024
I dreamt I was at a park with random people I didn’t know as though they were my friends and my sister but I didn’t like the people something I believe made me mad so I left went home and laid down on the couch and tried to go to sleep after a while I opened my eyes and saw someone through the window staring at me I closed my eyes again I guess thinking they would go away they broke in tried to rape me I ran off further into the house grabbed a knife tried to cut off their head it did nothing but oddly enough they passed out so I ran outside the house to get away and maybe call the police then I noticed a family member that lives overseas walk up to me noticing I’m in a panic and asking what’s wrong I explained to them everything and for some reason because of dream logic we both decided to go back to look for the guy when we got closer I pointed him out as he was inside a car and before we could do or say anything he shot himself in the head and I woke up
3 Feb 2024
Í often dream that I can't scream I'm trying and no sound and also and moving in slow motion
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I was lying in bed crying about my ex girlfriend. My mom and my kids came in looking for me and then I started to write songs about my break up. One of my songs went viral and I started to hear it on tv and on the radio
About a man I've loved most of my life I haven't thought about him for a while he was alive and something about snakes maybe he was getting them for me because I'm scared of them I don't for sure remember I just know there was snakes and after I woke up I learned that he was walking across the street and got hit by a UPS driver and died the night before
Taylor swift is at nana and grandpas after a show. She is one of my cousins and wants to crash. We talk about how people think she’s gay. I saw yeah, gaylor has been on my algorithm. People put the most cryptic messages together. I offer to let her take my childhood room and immediately regret it. I want to suggest we sleep in the same bed, but instead telll her why grandpas room is so haunted. I tell her about the coo coo clock going off late at night, and the time my bed started shaking out of nowhere. I feel bad for telling a celebrity songwriter too many personal details about my moms molestation. We pull out my moms old stripper shoes. Should we throw these out? she asks…no, mom still uses these, I say as I wipe fresh foundation off of them.
Dreamt I was helping Nour do laundry when an old green spirit ghost woman tried to steal my body.
We were helping Carley leave Chris. He was doing something monstrous like eating people. they were in a different country and she needed help leaving him. He knew that I knew. She ended up taking him back knowing that he was a cannibal.
I was cleaning a house and yard with my ex, Elliot. His attitude was blasé, I wasn’t taking too much offense. It seems like he was given the instructions, so I kept having to follow his lead. Near the end, I noticed he was leaving a mess of black specs on the carpet so I had to clean up behind him. Then, I found eleven dollars i had dropped. I bent out the window to wash a bra and saw two orcas. I saw two orcas making out I told him. “Kissing” he replied.
I dreamed that I didn’t know it was snowing outside and I was somewhere in someone’s house and I looked out the window and I saw all these beautiful snowflakes coming down and it was a positive feeling.
I was cleaning a house and yard with Elliot. He was being very blasé about me, and I wasn’t taking too much offense. It seems like he was given the instructions, so I kept having to follow his lead. Near the end I noticed he was leaving black specs on the carpet so I went behind him to clean up. I found eleven dollars i had dropped. I bent out the window to wash a bra and saw two orcas. I saw two orcas making out I told him. “Kissing” he replied.
I had been working for some government program. Before that I was on some type of dating show or just dating someone really toxic. He was upset that I had betrayed him some how. He had all of us jump into the pool after he squirted dish soap in our face but he squirted the most in mine in the most humiliating way. Then he dove in with me letting me know he forgave me and wanted to be with be, he swam on his back I swam on top of him ashamed and confused. Then it turned out I was in some government program where they were able to turn animals into robotic woman. They had given me the option of killing myself or being killed by angry orcas. I looked at the orcas, they had red beady eyes. On the ground there were blue iradecent caterpillars, like gummy worms. I thought about posting a picture and writing something poetic or a cry for help in the caption. Then a government agent with a checkered past broke through the gate to the ocean. Through the gates some marine life come up and become jealous women pigs ready to kill me.
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