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2 Feb 2024
In my dream, I remember being constantly upset or let down by two small groups of people. And to cope, I started driving, some parts of the road were icy, other parts of the road were flooded with swamp water. And when I got to my destination which was somebody else’s SUV, I started crying because I was very upset. And then, the man started loading ammo into rocket launchers on his jeep’s engine.
Bought 3 dogs and spent money I did not have.
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I had a dream the Beyonce and I were good friends then we had a falling out. I wasn’t sure why she was upset with me, but for some reason every one else did. We came together at the end of the dream but I felt things would never be the same
I dream about I was about go to school I saw Esteban hug a girl in the wasted it just hit me hard because he hug a others girl in the past
I dreamt about making food. I was in the kitchen making spring rolls. As I made spring rolls, I was told to be careful with bean sprouts and scallions. The root of the scallions can cause Listeria. I was told to be sure to wash the vegetables before adding them to the dish.
me and daniel (crush) were doing this ice obstacle course thing and we kept siking each other out in a flirty way
I was standing at a door and two crows were at the entrance. I paid them 2 silver coins before I could enter the door. My boyfriend was behind me.
This one was very short, I had a dream about this guy, somehow I recognized his face but I didn’t know his name. He said his name was kibedza (this was his name spelled in my dream) I tried to remember it to the best of my ability when I woke up. He was quite good looking and he was y’know a little shy when he told me that he would like to hang out with me and I was very excited, however somehow I gained awareness that this was a dream and it really saddened me upon waking up because my feelings for this guy felt very real like I was actually in love with someone only for that to be just an illusion. It really made me sad
It was like a game of hide and seek, my sister and I were playing in this ridiculously huge building it almost seemed endless every room there were (I don’t know what to call them) these entities that just walked around aimlessly in big open spaces and every room there was a hiding spot so if you were detected by one of these entities. Let me call them the “Seekers” they would alert the others and a group of them will start running towards us giving us sheer panic and forcing us to hide as me and my sisters were the “hiders” I don’t know if there was any point to this dream as it kept going on and on but it was fun and we were never found after all it ended eventually. Not sure if we found an exit or not which led me to be awake now.
I had a dream my wife and me was in a party and we hung out together and then I faced one woman that liked me and we kissed together and my wife was jealous about it.
i had a dream that i had breast cancer and when i told my family, instead of comforting me, they were asking questions. i screamed at them for not understanding.
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