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14 Feb 2024
Last night I dreamt of a calm ocean but the beach was destroyed the animals where scattered and looked confused like they were plopped where they stood
i had a dream that my sister bought a few guinea pigs and 3 green cheeked conure birds to keep our 2 parakeet birds company. i grabbed one of the guinea pigs and it peed on the floor
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I got back with my ex girlfriend and had her over for a family event and pretended we were just friends bc I haven’t came out to my family yet and my uncle was there and he was like she was at ur bday party last year and now this event so he was thinking we were dating but I said we had a break in our “friendship” *bc we broke up* and then started being friends again but he was questioning if we were in a relationship
I decided to post that I was having a party, and tell anyone they were invited I somehow was having it at this like big stadium or something. Before I knew if it’s like the entire world was there. They’re were like 100s of thousands of people. Everyone was having a good time. I had a lot of food and activities and it was fun but it’s like it started getting to crazy. I couldn’t control anything. I kept losing everything including like my phone. I started getting sick and I had one friend trying her hardest to help me but it was out of control. Then it’s like animals got lose and were hurting people including me but no one could get away because we were so tightly packed. People were dying left and right and getting injured there was blood everywhere! And right as I started to think I wouldn’t be able to handle it anymore like I was going to just past out from not being able to breath or move. The guy who was there to interview me that I was really excited about talking to started like calling out for me and it’s like I starting floating out of the group of people and floating to him because he wasn’t trying to wait any longer for the interview! I felt good and happy knowing g I was floating out of the craziness and actually honing to be able to talk to him on camera and tell my story. But the moment I floated to him he began the interview not by asking questions but talking about me and saying what he thought about me. It was so mean and evil, he tried to say that I was a big phoney when it comes to me being a activist/humanatarian and how I was the opposite. I started to scream no at him and everyone booed me. I began to slowly go back down into the crowd as he continued to bash me verbally. And the crowd got louder and wilder. Once I was back in the crowd all hell broke loose and it’s like everyone was after me trying to hurt me. I couldn’t get out and no one could. It was like a big fence keeping everyone in. I saw my grandma pulling up outside and I got worried because I didn’t want her trying to come in and get hurt. And I didnt want her worrying about me so I made my way to the gate she was near pushing through all the people. When she saw me she didn’t seem to care about me only that her sister who was my grand aunt who died was in there and couldn’t get out. So I lifted my aunt and helped her get over the fence to get to my grandma and my grandma hugged her and put her in the car and just drove off. I felt horrible because its like she didn’t care about me. But I just kept getting attacked by people and animals in the big crowd. Everyone like hated me. An as I think I was about to die I woke up
My boss was telling me I can’t take off this one day I had planned to go to the beach with my family and cousins but she’d give me extra time off the following year if I wouldn’t take that day off.
I had a very stressful dream. I was on shoulders of two guys, who where trying to get me out of the dark room through the door. At the same time we were on a rolling pin. On the curved suface of the rolling pin there was a black line made of pencil on which we we behind the line and these two guys were trying bring me ahead of the line carrying me on their shoulders. I was not in condition to stand by myself and I was conscious. Somehow my mind said coming out of room and coming in front of the line happened same time and were same event.
i just remember talking to people. idk who or about what, that i don’t remember. but i woke up in the waking world and heard someone in the corner of my room say “hey!” very loud, it woke me up.
I got into an argument with a teacher and she was going off on me and being very negative to my cognitive mind and then when I start making my point she gets irritated and starts talking shit to me about how my dad wouldnt be proud of me and I said "I don't have a dad to be proud of me, suck my dick lady" and then I was taken out of the room before I hurt her.
Me and my boyfriend had 2 children a boy and a girl and i was pregnant with another child. We were in a taxi driving to a hospital. It was dark outside. Then a woman comes to me to touch my belly and then says im not pregnant and pushes down on my belly and then one of my boobs gets bigger and the other turned into an inflated condom. Then my boyfriend became a fox and ran into the woods and hid inside a cave.
I was in my old school and me and my crush were in love and I went into a shed and a boy I knew who wants to have sex with me but I don’t like him and he throws a cup of sperm on me and I get pregnant and I tell my crush and he doesn’t care and I rlly wanted to be pregnant at the age of twelve but not with that boy
Aliens trying to find me and big long tubes that open up that I put my eye up to to see the place that I need to go to but the third one I put my eye to was the alien trying to suck my eye out James Charles made a new face wash and when he put his head under it he saw the alien and screamed
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