3 Feb 2024
I dreamt I was on a date with a world-famous celebrity in a huge, intense theme park. This celebrity was often posting photos on Instagram of himself on dates with beautiful women, in places like that. So I was aware it was merely "my turn" - I had no illusions of it becoming a relationship. I was provided with gorgeous clothing and make up and flowers, and he would snap photos of us on a ride or in a beautiful location. There was amazing food and the park was a lot of fun, although intense and intriguing.
He was acting sincere and as though he was in love, but as soon as I kissed him, he pulled out his phone and took a selfie of that too. And I realised "of course, most of his Instagram photos were of him being kissed by beautiful women". I wasn't very upset, I felt slightly self-reproving, but mostly flattered that I was considered beautiful enough to be among them. I began to look forward to my photos being on his public posts, but then I found out that mine were being saved to his private profile, which I (and the general public) couldn't see, and I was irritated.