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21 Nov 2023

New Job
Holding hands


I had a dream about a boy that I might like and we were at school and held hands, walked, and talked. He walked me to my car where my parents and siblings were and introduced himself, but my mom wouldnt shake his hand. I was a little embarrased. Then when I got home my whole bedroom was rearranged and my mom was hanging up new picture frames. Then I remember being a little frustrated because my room looked weird, then I woke up. Everything in the dream felt so real, the conversations and hand holding felt real too. But right before I woke up It was all black and I felt this finger or something poking me on the right side of my stomach and I was gasping for air then woke up.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

21 Nov 2023

New Job


I was in a recreational shop like REI and was looking at their clearance section for new ski pants. I see a big red puffy jacket and when I pick it up I see that on the left sleeve it has the name "kyle" embroidered on the side, my brother's name. In my dream, I think that's funny and think about telling him later. I go to wander over to the ski stuff but an employee tells me I have to wait so that an associate can walk me through. I get annoyed and decide to leave since I'm not planning on buying anything. I pass by a young mother with her 8 or 9 year old daughter who seem really sweet. I go into the bathroom and the design of it is so bad that you have to squeeze between the door and the sink. I then look at the stalls and it looks like all of them have a leak so there is water everywhere. I get grossed out and decide to hold my bladder on my drive home. When I get out the mom and daughter have water guns and spray me. I am really angry and first calmly explain that i have a long drive and have two stops to make now soaking wet. They don't seem to get it so I start getting angry and cursing. The mom rolls her eyes at me and I leave. As I'm driving, I pull over and my friend (no one I know in real life) is there with a new pair of clothes and asks if I can take care of his dog.

21 Nov 2023



Is was a few months pregnant I just found out and I felt that I should be unhappy with it because I know my husband is not ready or we are not ready I was happy that we were pregnant and kept rubbing my belly then I notice it growing. I was happy as my husband seemed to lighten up about the baby that was there. Then I started to feel abdominal pain almost like a contraction and a feeling that I need to poop I know this Baby is not ready to come out and I was serching for movement of the baby that i could not feel. Other women pregnant was talking about their babies moving. Then the contraction happens again I yell to my husband that we need to go to the hospital im afraid I’m gonna lose the baby so we check in the hospital and then I notice I have three to five large lumps going up that match the buttons on my paints so I leave them unbuckled. Then i find out my work insurance is good for hospital use and I look at my husband at the check in desk and tell him I need to call off of work I need to tell Lori my manager I’m her but everytime I try to find her number to text her I can’t then her and her daughter show up I explain what’s going on and I said I don’t know why I could message you . Then I go to the room and the baby did not make it it fast forwards to me wanting another baby and being heartbroken

21 Nov 2023

New Job


I came to this old neighborhood where my Grandma Magills house was, but it was much different than it was in real life. It was a big, tall Victorian style house, kind of atop a hill with some steps leading to the door and large porch. I remember looking up and thinking to myself how beautiful it was. The moment was right after my Grandma died, my Aunt and Uncle (who are divorced, my uncle dead in real life) were in the house, kind of going thorough and packing up grandma's things. Inside the house it was a combination of old Victorian style, antique wood, steps upstairs and furniture. Then you entered a bright room, light new looking carpet with a huge window, overlooking a lake, maybe fields. In this room, it felt light and calm. People were smiling and eating. Then I made my way up the spiral wooden staircase. On the landing, before the top I remember art I liked. I remember going into a room that had been my grandma's. It had her old fashion but pretty jewelry. It was darker, a little scary, and sad. There was a closet that couldn't close, it was so full. Inside was a painting similar to one she had when I was a child. In real life, I would lay in the spare bedroom where it hung, and stare at it. It was of a house or cottage in the woods, and there was a path or dirt road leading away from the house and around a corns you could never see. I'd imagine where that road would lead to, who lived in the cottage and a feeling that I wished I lived there, in real life and in my dream.

21 Nov 2023



i barely remember what happend but here's what i can say: me and many of my friends were in my garden and we were eating, suddenly we were separated in 2 tribes on red and one blue. I couldn't understand which one i was so i went with the one with the people that i liked more but then someone told me i was in the other one and i was disappointed. The change of scene was sudden and i was with one of my friends, andrea, walking in this big elegant place that seemed expensive, then we sat at a table with other people and it was the 18th birthday of a friend named Manuel. There was a table next to us with strange people that offered us a cake and we took it. I didn't trust them and while my friends were eating the cake they gave us i was eating the cake that the restaurant brought us. Another change of scene, i was with my niece and grandfather in the car and we were going somewhere but i was arguing with my grandfather so i got angry and told him to stop and that i would get to my destination on my own by running. He told me not to and got out of the car with my niece running towards me. My grandfather told me i couldn't get to my destination before him and i said "watch me" but then when i started running i didn't go forward but stayed in the same spot, i turn around and see my niece keeping me from going away, i told her to go away but all my nails fell. i got scared and tried to run again while my niece was distracted but i still couldn't.

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