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26 Nov 2023

Light (Not Dark)


I was In a shower fully clothed without it being on with Morrissey and a few other people. I kept talking to him and trying to get him to like me or something. He was wearing a striped white and light grey top and I was totally staring at him. The shower was big and he was leaning with this elbow above his head on the shower wall.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

26 Nov 2023



It started with me and grandma going to moms house to help her with stuff but then it turned into me living there again and I had four cats of varying ages, like one was a kitten there was two cats a little older but not full grown and there was an adult cat, and I was trying to keep them all inside, and they liked to stand and sit on me, so I'd have them on my shoulders and holding them and I could hold all four at once, but they kept trying to sneak out whenever the door opened, but grandma couldn't help cause she was trying to watch her pug who she brought with for some reason, so I just had to keep grabbing these cats like "no no baby, this way, come here, inside, no don't out little guy" I'd grab one and another on my shoulder and trying to hold back another with my foot. I always caught them before they got out of the yard, but they kept getting out.

26 Nov 2023

New Job


I was at a farm type place, there weren't any animals but we seemed to be out in the country somewhere, I was with some lady I didn't know. Some rich women came and they wanted to buy me off from her. I just wanted to go home, I knew from the start I had to get home. I started running but the women (I never got thier names let's call them Karen and Sharon for now) started chasing me and I ran and ran, eventually I thought really hard of a hidden place in the woods, I wished for it, and the world around me turned into white hallways and I made it to a room with a forest inside, it was small but it was the comfort I needed at the time. I locked the door and hid there for as long as I could, curled up under a tree, scared and small. Eventually Karen found me and started busting down the door and all I could do was cry, stuck in a dead-end. At some point I must have passed out from it all, the next thing I knew I woke up in a bed, with my cat Kirby, but the Sharon lady was sitting over me. I was in her house. I refused to talk to her and wouldn't leave the room I slept in. She tried to be nice, acted like I was her adopted kid, tried to get me to go to the beach with her when I was homesick for the forest, she was mean to Kirby though. Kirby ended up getting bugs in his fur and in the house and she tried to take me out for a day in the city to feel better (never minding the fact that I begged for the woods and she was a bitch who wanted me to hate the woods and live in the city) and she tried to leave Kirby behind saying it would get the bugs off him too, but I knew it was poisonous to animals and she was either dangerously stupid or wanted him dead, so I refused to leave without him. She eventually let me take him with and let me put him in a dark pink zip up purse (she was too dumb to realize he needed airholes to breathe so I left the bag open enough for his head until I cut holes in it later) at some point while taking me through the city she got distracted and let go of me and I ran like the wind, I got as far as I could on foot before finding a car with a lyft sticker on it at a gas station and telling the driver that I lost my phone but if he could give me a ride I'd pay in cash. (I managed to steal the rich lady's wallet before we left, and memorized her pin number for later) the guy seemed skeptical at first but I managed to make up a story about being there for a gig and missing my bus back and he let me in. When I told him where I was going (I stated the address which is in Minnesota, not knowing how far I was from home without a gps) he told me we were in California. I handed him a couple hundred dollars and asked him to take me as far in the direction of Minnesota as he could. I used the pin number and card from the stolen wallet when we stopped for gas again later to pull out another couple hundred cause I knew I'd need a vet to look at Kirby when I got home and I bought some food and water for him so he could eat and drink and do his business while we were stopped. I left the card there knowing she'd track it if i kept using it. Then we hopped back in and kept going. The guy took me to Nevada or Arizona, before saying he had to drop me off so he could get back home. I remember before I got out he double checked saying "you better not be lying to me, not some runaway right? You got family waiting for you where you're headed?" And I told him that I did have family waiting for me, technically the truth, and he drove off into the night. I booked a stay at a motel for the night with cash, before walking along the road with my thumb out in the morning. It took a while but eventually a truck driver stopped to ask where I was headed, when I told him Minnesota he said he could get me to the border of South Dakota since he was driving a shipment to a place near there. He also had a small cat with him to keep him company so he was fine with me having Kirby along for the ride. We stopped a few times for gas and to let the cats out to eat and all that, I grabed a map and a compass at one of the gas stations on the way so I'd have a way to know what direction to go to get home. At some point I fell asleep and when I woke up he was letting me out at the border sign, he wished me safe travels, and I wished him the same, and I started walking again. It was dark, but I was so close. He also marked on my map for me where we were and I marked home. I followed the compass North and West until I got to the Minnesota border, and then I knew I was close, I kept going until I found a road I knew and ended up in a town I pass through on the drive home and followed the road til I was almost home, I stopped before getting home though at the pet hospital we pass by all the time and handed the receptionist all the cash I had left to check Kirby and debug him. I filled out the paperwork and waited there for the appointment (it was set for a couple hours later since they had an opening that day) and when he was all finished they gave me a real cat carrier to replace the torn up purse cause I gave them more money than what his appointment actually cost, and then I walked out with him, in his new carrier, and I said "let's go home" and I walked the rest of the way home. When I got there I ran straight up the hill where grandma was walking with her dogs like she usually does and she was so surprised and happy to see us and I let Kirby out and ran to her and gave her a big hug, and she told me dad was on his way home from work and him and grandpa would be so happy to see me and we went inside and she was like "look who I found!" And grandpa got up and gave me a hug too and then dad came home and as soon as he walked in and saw me he cried and I cried and I hugged him. Even now it feels like I was gone for a long time.

26 Nov 2023



What I remember is that I was in a world where all beings that you’ve could have ever imagined was real and I was in a group of friends. And we were undercover, i was human though I was wearing a hoodie hiding my face as my other two friends (the rest were somewhere else it was just me and the other two) were elves but their ears were a little pointy with a circle on their ear. Though the place we were going was a different Elf territory so my two friends had to disguise their regular ears into the Elf ears that we were in. We were whispering to each other as we walked in a busy town of this territory, that was when I noticed that their elf ear disguises were fading away and interrupted the conversation to tell them about it. So they stopped talking a put back the disguise. After that something happened though I didn’t remember and I’m now with the others, we were all laughing and this girl (someone near my age and one of the people I knew in my dream) was also laughing and we were pulling ourselves away from the group to catch a breather. We went inside a little room to stop our laughter. And when we stopped we looked at each other and the other one told me to close my eyes. I did so and she placed her hands on mine and she also closed her eyes. Than I awoke. As i awake it’s the same, i didn’t remember the group I was in nor the girl that I was last with.

26 Nov 2023



I was at a place that had a lot of men there and we were separated in 2s I was separated in a man with a bad boy face with a kind look and had dirty brown curly hair with drownish blackish eyes he ask me what mine favorite days were I said desember 25 and February 14 we had to the bathroom were we saw every man kissing another man except for some other people and then it went to my mom's house and there was a really bad storm coming and my mom would not let me a my friends go and then it went to 3 men standing inside of a clock tower and they saw the storm and said Wyatt,Olivia and another name that has a l in it the man that I was with was wearing a white short shirt and dark jeans and he had tattoos all over his arms and chest and one on his neck and they came to rescue us we lived in a house that was badly damaged by the storm

26 Nov 2023



I found a book that was called the book of darkness and when I open it it had all these stories of monsters like these think that kill you in the dark if you don't go in light soon and other monsters and then the storys came real in mine house and every time I survive I got a peace of paper that tells a different story about the last person how had this book when I survive every monster everything went back to normal but I was missing one page and then a little girl appeared and she said that this was mine book of bad dream that I had and then it went to a monster from my grate giving me the final page that I needed and it told that a boys parents were fighting because they think that they're son was crazy because he keeps telling them that there is a girl and then it went to the boy using a book to save himself from going to a insane asylum and then it went to my mom and brother sending me to a insane asylum for no reason at all so I used the book to save myself from them but in a different way I used the monster against them and then I was given a key to a wardrobe that had a lantern of light and a old gray shaw and the first book of darkness

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