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6 Feb 2024
Dreamt I was on a property for a party and realized I could swim around to go where I wanted. Pamela Anderson was there and I was helping my brother sort through a woman’s clothes who had left. I wanted to leave but realized I had left my iPad that I needed to work on. I swam around looking for my iPad. Next thing I’m in a store selling things to a saleswoman. I realize I am selling my girlfriend’s mom’s painting of a angel with a huge penis and think i should start selling my work.
I was having sex with my boyfriend
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I got back with the father of my child but I hate him so it wouldn’t make sense to be with him in my dream
À zombie walking Ang looking toward me and toward a junkie I tried to help.
Fighting my boyfriends ex girlfriend
i was on my way to a carnival with a group of my girlfriends we were all driving on the freeway together until we almost missed our exit and almost got into a car accident. luckily we made it onto the exit. however the exit led us to a humongous slide under the city of new york. it was scary because people were sliding down the steep slide and falling into the lit up city. suddenly the scenario changed from that and i found myself dancing in the basement of my ex boyfriend from high school. we were having an intimate moment dancing together and then we kissed. that was the end of my dream
I was at a random mansion that for some reason seemed like my family’s house and I was doing something for the good of people. I forgot what. Eventually I started seeing the darkness in the kids that were near me so I started silently killing them off with my magic. I found myself getting away outside some odd door so that I couldn’t be caught. I got out and I was apparently on the higher level of the mansion, I found my way down and made my way into the living room with my family. I went to do something but then I accidentally bumped into one of my uncles that I don’t entirely get along with and he started yelling and making fun of me about money that I don’t have because he knew I grew up poor and homeless and I said something back but I sounded mute in my own head so I don’t know what I said and he started coming after me and hitting me and then I woke up
I dreamed I was walking with someone but I didn’t see them but I felt them in my dream and I was laughing and talking to someone but I couldn’t see them I was walking away from a car and came to a flight of stairs we started walking up the stairs and as I looked ahead it looked like a mall we were going upstairs too and as we approached the top of the stairs in side was a burger king and I stated that people will be mad to find a Burger King at the top of the stairs and I woke up
I was on a bus in the front the driver was a male and In between us was a lady I told the driver wow you are driving good and the lady asked me is there any thing that you need and I replied no I’m fine, and woke up
I was in a bedroom or a room with my mom and stepdad. Stepdad pulled me to the side near the window and said that my mom has cancer and was dying. Of course, she didn’t want anyone to know or find out especially him but, with the symptoms she had, he speculated and/or confirmed that she had it. Nothing about her was out of the ordinary, she acted her usual self but slightly more positive and happy. I was in the kitchen and my sister came up from behind me while my mom sat at the dining room table. I whispered to my sister that mom had cancer and she whispered back “are you serious?” and I said “yes.” I don’t remember what happened after because i woke up.
My mom passed away about 5 yrs ago. I had a dream I was In the hospital and my mom came to see me she came into my room from the main hallway which was just major bright lights just so lit up I couldn't see anybody else there but I knew there were people there I felt like it was my grandmother and two uncles that have passed I kept telling my mom I wanted to go with her but it's like my legs were glued to the bed and I could not move them I was very upset I wanted to go with my mom and she kept telling me no When I woke up I immediately started crying. I think really because I felt like my mom had come to see me and then upset because I couldn't go with her. However, going with her would have meant that I would have had to perish as can't come she said it's not time you can't come yet you still have things to do
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