5 Feb 2024
this dream was really long but i caught the ending of it. i was in the car with my mom but she kept transforming from herself to my highschool theatre teacher. we were driving somewhere and then she started looking at her phone. while she was driving, my freshman year highschool math teacher walked out in the street and without looking at the road she hit him with her car. not so much as to kill him, but the front corner of the bumped them backward. when she hit him, i remember that it was the third time she had hit someone with her car. and each time, i saw the person coming and she didn’t. the last time i tried to warn her by saying “mom!” but she didn’t react in time. something like this happened to me recently in real life, my boyfriend lightly hit a pedestrian downtown. not enough to actually hurt him but he pulled up and didn’t see the guy. but i saw him. anyway so back to the dream, after she hit the guy we pulled into my college campus (which was another dream but i don’t remember), but when we pulled up like 5 men rolled up on us and one of them was a white man with a beard and a top hat and he was holding a small map up for some reason and he was like “are you on any illegal substances?” and in my head my mom wasn’t because she hadn’t taken anything, but she told the man “ahhh yeah i took a gummy!” and at that point my mom had transformed to my theatre teacher and she was just like “yeah!! i’m high.” and he was like “come with me” i think but i woke up. there was so much more to the dream, i think my college was haunted the end