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25 Nov 2023



I was being raided by aliens on a giant farm with my family who raised lots of sheep. The aliens showed up on our large field and started killing everyone so I made an escape to my home. My home had no power and there was dead sheep laying around that I kept tripping over. One of the green aliens followed me and got inside my home. I grabbed a broom with stiff wire bristles made from copper and fled to the stairs of my home. The green alien towered over me but I climbed the stairs to gain some height over him. He crept around the stair case which startled me because I couldn't see anything but his large eyes and his silhouette inching towards me. I yelled at the creature and jabbed my wire broom In his direction. My eyes adjusted to the darkness as it revealed my damage done to the alien. Along his body he was bleeding and wounded; countless holes were piecered into his body, all gushing out blood. Out of fear I continued stabbed and thrashing away with the wire broom, he would laugh and yell that he was enjoying my brooms actions. The alien let out a tireless giggle and told me to keep going as he pushed up the stairs. I panicked as I was getting pushed back against the wall if the staircase. He started to tower over me again, his blood pouring out onto every step, onto my hands and my broom. I pushed off the wall with my leg, leaping onto him with my other, we both fell down the stairs as he grabbed my shirt and started to rip through it. I pinned him to the bottom of the stairs, straightening myself from his grasp of long sharp fingers scratching into my back. He screams in panic as I place the handle of my wire broom to his throat, his eyes widen more than they were before, his pupils thinning and thickening every second in panic and terror. My broom reconstructs itself, it's handle turning into a bladed saw. I start slicing into his throat but it does not seem to cut through his skin. I start to panic as his screams echo and make my ears ring, his claws grow deeper into my sides and his legs start kicking beneath me. I quickly hop up from my mounted position, his claws break through all my flesh cutting rows of slices down my torso and hips. I place my foot upon his face, digging my shoe into his intimidating large eyes. As I raise my wire broom far above me, I take a deep breath and tightly grip the sharp saw blade handle, the blood dripping down my arms. The prickly wire bristles at the end of the broom starts puncturing his throat little by little. He screeches in pain as he is no longer numb to my attempts. I raise the broom above my head again, jabbing into the same spot over and over. My hands become heavy, hot, and wet. The alien tries stopping me, shredding my leg, swaying his other arm in the air in hopes for a chance to stop his suffer able and painful death. I continued to hack away at his throat, the breaking noises of his veins and flesh exploding each blow. Eventually, all that was heard was blood hitting the floor and the lifeless body that layed beneath me. I took a step back to view the corpse of whom I just slaughtered, practically unidentifiable whether it was human or not. The creature's green skin stained with both our blood, and his flesh turning a rotting brown.

25 Nov 2023



I was with my boyfriend, but... He found out that I am in love with the girl and even though we talked about these things he just left without saying anything and my family was not able to understand the situation and the weird thing. Then I wanted to be with the girl but she said to me that I should be with that boyfriend but he said to me that I should be with the girl and he disappeared during the night. He took all his stuff away and I couldn't cry. I so much wanted to cry but it looked really pathetic and weird and anything went away. I just couldn't really cry. and then there was this theatric show where Anne Hathaway played and also a one male leading character and he went to me and asked me out into the pool so we went to the date to the pool but the weird thing about all that is that I was left by my boyfriend because of I was a lesbian and I was starting to accepting that I will be with the girls and I was trying to find a bright side about all breakup situation and then there I am hooking up with a man which is weird




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

25 Nov 2023

Running away


I had a very weird dream that included aliens and near-death experiences. My dream made me feel scared and overwhelmed. so from what I remember in the dream I was somewhere not home in a hotel type of location And there were these people who were making all the decisions about what's going to happen. There was a man with a snake, a venomous snake. And he said that if I don't bring him this one person, then the snake will eat me. And it seemed like the other people around stole something from him and he wanted it back. And he gave everyone until a certain time in the day. and when I came back looking for this person that he wanted to get it seemed that the time has run out and the snake was eating everyone And I was running away to not get eaten by the snake too. And I was telling him, I didn't steal the thing or person from you, don't let the steak eat me. And then he said something like that he believes me, but I still need to be punished for not bringing the person on time so He told that he took the venom out of the snake, but he will bite me and I got bitten on my arm by the snake And then I ran away from the bus, and I was again in this hotel location, and I saw that the people that were actually making decisions took off their masks. And they were in fact aliens and they were super ugly and they're one of them it's like we need to make sure that nobody's here and I was hiding behind the door at the balcony. And they were talking about something very confidential, but I don't remember what it was. and one of them was climbing the wall and I was about to get into the balcony and I took him and I threw him into the water to drown him It unfortunately alerted the other aliens, which then were running after me and wanted to kill me. So I decided that the best way to get away from this is to go in the water, and I went in the water and was swimming. It was really pretty where I was. I dived in, but I couldn't get in deep enough because my body kept floating up. And then I hid under this area that was covered by wood underwater. And I thought I could, if I put my mouth up just enough, I will be able to breathe. Then I saw one of the aliens came back dressed as a woman and was setting up gears, equipment for diving in the water. And while she was preparing that, I was thinking about how to get away from here. And then I woke up.

25 Nov 2023



I had a dream where i saw alot of F1 drivers at the airport but they knew me already. I was with my mom and my grandma and my mom's name was wrong on the ticket so they wouldn't let her pay for it with her card so Daniel Riccardo paid for it and my mom didn't know who it was and i was like "omg that litteraly was Daniel Riccardo a formula 1 driver" and then he heard me and smirked and then we were on the plane and then had to make an emergency landing by a park and then we got out like nothing and it was an awards ceremony and Charles, Pierre, Daniel, Carlos, and Max were there. And so Charles was talking with me and stuff and then yk how in dreams it changs but not really. So i woke up in like some place and i walked outside and it was like a family reunion but not but Mr rumbler and Mr Jones were taking people to the water park but i was napping inside and i go out and F1 drivers were there again and i walked out and i was walking and talking with lewis Hamilton with Mr rummler right behind. And i see my dad there talking to Charles and i was talking to my grandma and she was about to give me money and i go back inside talking with her and Charles is back in there and he smirked at me. And i barley remember what happened after that but i know that i went back to the airport and they were all there and i said by to all of them if i saw them like Carlos was siting in one of those black chairs they have by the airport and he was wearing a black disposable mask and he pulled it down and took my hand but i was still walking so it like glided and then Charles already had fans and paparazzi and so i waved and he smirked back and waved . And thats all i remember

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