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25 Nov 2023

Running away


I was out with my friends eva and giorgia after school. We walked somewhere around prague. After awhile we got cold and bored so we decided to get bubble tea (cha-time). It was cozy there. They picked their tea but i didn't know what to pick. There are the electronic sheets for orders. I stood there for like 15 minutes trying to pick something. I knew what i wanted but i couldn't find it. It was complicated. I kept pressing some buttons ordering the wrong things! Suddenly the salesman told me im blocking the front, although we were the only people there, so i stood next to the sheet and told him they should have the menu printed out on paper. He was quite handsome. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, slightly tanned skin, white shirt, jeans, white shoes and black apron. He was wearing glasses. I just gave up with the sheet and ordered some random drink. When i was about to pay, i couldnt find my credit card but i found it in my wallet. The receipt came out and ive got an order number 37. I stepped next to the checkout and looked around for my friends. I couldnt find them, but then i saw them sitting in the back with empty bottles. Giorgia was laying on the chair and eva was watching videos on tiktok. The salesman yelled "number 37" and laid down some yellow drink with many many boba pearls. That definitely wasnt my drink but the number was mine! I looked at my receipt and it was number 36. I thought it was weird but since it was such familiar number, i didnt think much of it. I mustve misread it before. Then the salesman yelled another numbers and people took their orders. Then i finally saw him make my drink so i got up. I took the receipt out my pocket, it was crumpled, and there wasnt number 37. In fact ut wasnt even a number. It was something weird between letter d and o. It was also really bold. It had purple and blue coloring. It freaked me out. I took my drink and forgot about the recipe. I ran towards my friends because i realized weve been there forever. Giorgia said she has to go home really quickly because her dad is strict. She picked up her jumper, so did eva and they started running down some path. It was a dirt path on a hill and it lead to some road next to a football field. We were in some village. Ive never been there before. I yelled at my friends to wait for me so i can at least put on my jumper but they didnt listen. They ran away. I was sad. I tried chasing them but they were too fast. As i ran down the path, my classmates (adri, bara) appeared around me. I was confused. I asked them how they got here and fhey told me that anicka (my other classmate) is finally ok and its the end of school. The dream had dark coloring, i felt weird the whole time.

25 Nov 2023



I was visiting a monastery and I had to sign some waiver to get in. I remember seeing something about the monk supervising that rubbed me the wrong way but I can’t figure out why. But I still wanted to visit the temple and meet the monks, look around at all the architecture and feel the energy of the place. I did see a few of monks walking around and going in the opposite direction of where I was going. They went right, I went left. I didn’t get a chance to go to the temple, I was there with a group of people and one of them freaked out and ran off. We had to run after him and chase him. After running through this field of tall, dry, straw like plants, sorta like the kind we see on tv. We ran into a fenced in area like a baseball outfield and then caught him there. When we did catch him I told him I was mad at him, I can’t remember exactly why but I think it was that he made us take the time to chase after him when he could’ve just talked to us. After that we talked about getting food and we saw a noodle restaurant. We went in, the tables were all full and some trash on the ground, but it was empty. It looked like a very outdated building and I remember thinking that it must be good if people still come here regardless of the interior. I think I woke up somewhere around this point.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

25 Nov 2023



Last night I dreamt that I was getting married. Everything was so disorganized. There was no groom. The place I was lining up by looked like Blessed Sacrament the church where my grandma was the choir director. The music started and random kids started walking down the aisle but I didn’t have my dad there so I waited. The next thing i knew the music stopped and as I walked through the door I saw it was a restaurant not a church. Everyone was leaving. I found my dad and tried to tell everyone to go back inside. Some did but others just left. The next thing I knew I was in a completely different restaurant with my friend Alanna. It was like a cafe and we were there to talk but I told her I had just been at a table upstairs and that I left something up there that I had to get. It was a can of Pepsi. I told her I was going to get it and come right back but instead of going upstairs I went to my wedding reception. It was on the sidelines of a football game while a game was going on. When I arrived I tried to make an entrance by doing gymnastics down a railing on the steps of the bleachers which were facing the wrong way. A few people noticed but most did not care. Supposedly whoever I was marrying was in the football game and too busy to be bothered . I found my daughter sitting under a big tent that was on the sideline and she asked me where I went and what was going on . I told her I had to get my Pepsi (I do not even drink or like Pepsi). Then she said that the tent was collapsing because of the meth had at the end . I told her someone needed to tell them the tent needed to stay up ands to get out . She ran and fixed the tent. I raced back to the restaurant but when i I got to the table my friend was gone. I started crying and then she came up behind me and said, “What’s wrong?” And offered to sit back down . The host would not give us another table and tried to force us out. I told him I just needed to get my Pepsi and he told me that he through it away. There was an episode when I tried to find my car but I couldn’t. Then I wasn’t sure what it looked like. I started to get into one car and then another but when I got into the one I was sure was the right one someone started to yell at me to get out of their car ., My friend was gone and I had no where to get anywhere. I didn’t know where I was or what was going on.

25 Nov 2023

My crush


So I was doing nothing just minding my business, in a temple and was feeling that my first crush shoulve been here cz I was missing him so much. And then I was taking a left turn, when I saw him coming down the stairs. He was helping his parents to come down. And I was so happy that I was almost gonna shout when I saw his girl bestfriend come along with his parents. And my heart shattered. I remembered that he texted me that she doesn't hang out with her parents anymore, so she is always with his parents. So I just went near him and said hi. He was so happy to see me. But I just said hi and went ahead. After some time I saw him again, and when I went to him, he was kinda sad. With me. So I texted him asking "dude what happened" And he sent me a text back saying, "only hi? No hugs??" And trust me I was sooo happy!!! I texted him saying, "no I thought your friend was there so should I come close to you or not. And I was actually gonna hug you and say your name ". He just sent me a laughing emoji and said," so do it now" and I was screaming!!!! I just went near him and we both said, "now what?". We both laughed and then I hugged him so tight😶 and then we were together for the rest of the time

25 Nov 2023

New Job


To dream you are alone at an old age signifies a few underline matters. It doesn’t mean that is the age you are going to die as dreams just don’t work that way. Dreams are formed from your subconscious and since you spend most of your time alone (say the weekend) your dream submerged from that. It’s possible you are missing something in your life; dying of old age in a dream or seeing a pregnant woman have similar meanings (new beginnings). Your dream basically represents how you feel about yourself deep inside. Dreaming of being old signifies closing the door and symbolizes the end of your old life. Maybe your going to start something new, meet the woman of your dreams or start something new with racing! On the other hand your dream could represent something you need to get rid of whether that’s a hobby or even your old way of thinking. Also refers to wise decisions; maybe you’re nervous about dying alone?

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