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7 Feb 2024



This is a recurring dream I had a lot as a kid. I would be alone in a solid white room but there were no walls. Completely quiet and empty, only I was there. Then, very suddenly, hundreds of faceless people would just appear all around me. All of them were talking to me at the same time. Then, just as suddenly, they would disappear. It almost felt like waves coming and going. And I would always get this feeling before falling asleep, like I could sense the dream coming.




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7 Feb 2024



A work dream where we are in a fancy office, I am at my limit with my job and try to leave early whilst getting snubbed by my boss and some employees. everyone is unhappy or distraught. One coworker tyler gets a new job and it is the first time he looks genuinely happy. My boss has to go to court and we all are wearing ultra fancy outfits. We are driving in a brown fancy car that is Tyler’s. Downtown is going crazy with wildness, dogs chasing wild animals that have gotten loose. I crash a bus that I drive down this wild and crazy road and feel disoriented. I am flying in some kind of open car with coworkers and other people related to wanting to escape the city. I drop my purse down onto an old rooftop where I used to work. Somehow I get down and off the car onto the ground below but I am disoriented and can’t tell which direction is my home or to safety. a police sees me and tries to arrest me with another cop and witnesses telling me the things I did that are bad. I try to communicate that I am not crazy. I try and say it is a dream but can’t wake up but eventually do.

7 Feb 2024

New Job


I was in a classroom with old friends(Nahila, and Alex), and familiarly new faces, like if I know them from somewhere, like in movies. Anyway, the classroom was pretty chill yet chatty, and batshit crazy. In the class, I was sitting with Alex, and a couple who were acting lovey dovey, but they were really chill, and our topic of the discussion was about “conversate to get praise or to be laid”. Although the conversation was pretty interesting due to the cool bar of taking off “Com” in “company or communication”, it got really bad. Like for me, it was like omg-why me?-no!!, I might be okay-but-not-fine-at-all, bad, especially when the teacher asked for my opinion, with so many eyes on me. Before I could answer, there was a loud noise coming outside of the classroom, and some of us(me, Alex, Nahila and our teacher) rushed to see what was happening. While witnessing the fight, I saw that a white guy who was being pulled back was looking mad as hell yet annoyed, and that man was my guyfriend, Kyle. Seeing him like that was scary/concerning, yet a bit entertaining, but I wanted to go over there and ask him about it, but I was already surrounded by my peers. Plus, some of those peers knows about my platonically close friendship with our friend, so I didn’t want to make it obvious or more embarrassing. After class was over and it was lunchtime, I eventually decided to go over to talk to Kyle. Our conversation started off pretty awkward with us, staring at each other with some toothy shy smiles and jokes going in between those stares. Even during those moment, I already knew what he was saying, it feels like he non-verbally appreciate my hesitantly genuineness in wanting to check on him. Once he sorta told me, I began to tell him about what happened in my class, and he pretty much laughed that hyena-like-yet-silly laugh I would smile at. He then asked me why I was embarrassed to answer the question my teacher asked, and I basically told him, I couldn’t answer because it was too hard of a question, and, I never experienced it. Once I told him that, he said what he usually sorta say to assure me. Afterwards, we just joked around a little while and honestly, it was great.

7 Feb 2024



So it was a whole series based on the same setting like a town or something, supernatural stuff happening. So my mom, Jessica, someone else and I were in this hotel but we had checked out so we were finding ways to maneuver through the hotel into rooms like these glass panels could easily open allowing us to slip in. We discovered this Costco like place that had everything you needed but I was still searching for something to buy during checkout and I couldn’t find anything I actually needed then I remembered I needed film while realizing the store didn’t have any last time. Another scene we were outside or we discovered it while sneaking through different spaces in the hotel but it this gigantic mound of dirt that was kinda sculpted with it slightly shifting. Another scene included me and one of my friends trying to get out of the parking lot but I was having to control the cars shift gears and we kept getting blocked in and I told my friend to just exit but she felt that we wouldn’t be able to with causing damage to the car. At the end, I was in a classroom like setting with several familiar faces including an old friend Kaylee and everyone was chilling talking when she started rapping. I thought damn she’s good obviously needs some fine tuning but really good.

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