23 Feb 2024
The dream had multiple parts.
In the first I was at school, avoiding a teacher who would cause trouble. I ended up sneaking out of the school and walking home on the forest path after, with witches and skeletons laying down to relax on the grass.
When I got home a boy followed me there.
In another part, I was trying to sleep upstairs in a restaurant, but the ladder was broken. I had to lock myself in the entryway as boys were trying to push through the doors to hurt me. After I escaped, I kicked at the boys. Later I saw a woman sleeping on the main floor, there was blood everywhere.
Near the end of the dream, I was helping an old friend find her house. She had a new mom, but there were 20 computers there. The house was partly in a huge cave, it was simultaneously an office and a party. The people there had something to hide in their servers... and shut it down if you tried to look.
Eventually the dream shifted again, I was catching fish, throwing most of them back because their innards were black. Then the ocean got dark around me. It was full of oil. I made my way back to town, and it was frozen... The stone paths were slippery, but I ended up living decently making desserts with berries there.