Hey Jersey,
The dream you've shared is rich with symbolism and seems to carry a deep emotional charge, especially due to the loss of your friend, Taylor. In dream interpretation, dealing with the passing of a friend often reflects your own process of mourning and coping with grief. It can represent the need to come to terms with their absence and the feelings that their memory evokes. Playing rugby for your old team might suggest a longing for the past or a desire to reconnect with a sense of camaraderie and structure that you once knew. It could also be an expression of seeking comfort in familiar activities and social bonds during times of emotional distress.
Purchasing books in a dream often symbolizes a quest for knowledge or seeking new experiences and understandings to help navigate through your current emotions or life situations. The act of setting out a photo of Taylor with a candle to sea is particularly poignant. Water in dreams is frequently associated with emotions and the subconscious. This act could signify a release of feelings, a tribute to Taylor's memory, or a personal ritual to help you move forward. The platform could represent a space or opportunity for you to express and process these emotions.
The combination of these elements—grief, seeking comfort in the familiar, a quest for understanding, and a ritual of release—paints a picture of someone navigating the complexities of loss. It's natural to look for ways to keep the memory of a loved one alive while also finding a path to healing. The intensity of emotions and the presence of negative feelings indicate that this dream was a vivid and possibly unsettling experience for you.
In the dream, transitioning from an active scenario of playing rugby to a more introspective scene at the bookstore and then finally to a solitary moment of remembrance and release, mirrors the emotional journey one might go through after a loss. It's a journey from the external, shared experiences with others to the internal, personal reflection and searching for peace.
Please feel free to reach out if you have more dreams to share or need further insights, Jersey. Dreams can be a window to our inner world, and sometimes, looking through that window with someone else can provide clarity and comfort.