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25 Feb 2024



it was daytime and me and many others were running out of a building or a house or something because it was overflowing with maggots of all sizes and shapes and as we tried to avoid touching them there was fungus and oversized bacteria moving around and soon it was like an ocean of maggots and gross rotting bacteria and mold and I woke up

25 Feb 2024



Had a dream where I went over to someone's family house (wife, husband, son, and baby) I accidentally somehow killed there baby but they didn't notice yet so I hid the body in the there basement and locked the door and snuck out through the window to keep it locked after this I went back inside to pick up my shoes but I wanted the dad to Pay me first but he wanted to see the work first while he went to check it I put on my shoes and ran besides the house they saw me and started chasing me but I juked them and ran to my house I then locked the door and hid in a closet found the gun. But then I heard banging sound down the hallway and said it would be better to die then get arrested. so I tried to kms but no more bullets and then da door ooened it was the dad and he was here for revenge and he started choking me saying you killed my baby and asked for cash you got some balls




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25 Feb 2024



i was at my bonus grandparents house, and i was trying to do a clay project in the guest bedroom. i went outside and watched a few videos on how to do it since it was a trend going around. you make a hole in the floor for the mold, pour the clay in, and wait for it to dry. it should be a rubbery texture and bouncy. i was sitting in the chair outside, and i start spinning. my bonus grandpa came out on his golf cart with a lawnmower attached to it and was driving it backwards, mowing his lawn. but it was already short so idk what he was doing lol. but i was getting really dizzy in the chair so i jumped off of it, and saw how it was spinning me. it felt like everything was spinning as well, but it was just the chair spinning. this chair had a chain on the bottom of it, the chair was practically levitating, and it was just swinging me around in circles.

25 Feb 2024

Old Man


so in my dream, i was at my friend’s house (that looked entirely different to her actual house) and it was fairly normal it seemed at first. i was staying in a spare bedroom that was kind of filled with storage. it was a run-down house like a crack head house but also looked that that bih would be haunted. so anyway, creepy asf, i had my cart n nic with me n shit and i sat down on the mattress jus like thinkin to myself, and then i saw smoke in the air. i got creeped out bc i didnt hit anything but why was there smoke in the air?? and for some reason jasper (my cat) was there and he was meowing like crazy to be let out, so i stood up to open the door and get tf out of there. but there’s this small mirror next to the door and i caught a glimpse of it in my eye, and in the reflection there was an old man standing behind me. i turned around and he wasnt there anymore but atp i knew it was time to get tf out. jasper ran into the nearest room which happened to be a bathroom. if the doors were open, you could see into the bedroom from standing in the bathroom doorframe. i was standing at the bathroom doorframe and i turned around to see if i could see the ghost dude, but instead i just saw a blanket slowly lifting into the air that had been tied into a knot. i turned around and tried to shut the door but that’s when i heard running footsteps come towards me and the ghost/demon was tryna open the door. i was tryna keep his ass OUT it was so fucking creepy. and idk how to even explain this, but while i was tryna hold the door shut, i saw word pop up that said β€œget mike” or something, and it was like part of the door.. idk what that means but still that was terrifying

25 Feb 2024



I was in a hotel in Amsterdam with Mounya and Cody. We wanted to give the hotel a 5 star review because it was very good. Then the hotel manager came to do a check for the review. Because the review had to be based on facts. She wanted to trash the whole room. If they found something that was incorrect, we would not be allowed to leave a good review. Copy and Mounya were afraid that I had done something wrong in the room and that there were drugs, for example. Then we gave the woman permission and a whole army team came in to search. Cody and Mounya then left the next day and I was left alone. It was Christmas then and Po was coming to Amsterdam to celebrate Christmas. I had planned to go with a white tour boat that was completely decorated, where we could take photos for Instagram. He was a bit vague about coming and then he told me he was angry with me. During that time I was cycling through Amsterdam trying to find where the boat was because I had forgotten to book. He said he didn't want any more contact but would only come this time. He told me he didn't want to be friends anymore and was now friends with a guy named Patrick. This was because I couldn't go on a trip to Bali with him. Then later I saw that he had posted a photo on Instagram. Here Po suddenly had a lot of chest hair and he was in a beachclub in Bali. In the second photo he was having dinner there with Patrick. In the photo they were eating steak with caviar. Po had captioned it: 'At least Patrick won't let me down to go to Bali.' I was very hurt then.

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