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24 Mar 2024

New Job


I had a dream where I started in a whole new school, in a whole new place, with all new people. I somehow got in with the popular crowd. Now, this school had a lot of events, and there were a lot of people at this event, including the most popular girls boyfriend. Now, for some reason, this girl's boyfriend really liked me. I liked him too, but I wasn't allowed to because of social dynamics. And he wasn't allowed to like me either. So Now, this popular girl got jealous. Because Every time something special was happening for her, something special seemed to be happening for me. Even though I'd never said anything. But her boyfriend somehow knew. So, on her birthday, it was my birthday too. And the boyfriend got me a cake. But he also got her a cake. My cake was smaller and not as nice. But it didn't matter, because he got me a cake. And According to his girlfriend, only she should have a cake. Especially from her boyfriend. Now, this happens at most events. Every time she had something, I had something. I never said anything, but her boyfriend knew. One time, they were having a party at someone's house. And the boyfriend comes up to me, and he's being really sweet. And really nicely, but he's not spending any time with his girlfriend, and I'm really confused. I'm like, your girlfriend's right over there, why are you spending so much time with me? And he's like, because I like you, And my girlfriend's a little bit intense. I understand, but still, it's weird for him to completely ignore her. And me and his girlfriend and our whole group have gotten ready for this party for hours. And by us getting ready for the party, I mean we helped her get ready for the party. I had brought a really beautiful dress for her, and she really liked it. In some ways. And she was going to be very upset that her boyfriend wasn't giving her the attention she wanted. We all got drunk and at one point her boyfriend got drunker than I was and he just picked me up and walked away with me and I'm like please put me down. Eventually he stops and he puts me down in a room on the bed. He laid down on the bed next to me, and I'm confused, I'm like, what am I doing here? Why did you bring me here? Can I go? Please? And he's like, you're free to go, but, um, I don't know, I guess I wanted to spend some personal time with you. And then he kisses me. I leave. And Then I wake up.




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24 Mar 2024



Part of it is a bit blurry but I'll try tell what I remember. First, I'm at a bar, wearing a red short dress maybe seeing it in first and third person and it looks like I'm drunk or drugged, and I walked to this weird ice cream dispenser and then I try to walk out by the front door(they are clear glass doors, then what I remember next is being in a truck, like those used in military, and I remember seeing a ex friend(his name was sam and he was taller than me with short dirty blond hair and blue eyes) and two others guys in the truck while it was driving and then he uses this weird looking shot gun, it's black but looks futuristic, and them I thought the same one from like a stall that sells guns and it said exactly "1.00" and I assumed that was the price and then, (again, thirs person) eveything is like someone drew anime and then(I don't know why) two of the giu kissing one on both of the cheeks and the guy in the middle blushed and then everyone's face was red and scared and so were the three guys and then behine them was this giant yellow ball of light with giant eye and then it transformed into this tall bulky guy that was wearing a black tank top and a bit of red appear from the yellow light and had(I'm assuming a giant black sword) then I'm in my mom's Chevy Tahoe truck, singing the song in English and Spanish, started with the words, "mirror, mirror, mirror," but I don't remember thr rest. The my favorite YouTuber, "Kub Scouts" is like playing it, shooting at bathrooms and checking of there's anything bad and one gets blast open by this weird purple thing that has yellow eyes and screams like an alien and then gets shot at then this guy(I can hear his voice) says that you can buy for this amount of money or buy it at this place, etc then I look back at it, it's like I'm seeing the episodes of what I just dreamt about like if it was an anime and then I was like "I have to find this" like I was obsessed with show that I jusy dreamed about and then I wake up.

24 Mar 2024



We were in a big stadium, the starting point to a great, mysterious location. I listened to people talking, my brother being next to me striking conversations with the strangers. He was offered a spot in the middle of the bus and asked me if that was ok, to which I replied that he has a phone so he can find me upon arrival. The talking quiets down as two sisters of older age spoke to us the rules and expectations for the ride. They also said that if you proved you were good, there was a prize. We were then separated into three busses, and I learned then that my brother was moved to a different bus entirely. Getting loaded on, I took note that I was on the white bus, my brother on the blue, and the third one was red. I sat quietly in the back with a stranger that swapped with my brother. As the busses moved, the blue bus was in the middle lane, the white on the end. Things started to get weird when the bus pulled way to far forward, causing cars to swerve not to hit it. Just as quickly, we backed up. There were unseen thuds coming from the other side of the blue bus but we couldn't see anything. As the busses started moving with a green light, the red bus stayed behind as it was practically split in half. People started to panic, but because we knew our bus driver was bad we stayed seated and silent as we moved along. There was a sudden loud pop as the blue bus next to us swerved and hit the side of the white bus, causing both busses to spin out of control. The white bus fell to its side, knocking me down. I hit the seat across hard but it didn't feel as if I broke anything. Fearfully, I took charge and asked if everyone was ok. There were a few that needed some assistance and I offered my help along with a few others that were mostly ok. We saw next to us was the blue bus flipped upside down, but it's shape held firm. Knowing my brother was on that bus I quickly assessed the surrounding streets. Traffic was stopped but no help had arrived yet. With a final check on those who needed help, I opened the back emergency door as it swung down like a ramp. I told everyone to try and get outside if they can. I the raced over to the blue bus and opened the back emergency door on theirs. It was chaos as almost everyone I saw needed help. I called out to those outside that were gonna need extra hand in here. As we puled in and removed those who were able, I desperately searched for my brother. When I found him, he was banged up but visibly ok. Out cold, I carried him outside and made sure he was safe with nothing broken. When I assessed that he'd be ok with no further assistance, I moved on to get the others that were passed out but not too badly damaged outside. Bringing the last one outside, I was grabbed by a big gloved hand; help had arrived. Anyone who needed medical attention in a hospital were first to be wheeled out, the rest treated on-site. A few were asking about the red bus and told that it was taken care of and they'll find out in about 3 hours. They assured them that as of now they knew of only injuries and no confirmed deaths. On our busses, the white bus driver was arrested for starting the red bus accident and the blue bus driver was pronounced dead at the scene. We were slowly brought to safety, my brother laying next to me in a grassy patch, as I looked up my exact location and called my dad to come get us as we were safe to go. After the call I looked up and sighed, feeling my heartbeat slow and the adrenaline finally leave my system. I played down next to my brother and just felt the slight pounding of the painful areas as blood fought its was to the openings. I then closed my eyes and the feeling stopped.

24 Mar 2024



I had a dream that l ate an edible and I was so high I couldn't move. I was stuck in my room and it felt like the room expanded and got bigger. It felt real and I was scared. My phone was on the other side of the room playing music and I could hear notifications going off as the phone buzzed but it was taking me hours just to get to that side of the room. I moved super slow, when I would try to keep my head up straight it felt heavy, my tongue was numb, my hands were numb, and my feet would tingle, I could hear the water dropping out of a faucet so clearly, I would see things in the room move in my peripheral view and would close my eyes constantly, I was making progress with my movements, I would try to sit down, then try to move again. When I woke up it was around 5:20 PM and I fell asleep around 3:00 PM I forgot I was laying in my bed. The dream felt so weird

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