Dream interpretation about Fire, Parent, Yelling, New Job, Teacher, Bus, Child, Gym, Class, Wall, Walking, Against, Going, Helping, My Room, Stress
I was at work and there was a fire that started across the area that we were in in the gym and so I started yelling that there was a fire and then we all got against the wall with our classes to make sure everybody was there and there was a New teacher in my room that was helping but I guess she couldn’t walk or something so she was not standing up so it was just me and another teacher, but she wasn’t even with us so I was trying to get all the kids together but everybody was so crowded so I was hoping everybody was there and next thing I remember we were all on a bus and we went to some waterpark thing where the parents were going to pick up their kids. I was stressed that I didn’t have everybody because everybody was just running all over the place
Dream date:
8 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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