Dream interpretation about Falling, New Job, Car, Driving, Hotel, House, Bag, Door, Stuff, Chocolate, Ask, My Room
I needed to find somewhere to stay and I asked my mom if I could stay at her house and she said yes but I didn't end up staying there I went to a hotel and as I was driving to the hotel I realized I was in the backseat of the car but somehow still driving and I fell asleep and when I woke up I was back at the hotel. It was a haunted hotel and to stay there you had to work at the McDonald's next door and I was on the phone trying to get a job at this McDonald's even though I really didn't want to work there. and the door to my room was open and there was a bag sitting in the doorway that had chocolates and stuff in it and I started getting rreally paranoid that someone knew where I was
Dream date:
15 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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