Dream interpretation about My crush, Mother, Leaving, Friend, Kissing, Hugging, Mad, Celebrity, Girl, Point, Paper, Ask, Going, Playing
my dream was last night i dreamt about going to see a celebrity i had a crush on and i saw a girl trying to go at him too and i saw she had a lot of paper so i asked her for one to get his autograph and she said yes and then she got mad at the celebrity and when she went for a hug he didn’t hug her and when i tried hugging him it felt like he liked me the hug was so comforting and he said i reminded him of his friend and the song ‘higher by tems’ started playing so i wispered the song into his ear and when it was done i tried kissing him and he kind of backed away and he said ‘why’d u push me?’ and i said i didn’t so at the point i started ignoring what he said because i was heartbroken n told my mom if we could leave already
Dream date:
23 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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