Dream interpretation about Apocalypse, Attack, Trapped, Zombie, Snake, Escaping, Leaving, Moving, Eye, House, Man, Baby, Looking, Walking, Glasses, Cup, Guide, outside, Speak
My dream about a zombie apocalypse, as i entered a house i found a rattle snake trapped under a glass plate in a sink which began escaping after the glass moves and a man comes in who speaks for and to the snake coming to guide it into a cup, which was the only thing we had, to remove snake. I look down and see I have a bite on my right forearm. The snake listened to the man as he spoke directly and firmly to it, only for it to leave babies inside the cup, and disappear, the man says "you know what they say about taking your eyes off of snakes" only for the snake to be suddenly around him, biting him and he walks it outside. Then I wake up. I have a similar dream before.
Dream date:
26 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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