Dream interpretation about Police, New Job, Aunt, Car, Family, Living, World, Cousin, Looking, Conversation, Against
i was living in texas with my ‘family’. i don’t know these people in the waking world, but they were my family in the dream. i think me and someone i was close to was trying to solve a murder case with the police, but we were also really against the government. everyone in the u.s didn’t trust the government. we were looking at the sticker the police put on the car, and it said “TXS 2”. and me and whoever i was with looked at each other and said “there’s 2 texas’s??”. then i remembered a conversation me, my aunt, and cousins had earlier. they were talking about how immigrants were gonna take over america and take all of the factory jobs, then our jobs once they got degrees. i was against what she was saying at first, but once i saw the “TXS 2” sticker, it made me loose trust in the government.
Dream date:
15 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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