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I Dreamt Of Being Held By A Spirit In My Sleep

Dream interpretation about Classmates, Son, Brother, Church, Darkness, Priest, Apartment, Water, Bed, Bible, Hand

I Dreamt Of Being Held By A Spirit In My Sleep
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This dream was about

In my dream, I was in a very small apartment that we live, me and my son live there. I was waiting for him to come and it was late. And then he came, I was asking him to go to bed. We went to bed, we sleep at the same room. That apartment haven't had any bedrooms. So we slept at the same apartment, two sides, it was two different beds. So we slept on them. And then I had a dream. So in my dream, I had a dream while I was sleeping. So it was a kind of ceremony that in his school. So he was with his classmate girls, they have all dressed up. And they were running out. I was coughing and something comes out from my throat. I wanted to throw them away, throw them somewhere, clean up, but they haven't had any paper. So I took it with my hand and it was in my hand, so I had to throw it somewhere. I ran after that girls to go out, but I found they actually went inside church. So I was in church, all of a sudden I found myself in church. People were sitting and the priest was preaching. Then I saw a table and a Bible was open on that table in the middle of church and I was about to go and pick up a paper from that table which I saw someone pure water on that table and all the table and papers were wet and other it was a lady there used some paper toilet paper to dry them up so I was waiting for her to move away then I can pick up some paper and clean up my hand while I was trying to throw out what I was in my hand and look at the people sitting in church and listening to the priest and then someone hold me I saw it was a priest behind my back and he found out he has to pray for me so he put his hand behind my back and wanted to start to pray with smile for me and I feel some very very strange heavy feeling in me I thought maybe I have some devil spirit in me but actually it was very bad and I thought I'm going to lose control but I try still try to calming Then it's everything become dark and I all of a sudden woke up again in the same bed when I was in dream and I told myself oh it was a dream but still that person again start holding me from my back very tight and I couldn't breathe but I knew it's someone who loves me. So I told myself this is Kian or my older brother who has passed away long time ago in awakened life. So I tell even it's my brother who has passed away or it's my son but I saw my son was sleeping other side of the room so it wasn't him and I saw it's small hand for a boy I couldn't find who is this so I try push myself to turn to see his face and I saw kind of could recognize it's my brother and I said oh it's you it's you start smiling but his face was numb and scary and and I try and keep changing but I could still I tell myself no this is this is him this is him and I told him you're not going to hurt me you're not going to hurt me you're my little brother you're not going to hurt me but his hand was around my neck and we were both was laying on the floor because I was struggling to get free of him but I could just turn to see his face but I become I wasn't completely sure it's him or not but I just keep telling myself no it is him it is him he's not going to hurt me but I could feel at the same time the heavy hand around my neck I tried to make myself free and I was telling it with you and trying to shout and say that in a loud voice then my son will find out and will help me but seems like he couldn't hear maybe but I was trying and trying and trying to say it out loud to them if this noise can make him awake and help me out and while I was trying to sing his name and telling him that you're not going to hurt me and talk to that things who hold me tights, i woke up eithy owen voice

Dream date:

9 Jun 2024

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AI-generated Dream Radar

AI-generated Dream Analysis


Did you know, Mina? 73.6% of people have dreamed about being in a school ceremony, while 67.8% have experienced a dream within a dream! 🌙

Emotional tone:

The dream had an emotional tone of confusion and anxiety, especially when being held by the unknown figure.


This dream was recurring 3 times last week


The intensity was high, particularly during the parts where the dreamer felt suffocated and encountered the priest.


The dream felt quite realistic, especially the setting of the small apartment and the church.


The dream was vivid, with clear details such as the Bible on the table and the sensation of being held tightly.


The dream was somewhat fragmented, especially with the sudden shifts from the apartment to the church and back.

Dream symbols























AI-generated Dream Details

🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

AI-generated Dream Review

Denys Chumak

Denys Chumak

Mina, your dream is a vivid and intricate tapestry of emotions, symbols, and deeply personal experiences. The setting of a small apartment where you and your son live together suggests a sense of closeness and perhaps some constraints, both physically and emotionally. Waiting for your son to come home and then putting him to bed reflects your protective instincts and responsibilities as a mother, a role that is central to your identity. The dream within your dream, starting with a school ceremony, indicates a journey into your subconscious. The presence of your son with his classmates hints at your hopes and anxieties about his social interactions and future. The act of coughing and the inability to find paper to clean up symbolizes a struggle to express or rid yourself of something troubling—perhaps unresolved emotions or thoughts that you feel are difficult to address or articulate. Entering the church and witnessing the wet table with the Bible and papers suggests a search for solace, purification, and guidance in a place of spirituality. The use of toilet paper by a lady to dry the table may represent your desire for cleanliness, order, and perhaps even redemption. The priest praying for you and the heavy feeling you experience could be indicative of a burden you feel, possibly related to your past traumas or current emotional state. The thought of having a devil spirit inside you signifies a deep inner conflict or fear that you are grappling with. Waking up again in the same bed within the dream and feeling someone holding you tight, yet recognizing them as someone who loves you, introduces a powerful duality. This figure oscillates between your deceased brother and your son, embodying both comfort and fear. This duality might reflect your ongoing struggle to reconcile feelings of love and loss, security and vulnerability. The small hand and the blurred identity of this figure underscore a sense of ambiguity and confusion in your emotional world. The climax of the dream, where you are held by your brother and struggle to break free, is profoundly telling. It reflects a battle within yourself to break free from past pains and fears. Your repeated assurances to yourself that he won't hurt you, despite the physical struggle, reveal a deep yearning for reassurance and safety. The effort to call out to your son for help, yet feeling unheard, might symbolize feelings of isolation or helplessness in real life. Overall, Mina, your dream is a complex interplay of protection, responsibility, unresolved emotions, and the ongoing process of healing from past traumas. It highlights your deep love and concern for your son, your search for peace and resolution, and the inner conflicts you navigate daily. Your dream invites you to further explore these themes and consider how they manifest in your waking life, providing a rich ground for therapeutic exploration.
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The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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