Dream interpretation about Ex, Fire, Teacher, Video Game, Class, Rabbit, Festival, Firefighter, Grocery
I was in class and the whole class was messing around, one person was taking pictures of himself, I knew because there was a led light around the phone that worked like a thermovision camera, but it changed it's light with movement, not temperature. when suddenly, half of the class runs out and the teacher runs after them. The guy with the camera sits next to me, so I take a picture of him from above from his phone and tell him he looks very handsome. He asks me to tell him why he dies, but all I could think to say is that he looks like a monkey. Ofc I didn't say it, but I felt guilty I couldent think of a genuine compliment, because he rally did look handsome. Anyways, the teacher gives us worksheets to work from and like no ones doing them, and he leaves. I do a lil bit of it and then another teacher comes into the room and supervises us. I just talk with the other guy. The teacher tells us to do work, so I quickly do a lot of the worksheet, and then the other teacher comes back, and goes straight to me and checks my worksheet. I even got complimented by the previous teacher that I did my work very fast, but I thought this teacher wouldn't like it that I didn't finish all of it. No, he was proud of me. Then the atmosphere changes from a bright lit room to a darker but u can still see in it room. Some girls were came in advertising their stand for a festival. They were giving out samples of sweets which people had to pay for. It was overall an uncomfortable atmosphere, because others didn't think we'll of their anime interest, they were judging them, and also they would go up to you and ask if u wanted one. So one girl came up to me and I said I have allergies, she asked me again if I wanted one and I repeated that I have allergies. Another person with a bag of takis asked me if I wanted one, I said I have allergies, shes more persistent tough, she spills some of the takis on my table and I say woooah what am I supposed to do with them, I mean I'm alergic, u don't want me to get an allergic reaction right? I wanted her to feel guilt so she wouldn't do that again. Okay so it's very dark out and I go outside and my Spanish teacher asks me if I need a ride, I say I do and he takes me out of the school onto the road, I tell him I still have classes and I want to get out of the car, he takes some time to stop (I even doubted if he would) and then I run and see my house was on fire, the 2 Christmas trees inside and on the front yard. So I run into the house to help, I grab a bucket of water and my mom says I shouldent use it cause the trees are connected to electrical outlets. She tells me to grab a wet cloth and throw it over the buringing tree, I do it badly and I thought she was gonna yell at me, but she just puts it on right. I ask her if she called the fire department and she says yes. Then I go to the other tree and blow out the fire on it. Then a firefighter comes and gives a diploma for my sister for being a good firefighted. Then a dream scene change happens, So I was at a groccery store with my family and theere wasent a worker at the till, so my mom decided to scan the grocceries for the lady. Then she acanned my uncles groceries and then I decided to scan my families grocceries. The atmosphere was blue, even tough we were all happy and the situation was nice. Then me and my family with my cousin Maks are going to some haunted place to enjoy ourselves. I grab a carrot out the car and suddenly a rabbit appears on the track, I scare it away but running towards it and I keep walking in the crows. The. I see a lady that has a horde of rabbits and they all want my carrot, I try running at them but it doesn't work. They are brave and just want my carrot, I even trip over them. Anyways so we get to the first section of the place and it's a bar, where we can eat food and drink drinks. So me and my cousin are talking and I see my ex crush, and I immediately wanna get out of there, I hurry up Maks to finish his drink and we both get out, but then, a video game battle begins, me and Maks vs my ex crush and a guy, it's a couples match. So Maks is Frist and he beats the guy. Then Maks battles my ex crush and I think it's over for him, and I'll have to replace him in the fight, but no, he absolutely crushes her, and he still has a lot of health. Basically, the game will last until one team uses up all 3 of their lives that each player has. But my dream ended here
Dream date:
22 Feb 2025
The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.
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