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Dream About Warm Concoction And Happy Relationships

Dream interpretation about Abandoned home, Anxiety, Game, Relationship, Affection, Child, Daughter, Park, Food, Inappropriate

Dream About Warm Concoction And Happy Relationships
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This dream was about

I dreamt I was in the house with a woman who made me a nice warm concoction with turmeric and milk and it was healing for me, but somehow I didn’t get to drink it and then I was somewhere with a young guy that I really liked; he was really sweet to me and would come up behind me and put his arms around me and he was very caring. I was really happy. My daughter was there. But as in real life, she was unhappy with where we were and wanted to leave even though we were in a beautiful park on a sunny blue sky day. Some odd music was playing and she said something about sour milk and looked unhappy. I was feeling sad because just like in real life, she was wanting to leave the scene before I had had a chance to have any fun. I liked the guy though he was kind and he picked me up at the woman’s house and unfortunately, I left behind the nice warm drink. I felt wasteful and like I was being ungrateful since I didn’t get a chance to drink it. I worried about it and I wanted to go back and get the drink, even though the guy and I had just gone somewhere to get coffee together. I wanted to send the lady a text message to let her know to put it in the refrigerator for me, but then I realized I didn’t have my phone. As we headed to the car after getting coffee, the guy and I, there was a young girl with us, but she went and got onto a bus and I didn’t see her again. At one point in the park, I was taking part in throwing around a ball or kicking it, I think, and I jokingly called it lazy soccer. I think there was a guy there that was subtly making fun of me, but somehow I didn’t catch on and somebody told me I had to watch out for him and they called him the uncle, but he was not my uncle. I didn’t know who he was. So the dream was a an experience with somebody who made me feel good and cared for and yet at the same time, there was an underlying tension of different things mixed in.

Dream date:

22 Feb 2025

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Did you know, Jen? 🌟 In a recent survey, 73.2% of dreamers reported feeling a mix of joy and tension in their dreams, often fueled by warm concoctions and playful relationships! ☕💖


This dream was recurring 1 times last week

Dream symbols

Abandoned home

Abandoned home



















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🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

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